"Other ways, the program can not be selected, there is no other plan, you must perform the collapse."

"If so?"


"You can try to think about it if you have this."

"Can't think of iàng, discuss the interruption."


Lin looked at the micromachine in front of her and felt it seemed... she had to collapse, not even discussing whether there might be other ways to get there.

After thinking about it, Lin continued to ask: "Do you think there may be other ways to reach the unforeseen place?"

"Crashing, must be carried out, other ways, can not be iàng, can not be executed, collapse, is about to begin." Micro-mechanical road: "can not stop, can not be avoided, collapse, is inevitable."

According to micro-machines... It seems that there are other ways to go, but it has to choose zé to collapse.

"Do you have to collapse, is it because of the sea of ​​fear?" Lin asked.

"The reason, can not be described." Micro-mechanical track: "The purpose of communication, can not be offset, ask again, you, whether you want to stop, whether to interfere with the collapse?"

"Some should be used to compare ... harmless methods." Lin said: "The collapse will cause damage to too many organisms."

"Biology, no value, no need to pay attention." Micro-mechanical road: "The collapse, must be carried out, you, if not approved, you must leave."

It seems that this micro-mechanical is quite stubborn, it has to collapse in any case, but it is also compared... honestly, because it does not say that collapse is the only way. There is no other way than this. Micro-machines just say that it has chosen this method.

"In this case……"

Lin has not sent this information yet. The micro-machine immediately said: "The goal is to stop the collapse, interrupt all communication, and start the previous treatment."

At the end of the moment, the micro-mechanical suddenly changed shape, rushed over to Lin's spy drill bit and completely wrapped the entire spy drill bit.

Lynn felt that it was constantly attacking the outer shell of the drill bit, trying to break down the spy drill bit... It seemed that he immediately decided to attack, and Lin wanted to talk more about it. The main thing is to ask more about the sea of ​​fear.

Thinking, Lin continued to send out some information about it... But the micro-mechanical did not react, as if it had not been communicated before, still attacking the outer shell of the spy drill bit.

Lin let the outer shell of the spy drill bit split open, and put this group of micro-mechanics into it, while arranging the troops inside, will enter the internal micro-mechanical capture, and shut it in the manufactured 'prison'.

Lin's group of spy-shaped spies consists of special structures in which they are placed in tiny “prisons” that can be used to hold small or single micromachines.

but. Because the number of prisons is not enough, Lin still directly decomposed most of the invading micro-machines.

With the action of Lynn. The micro-machines wrapped around it have become thinner and thinner, and slowly it has been unable to cover the spy drill bit.

After solving this group of micro-machines, Lin suddenly found out...

The pile of mechanical remembrance in front of it has disappeared, replaced by a mass of muddy material.

It seems that... Micromachines broke down the pile of memory, that is, it broke down the intelligent machine, why did it break it down?

However, this feeling seems to be a combination of two mechanical integrations.

The spy drill bit moved a little, and the micro-mechanical machine in front of it suddenly dispersed. They turned into small pieces and plunged into the gap of the metal parts underneath, and quickly escaped.

Watching it escape into the position of Qu, Lin let the spy drill rotate at a high speed, and one of the heads plunged into the metal floor, and while the surrounding metal parts were drilled, it also advanced at a high speed.

After drilling more than ten centimeters down, Lin felt that there was an open space in front of it. After drilling a layer of parts and walls, the drill bit fell into this space.

At the moment of entering this space, Lin Noted that this is a vast area with a diameter of one meter, and the surrounding walls are not composed of metal parts. Although it is still metal, it looks white and smooth without any gaps.

On the ground, covered with a thick layer of mud.

Of course, this is not mud, it is a pile of micro-mechanical micro-mechanical accumulation, and there are so many...

The spy drills just fell in the air and fell on top of them... But just as Lynn was ready to meet the attack, the micro-machines suddenly... escaped.

They climbed to the smooth walls on both sides, drilling a large number of holes directly into the wall and leaving the room through the holes.

