4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 906: Continuous conversion

"Hurry up and hide!"

The cave is shaking. :6d

Under the roar, the explorers who were explorers hid behind the sharp stones protruding from the ground. They accidentally poked their heads and watched a terrifying battle not far away.

A battle between soft mud and soft mud.

This is true for Tibetans, and for Lin, this is the battle between their own arms and micromachines.

'boom! ’

The mud is floating in the air, and behind the mud, the sound of the explosion is echoing.

These explosions are caused by tiny machines on the ground. They use a very aggressive weapon and can accurately punch holes of a certain size.

However, it never hit Lin's mud.

Mainly because Lin's mud has a strong 'maneuverability', it can not only fly, but also change the shape of the body at will.

Another light rushed, and Lin’s mud immediately pushed the body all over and escaped the attack.

The attack hit the top of the hole behind him, and a bang broke out a hole with a diameter of ten centimeters. At this time, Lynn heard a kind of ‘咕噜’ sound from the micro-mechanical group.

At this moment, Lynn immediately sprinted the mud from the air, and instantly approached the micro-machine, and slammed it around.

Like the tactics it used to use for Lin, Lin now uses mud to quickly break it down from its surface.

It is similar to the micromachines that Lynn encountered here, which is made up of micro-machines that mimic soft-skinned creatures, but some small weapons are assembled inside the micro-machines.

What Lynn thinks is strange... Why can micromachines come here? They should be restrained by something here...

Moreover, where are the soft creatures here? It's also an organ of a stellar bus, but it seems that we haven't seen them nearby... In short, break it down first.

"Come on, we have to go to that place!"

When Lin broke down the group of micromachines, Lin suddenly found that the memory of the surrounding Tibetans changed, and many Tibetans became memories of the soldiers. They felt that they would immediately be hit by destructive weapons. They must quickly hide under the bunker.

So they all ran to the distance immediately, and concentrated behind the larger stones.

If you say that, it should be...

'boom! ! ! ’

This place has indeed suffered from the destruction of destructive weapons. A violent explosion of light is centered on Lin’s mud and micro-machines and spreads out in this cave.

Many Tibetans who did not have time to escape flew out in an instant, but many of them managed to hide in safe places. The movements of this group of Tibetans are very sophisticated, so they have not lost too much.

Lin’s mud and micromachines have disappeared. There is only one piece of burnt black on the ground where they were originally located.

"The blow is over!" The Tibetans began to act again. According to the memory of their soldiers, they are now planning to return to the headquarters: "We are safe for the time being... I am going to sacrifice, my sacrifice will be exchanged for this war. victory!"

They did not act a few steps, they became heroes to sacrifice again, so they turned to the organ of the Star Bus.

It turns out that it seems that they are the key.

In the distance, Lynn examines the memories of these Tibetans. Lin believes that micromachines must be protected by the memory.

Only Tibetans. In order to release the fear energy in that organ, it seems that the micro-mechanical itself can not be approached, so it sways nearby and blocks anything close to it, such as Lynn.

It seems that micro-machines cannot use the method of launching weapons in the past, and may require the occultor to enter a deep place or have other problems.

But their mission. Finally, it is still impossible to achieve.

"Is this...the enemy?"

The surprise of the Tibetans was once again coming, because a large number of black shadows descended from the sky and fell in front of the Tibetans.

These are all muddy pieces of Lin.

Although the micro-mechanical blasted one, there were still many Lin, and they all rushed here. There are a total of ... the number of mud blocks. This group of mud blocks the way of the Tibetans.

"Fighting! Warriors, fight hard!"

The memories of the Tibetans were transformed again at this moment. They were transformed into a group of the most elite warriors, and they took up their weapons and attacked Lin’s mud army.

But at the same time. Lin also noticed that some Tibetans were quietly moving behind them. Their memory is... 'sneak into the mission'. They regard themselves as a group of 'agents' who sneak into the mission. When the troops are engaged in war, they sneak into the organs. Among them.

When Lin thought about it, there were countless bullets on the mud that blocked the road. These attacks seemed to be very powerful, and each attack could blow up a small part of the surface of the mud.

Under the successive attacks, the huge mud pieces became smaller and smaller, but the mud pieces did not keep moving, and they slammed into the group of Tibetans.

"Get away!"

These Tibetans thought that their companions could receive their own signals, while yelling and hiding around, but a group of fast-moving Tibetans were crushed by mud and slowly swallowed away.

The physical qualities of Tibetans are different. Although the memories are the same, some Tibetans do not allow them to make the same flexible movements as they do in memory.

After rushing to the center of the Tibetan Remembrance Group, the mud is quickly dispersed, chasing the surrounding Tibetans, and swallowing them into the mud as soon as they are caught.

Lin did not kill them, but was temporarily imprisoned.


The Tibetans had given up the battle at this time. They threw the weapons on the ground and turned them into memories of the burrowing creatures, and began to rush on the ground.

But they run at a speed that is not as fast as mud, and the mud quickly catches up with these Tibetans and swallows them one by one.

At this time, Lin is also paying attention to the surroundings.

The micro-machine is hidden in the surrounding rock wall, in the top of the cave, and the number is also very large, but it has no intention of dispatching, probably because the mud block has closed the memory, or...

They were attacked by something that restrained them.

Lynn has discovered that there are many things in the surrounding ground that are approaching. These things are small, but not micro-mechanical, but soft creatures.

They carry something special, and that kind of thing should be something that can restrain restraint on micromachines.

This thing is a bit related to the creator, but Lynn is still not completely sure.

However, when Lin thought about this, the group of Tibetan memory agents had reached their goal. )


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