4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 905: Sneak attacker

It turned out to be...

Lin has been studying the various things here and has captured all the micro-machines here.

There are a lot of micro-machines here, but it should not be all. Lin believes that there are more micro-machines secretly planning.

Moreover, among the information that Lynn saw after they caught them, although there were many stories about the sea of ​​fear, there was no plan for them.

Obviously... they have hidden these things, and indeed there are thoughts that Lynn might grab them to view the information.

Those stories let Lin know that it doesn't matter much. After all, it is a thing of the past, but the recent plan must not be known casually.

To put it this way, it also means that they have any plans, not without a move.

Lynn feels that some special methods should be used to detect what they want to do...

It is now possible to find clues from these devices that control the memory of the memory, which originally had the ability to send and receive memory, but Lynn found that the two functional areas were quite small.

Basically, it can only receive signals from the nearby 100-meter radius. It was originally more than this.

Now, Lynn is testing this problem, and has found that this receiving function has been changed. If it is adjusted to its original state, it can receive farther...

After adjusting, Lin immediately received some information...

"This may be me... the last diary, I was thinking, after I sacrificed, maybe the war will end."

"I am now at the bottom. This position. We have been traveling for a long time to get to this place... This is quite close to the enemy energy room... Our mission is simple, that is... will blow up the energy room."

"The energy room exudes powerful energy, which can be clearly transmitted into my mind. According to the intelligence department, the enemy forces have developed a new type of weapon that can even affect our spirit and control us. Thinking! This is really... terrible. We have to achieve this task. For this reason, my teammates and I must make sacrifices."

"This is a heavy choice, but we have to do it because I am a hero! Heroes should do what heroes do!"

"But... I... I was shaking all over, and the explosive pack on my back was unusually heavy. Every time I went in, I felt a huge fear, maybe because I was afraid of death. Maybe because I missed me... ...hometown, family, and..."

"So, I want to leave these last records, let them remember me, remember me this English..."

The information was interrupted.


It turned out to be the case. This is their plan.

There is not only one such information. There are also many, the content of the information is similar, that is, a group of self-righteous heroes, the Tibetans who are about to sacrifice are preparing to carry a pile of explosives to bomb the enemy's energy room.

This 'heroic memory' has a flaw, that is, the Tibetans who are stuffed into this memory especially like what diaries to make before their last moment, because they want to sacrifice them willingly, the intelligent machinery thinks it is in memory There are a lot of characters that they want to protect, but in this case, the Tibetans will want to leave some diary for those characters.

Lin received a diary sent by a group of self-righteous heroes, but of course it was not received. However, after receiving the adjustment range here, it is received.

The contents of these diaries can be further analyzed.

The 'enemy forces' mentioned in the diary are soft creatures that are performing the task of attacking soft creatures.

However, this group of Tibetans is particularly deep hidden. They sneak into and attack soft creatures without being noticed.

Lin felt that when they sneaked in, they should use the memory of the burrowing creature, and when it was almost actionable, they were replaced with the memory of the hero.

The goal they have to deal with is called...the energy room.

Lin can feel from the information passed over there that it is not an energy room, but a structure similar to a nerve organ.

This structure may exude powerful ... energy, so the memory will feel this energy when approaching, and in their memory, they regard energy as a new weapon of the enemy.

Then there is the equipment worn by the occultists. The equipment they wear and the excavation equipment that Lin used to see in conjunction with the biological memory of the burrowing are exactly the same, so Lin feels that they have used the memory of the burrowing creature before.

The biggest feature of this set of equipment is the explosive bag that they carry.

But it’s not really a dynamite pack, but the memory makes the memory of the smugglers feel that it is an explosive. In fact, it contains fear energy. Therefore, the memory of the memory is that it is feared not because of fear of death, but because of the fear energy inside. .

But the memory of the hero can still support it to move on under fear.

But will this task sacrifice this group of Tibetans? Lin feels that it is indifferent to sacrifice without sacrificing, both for micromachines and smart machinery.

