4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 902: Story description

Fear, accompanied by the second generation of the descriptors left the water polo.

It is passed on in the void, and it seems that the descriptor is close to any creature, and they will feel the same fear as it is, and then stay away from it.

The second generation has been recording the things it has encountered, but as time goes by, it slowly does not record anything.

No creature knows how the second-generation descriptor spent this time, but a creature knows its results.

The result of the second generation of the descriptor is that...he died somewhere in the void, it looked like it was attacked by something, and there was only a small amount of debris left in the destruction.

There are also various things that it has observed before.

These records were discovered by another creature, which has since become the third generation of descriptors.

In fact, this story is like this. After many creatures pass each other, I don't know if this information will change compared with the original.

However, it is still passed down at least.

The third generation of the descriptor did not approach the water polo, but it tried to find it. It found that the water polo was not in that position... it seemed to have gone somewhere else.

Later, it looked for a while. When water polo could not be found in many places, it once felt that it should give up searching. Perhaps this story is not true.

Until it encountered the 'will" of the water polo.

It is the feeling of fear, the three generations of descriptors have discovered a world, and the world is filled with fear.

The creatures there are in a state of madness, they are killing each other because of fear, and finally the creatures in the whole world are extinct.

At this time. The three generations of descriptors think that this story is...real.

This fear will be ‘presented’ in some cases. After the present. It looks like a piece of ... a vast ocean, like the world of water polo.

After that, it continued to look for other places to be affected by this fear, but it did not find any fear in any place.

Fear seems to have disappeared, at least within the scope of its exploration.

And this third-generation descriptor has not had any anomalies, and its story has been passed down to other creatures. Then other creatures are passed on to other creatures.

Most of these organisms are of the same species or similar species.

After a lot of creatures have been circulated, this story has not been changed. Although it will add some new content, it is nothing substantive.

Occasionally there will be creatures saying that they have seen water polo, but there is no biological to understand in detail.

Maybe some creatures have done this, and then its story has not been passed down.

At the same time, some creatures also said that they have encountered some... fears, according to the description of various creatures... This phenomenon is very special, because it is a fear of no reason. As soon as you get close to a place, you will have a fear reaction.

Because most creatures have this kind of reaction to fear of dangerous things, but this reaction is caused by something. This particular fear response is determined to happen suddenly when nothing can cause fear.

And occasionally it will always stick a creature.

But this fear is not completely harmful to the creatures. Some creatures are said to like it and are 'fused' with this fear.

Some creatures will also try to study this fear, figure out the secrets inside, and some special creatures have the ability to use this fear.

Legends about the things of fear have always been circulating in the virtual space.

Of course, the rumor is not to say that all creatures know this kind of thing, usually these things are only passed on to each other in the stellar bus.

Occasionally, the Star Bus will tell these stories to the creatures of non-stellar buses, so that these stories are known to more creatures.

It said that this story is known from a certain star bus.


"The story, constantly circulating, is not over yet, I know the story, I will participate."

In front of Lynn’s eyes, the micromachines are telling the stories of it.

“That is, these stories have been circulating for a long time?” Lin said: “In the end, when you learned about these things, you decided to...go to that place?”

"Understanding, not enough, to be clear and clearer." Micro-machines said: "Learn through secrets, secrets, and countless values. Going to unforeseen places is a must, and the things of fear are still spreading, but , it will return."

"Follow the collapse, fear returns to the unpredictable land." Micro-mechanical road: "This is done."

Lynn questioned: "Why do you want to let fear return?"

"They will definitely go back, reason, unknowable."

Lin continued to ask: "...how are you ‘stained’ on fear?”

"Contact, it merges with me." Micro-mechanical road: "We, think together."

"..." Up to now, Lin seems to know a lot of things. It seems that micromachines don't want to hide anything from the sea of ​​fear, although they still hide some.

The reason for the birth of the sea of ​​fear is mainly related to the water polo. This story has been passed down through various creatures that are mostly stellar buses...

Thinking, Lin continued to ask some questions to the micro-machine. What Lin had known before, probably this is...

The first few descriptors were not stellar buses, but their stories were later discovered by the Star Bus and passed on.

The stellar bus itself is not sure how many creatures know the story. Although they are not so enthusiastic about research, they still have special records.

The stellar bus itself believes that water polo may be the 'culprit' of the kind of dangerous creatures that are ... and they are often threatened by such creatures.

That is the creator. These creatures who like to create the world occasionally make and do not act. It is an attack on a stellar bus. They have been fighting the stellar bus for a long time. Some stellar buses think they are a kind of parasitic parasitic. monster.

But for the creatures of the void, the creators are really... creators, they make the multicellular creatures in the sky become prosperous, and many stellar buses themselves don't even know that some creatures and creators are related to them.

In the sea of ​​fear, the Star Bus seems to know little.

Micromachines say it is a kind of creature, and it is said to be integrated with the sea of ​​fear, but these stories are said to be known from the Star Bus. Can it not be directly known through the sea of ​​fear?

Although there are still many problems in it, Lin thought about it and decided to talk to the micro-machine first...

"If there are other ways to go to the unpredictable land, do you still want to collapse?" (To be continued.)

Chapter 902 story description:

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