4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 904: What to say later

Although the eighth hundred chapters are like this

Caught... a lot of looks.

Lynn's spy drill bit is still in the room of the metal parts. Although the spy drill bit has not moved, other troops have been moving.

These troops are a small arms unit that came from the surface to reinforce.

And their main opponents are micro-machines. In the past period of time, Lin let them spread rapidly in the nearby land, looking for them, and soon caught a lot of micro-machines hiding everywhere.

These micro-machines are many in number, but Lynn already knows how to detect them, so it's easy to see that Lynn thinks it should... almost solved all the micro-machines in the parts base.

While solving them, Lynn is also studying things about Tibetans.

Although Lin saw some strange things about the memory and equipment of the Tibetans, but after all, the Tibetans did not do anything, so they temporarily...do not do anything about them.

It seems that the intelligent machine did not give them instructions to continue. Although the intelligent machine that Lin had seen here issued the instructions was broken down, there must be somewhere else.

In fact, it does not necessarily need to use these devices to issue instructions, so it can still control this group of people in the distance.

Speaking of it, what if the Tibetans get rid of control? Will they live like they used to?

Lynn occasionally thinks about this, but now I don't care about it, because Lynn has caught a lot of micro-machines, so I can continue to use the mayor's brain to detect their information.

Previously, there was only simple information in the micro-machines that Lynn caught, but the micro-machines caught here were different.

They have a lot of information, including the stories that I have to tell Lin before, and some of the information that follows. These messages indicate that they still have something to say to Lin.

Only then suddenly decided to attack, so these words did not say, but Lin can now know...

These things. It is mainly about the sea of ​​fear, that is, it was originally intended to tell Lin about some follow-up stories.

Originally, it was only after Lin agreed that it would not stop the collapse, but Lin can now understand it directly.

In the story, many creatures have encountered the sea of ​​fear. But no creatures have communicated with the sea of ​​fear, and usually they will avoid the sea of ​​fear.

And some creatures are studying the sea of ​​fear. This fearful ocean fear has been lingering in the void, and it has not expanded the will of the water polo as the original water polo released their ideas. And just drifting.

At the same time, it is said that the sea of ​​fear has not grown, there is no proliferation, and it does not even have any ... goals.

The sea of ​​fear will destroy some creatures. In this material, Lin found that there are creatures that are similar to dream creatures. Generally speaking, the sea of ​​fear is a threat to various creatures because it will make those creatures fear, but it will not Kill the creature directly.

But for dream creatures. The sea of ​​fear is a real deadly threat.

It is said that... it will completely kill all the dream creatures encountered and convert their dream energy into fear energy.

In fact, this is what Lin believes. The description in this document is not so detailed. The creatures that study the sea of ​​fear only describe that when fear comes, it will scare the entire region and eliminate the original ethereal Things.

The ethereal thing it says should be a dream creature, but this researcher, like most creatures, has a lack of understanding of dream creatures.

The sea of ​​fear can also grow by engulfing dreams, because it transforms all the contacted dream energy into the same energy as oneself.

Therefore, some creatures regard the sea of ​​fear as a real threat.

The researcher found that some creatures were going to be attacked by the sea of ​​fear. In its description, this creature seems to be a creature that is symbiotic with a dream creature.

Although they have real bodies, they are directly killed by the sea of ​​fear as symbiotic creatures, but they are not sitting still. But... took out something.

This kind of thing Lin Lin feels that it can be translated into a vaccine. The researchers believe that this group of creatures is made, and the vaccine can quickly remove the energy of the sea of ​​fear.

Lynn thinks... very similar to the little guardian.

But they made too few vaccines, and in the end they failed to withstand the sea of ​​fear, and they were killed by the sea of ​​fear.

Later, the sea of ​​fear continued to drift around. Until they met a... creature.

This kind of creature is the first creature to really touch the sea of ​​fear, that is...micromachinery.

At this time, Lin found that the description of the material changed from the wonderful researcher to the micromachine itself.

When micro-mechanics touched the sea of ​​fear and merged with the sea of ​​fear, they abandoned all previous ideas and believed that they had a new mission.

This new mission is... to travel to unforeseen places.

However, the micromachines and the sea of ​​fear do not seem to know how to go there, so they have done a lot of research.

It is research, in fact, they do not study anything, but go to find records of other creatures.

Their goals are of course those very old creatures.

For example... the stellar bus.

They later learned a series of stories from a star bus and learned about the collapse.

There is no detailed description of how they are known. In short, they have used all the things they have created to carry out this new mission and collapse, opening the way to unforeseen places.

The micro-mechanical collection of a large number of individual creatures used to do this, and it happens to be in a place of destruction that connects the world, floating rocks, where it is just right for collapse.

The micro-machines will control the creatures that are there to control them, not giving them any technical development, preventing them from escaping or doing something else.

However, in addition to these, they have encountered other problems, such as ... gel creatures.

These creatures are a big obstacle to them. Micromachines have conducted a lot of investigations on them. Some of the information about the investigations has been placed here. It was originally intended to tell Lin, but this is to wait for Lin to agree with them as an ally. .

Originally their idea was to reconcile with Lin, and then to be an ally with Lin, and then defeat the gel creature together to collapse.

It feels like a very good idea, but since there are so many ideas in the follow-up, why can't you wait to attack? To be continued

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