4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 908: carry on

The main purpose of capturing the creator...

It is the stellar bus that wants to use it to make some ... weapons, a weapon that a small nucleus has seen as a guardian.

This kind of weapon is the weapon that soft creatures now use to attack micro-machines. They have the same nature as small protectors.

However, there are many different places. For example, this kind of thing is not a creature, but a pure... thing.

The same place is just... can be used to clear the energy of fear.

This is mainly because the stellar bus was created for the smooth growth of soft organisms in the future. This kind of thing uses the brain cells of the creator and some neural structures.

The manufacturing process is not described in detail, but Lin can then check it out, mainly using the creator's ‘dream response’ ability.

The creators, unlike the usual creatures, seem to be very good at the dream energy, and they have some special functions in their bodies.

The stellar bus used this ability to create something that could be called a 'pollution eliminator'.

Because the process of making a soft creature is more complicated, it will use something related to the energy of the dream, and the use of this kind of thing may be 'pollution'.

It should be contaminated by external energy such as fear energy, organs used by stellar buses to make soft organisms, and organs related to the organization of soft organisms may be contaminated.

In the case of pollution, the organ will have 'lesions', which may give the mollusk many wrong instructions, or even let the mollusks completely forget the previous tasks and become a new group of species.

The stellar bus itself can eliminate pollution, but after its consciousness is dead, there is no way to do this, so you need to use the creator.

Using the creators to produce pollution eliminators, mollusks will know to use these things to keep the 'cleansing' of vital organs.

Now, Lin knows why micromachines use Tibetans to attack organs, mainly because they want to inject a lot of fear energy into them and then pollute the organs.

This organ has already stopped working. But after being polluted, it may start to work again, and create a group of ... special soft creatures.

It’s contaminated mollusks, and it’s hard to say that they’re not in a micro-mechanical alliance... but certainly won’t do anything to stop the collapse.

Because pollution does not happen in a flash, it is a slow process. Soft organisms can use decontaminators to clean up organs before they have problems.

But if you inject a lot of fear energy at a time, they may not be able to clean it up, and this organ may also have problems immediately and start to work.

If Lin... does not find the situation here, there may be a large group of contaminated mollusks.

Now, soft organisms attack micromachines. It is considered that micro-machines are 'pollution' and are intended to come and clear them.

These pollutions are obviously causing serious problems, so the Star Bus will decide to catch the creator's dangerous things here, but for now, the creator is still quite safe and it is completely controlled.

It turns out that now I understand it, then... I will continue to look at the information.

After the creator was placed, the stellar bus decided to start making soft creatures.

Here you can see some of the details of the manufacturing, when the Star Bus is making them. I thought about giving the soft creatures the task of letting them break down a lot of organs.

And the soft creatures here have a special structure, which makes them not subject to various biological attacks, including microorganisms.

In this way they can move smoothly down the ground and do all kinds of things.

There are several ways in which soft organisms can break down organs, such as dissolving organs and eating organs directly, but before doing these things, they must first “confirm” the organs of the stellar bus.

In the sense of a 'password confirmation', there is some signal in the core of a soft organism. It must first confirm this signal to the organs of the Star Bus, and the organs will soften themselves so that they decompose.

The order of decomposition is also explained, starting with a relatively large organ. Then go to the small organ, but there is no reason here.

In addition to the task of eating organs, soft-formed creatures also have the task of transforming the terrain. This set of tasks is quite complex and requires software organisms to perform fine and accurate operations without causing catastrophes like earthquakes.

Now it seems. The soft creatures do exactly every task.

At the same time, the stellar bus also sends a ... special signal to all creatures with higher intelligence on the surface when making mollusks.

This signal is mainly for the creatures on the surface to know that there are mollusks in the ground, and they will keep the structure of the ground stable, so they cannot attack them.

But this signal seems to have some problems. According to Lin, most civilized creatures only know that there are such a group of soft creatures underground, but they don't know what they are doing.

If there is no problem with this signal, it may be that the micromachines are not so easy to fool them down.

Except for a little problem here, there is nothing wrong with it...

As long as the mollusks complete some of the final tasks, the world will not collapse, and it will become an ordinary tumbling person and continue to live on the void.

But this is not the whole goal.

Lin also found that soft creatures have some other purpose. After the end of the mission, most of the soft creatures will become ordinary creatures living in this world, living the same ordinary life as other creatures.

However, there are some soft creatures, and there are special ‘missions’. Their mission is not over.

These mollusks are called ‘genetic bodies,’ and Lynn feels that they can translate this way. After the task of preventing the collapse is completed, the group of genetics will gather together and change into a larger form.

Although they look like amoeba, they are not the same as normal soft creatures.

They... carry a lot of information.

The genetic body is equivalent to a world's 'concentration', all the creatures in the world, all civilizations, all the environment, and so on are all concentrated into the body of this genetic body as a huge pile of information.

Then, the genetics will leave with this information.

By a device that is well prepared in advance... the genetics will go to the far side of the void... (~^~)

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