At the end of the record, it seems that they found that Lin has adjusted the receiving range here, and then immediately interrupted the signal connection in some way.

But that's okay, because at the moment of receiving the information, Lynn knows where they are.

They are deep in... deeper than Lin’s previous detection of the creator’s wreckage, where there seems to be a very important organ, and the micromachines intend to use the smug to “fried” there...in fact Put the fear energy into it.

I don't know what it will do, but it should be more serious than the blow.

How they escaped from Lin’s perception of the place, Lynn felt a little wonderful about it, but as long as they caught them, they could know what was going on.

Now, Lin is rushing there.

To be precise, Lin’s mud is rushing to that place...

After the mud made the first one before Lin, it created more. In general, they are the fast-moving arms that devour the growth of underground microorganisms. Because the appearance is almost the same as the soil, it is called mud. Like mud, it usually turns into various shapes.

They can move quickly underground and are not easily detected.

Now the first mud block is close to where the Tibetans are, and they are just over a metre ahead...

Seventy centimeters... thirty centimeters...

"what is this!"

Lin re-adjusted the memory receiving device, and when the interrupted signal was restored again, Lin received a surprise from the memory.

Because in front of them, there is a huge body... mud is there.

The size of the mud is about 30 centimeters, which is much larger than that of the Tibetans. From the perspective of the mud, Lin looks at a large group of Tibetans in front of her. The number of these heroes is very large.

They have more than 6,000, densely covered with the ground in front of the mud.

It doesn't feel like a secret mission, but like a big war, but these Tibetans are quite small compared to the environment in which they live.

This is a large cave with a height of ten meters from the ground to the top and a tens of meters in width.

Lin can't see the full width in this position, because the center of the cave has an object that is more than ten meters wide and seven meters high. The whole looks like a stone, but Lynn is convinced that this thing is what the memory room said. And this place seems to be quite special. The ground of this cave is a solid rocky ground, and there are many centuries of sharp small stone protrusions, and the surrounding walls are all rock walls, it seems difficult to dig through.

However, there is a place on the side of this side of Lin’s mud that is not a rock wall but a dirt wall. It seems that the Tibetans also came in from this position.

Lin had been exploring this position before, but I didn't expect the Tibetans to take a step faster.

"What is this..."

The Tibetans looked at Lin’s mud, and their surprised emotions could be received from the part base. Although the previous signal was interrupted for a while, Lin is now reconnecting to know their thoughts and memory.

Lin is convinced that micro-machines or smart machines are definitely nearby, and the signal interruption is what they caused...

"I have never seen this creature, it is definitely dangerous! Run away! Don't get caught in their battle!"

In the next second, Lin suddenly noticed that the memory of the sorcerers changed. They lost the memory of the heroes. At this moment, they all regarded themselves as explorers on an adventure journey, and Lin’s mud is where they are. A very dangerous unknown creature encountered during the expedition, and they also believe that there will be a decisive battle between the creatures competing for each other.

……decisive battle?

At the moment when Lin had doubts, Lin saw a sudden rushing down an object, instantly hitting the mud and letting the mud fly out.

When the mud hit the wall behind him, Lin also noticed that the object was a kind of soft thing composed of micro-mechanics.

Its size is about the same as that of mud, it is thirty centimeters. In general, it is very similar to mud. It is like a large soft object, but micromachines should already know that this kind of thing is useless for Lin’s arms. of.

No... it is a little different from before.

Suddenly, Lin noticed a light in the micro-mechanical group.

'boom! ’

After a moment, the light slammed into Lin's mud. In the roar of the roar, there was a hole in the mud wall behind the mud, which was about ten centimeters in diameter.

The mud had jumped to the height of one meter before being hit, so it avoided the attack.

But looking at the hole, Lin found that the micro-machine used a weapon that was quite powerful and... the range of the explosion was well controlled. (To be continued.)

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