After a while, they all ran away.

It seems that it has no intention of directly fighting Lin's spies... Maybe they really think that the spy drill is difficult to deal with? But what do they do next?

The civilizations that they intended to use to attack soft creatures have been unable to continue their actions, and the Tibetans’ attack has been prevented.

How do they attack soft creatures? Lin thinks that there should be some ways for micro-machines, but there are still many commemorative units here. Maybe it wants to continue to use them?

In short, grab them first, and Lin has let more troops outside come to this underground space, they will soon be scattered here and capture all the micro-machines.

As for the spy drill bit... Lynn let it climb back to the top along the wall, but the thicker places went back.

The drill bit returned to the position of the previous micro-mechanical communication. This position looks like an ordinary metal parts room, but there are some special things here.

That is, the intelligent machine has been issuing commands to the Tibetans in this position. Here is one... found.

The floor on the ground here is also made up of a pile of metal parts, and among these parts, Lynn sees a few special ones.

These parts look like modulo yàng is something like 'television', they are about two centimeters in size, a total of six in this position, it seems to be just a kind of mixed parts of the floor, but in fact this It is something that smart machines use to... issue instructions.

In fact, it's not just these things that look like TV. In this whole place, there are many parts with similar functions, passing signals, issuing instructions, and of course there are many parts... no waste of any use, Or it's purely building supplies, but there's always a mix of really useful signal transmitters.

The instructions are sent to the armor worn by the memory holders, affecting their cranial nerves through the armor.

Therefore, Lynn can also detect these devices to know what the surrounding Tibetans are doing and what they have... memories.

Lin is now testing, detecting the drill bit using a tentacle to detect each device, and from the above, can find a large number of signals transmitted by the memory.

In fact, these devices are also part of the smart machine, but they are similar to the nerve-transmitting part, not the main part of the mind.

Through them... Lin found that most of the now-remembered people think they are a guard to protect their homes, patrolling and looking for intruders.

There are also some Tibetans who think that they are maintenance personnel who have received urgent tasks and are repairing various damaged parts of the place.

In addition, some Tibetans believe that they are prisoners, all gathered in one position.

Although the prisoners' group of Tibetans were a bit strange, they were not given the memory of attacking the soft creatures, and... they also forgot all the memories of the previous civilizations that attacked them.

Lin felt that this was a bit wonderful, so I continued to observe here and studied the installation here.

Lin found that there is a way to modify memory for Tibetans, mainly to extract the process of memory and transmission, but the process is very complicated, not only to manage a large number of Tibetans, but also to make a lot of different choices for their situation. .

Lin Note yi to these memories, many of them were obtained from the beginning of the memory of the Tibetans, but many of them later acquired certain Tibetans in a specific environment and grew up.

Some memories are very special. For example, there are memories of ‘attacking death’, and some memories will make Tibetans think that they have the ability to “fall into the sea”. It can control the earth and mountains by waving their limbs.

This is estimated to be achieved under some kind of simulation or hypnosis... I don't know what it is, but if the singers come to be actors in the movie, they are definitely the best.

Through the way of memory operation, it is almost possible for Tibetans to think that they are any characters, and even let them regard themselves as...other creatures.

Lin found some...playing memories of other creatures, which were also cultivated in a specific environment.

In this memory, the Tibetans regard themselves as a creature with a strong ability to dig holes, and in this case they will quickly start digging on the ground.

At the same time, Lin also saw some information from here, and found that there are many kinds of equipment for Tibetans, and one kind of equipment is specially designed to match these memories, which can help them to quickly dig.

Moreover, this equipment has another function, that is, the function of the energy of the dream.

Quasi-què said that a set of 'energy transmitters' was placed in the equipment, and its composition...

Lin feels like the structure used to put fear energy in the mayor's body. It seems that this kind of equipment can make Tibetans carry a lot of fear energy.

This is quite special. It seems to have been created recently. In the past, Lin also tested the parts warships and found no similar things... (to be continued.)

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