Their last mission...

It is to generate a new star bus.

After the soft organism completes all the tasks, the genetic body that is finally synthesized by a large number of soft bodies can be said to be the cubs of the star bus... another form of pups.

The genetics will leave the world through a transport function organ that remains in the star bus.

After leaving, it doesn't seem to be the place to go, but it will definitely leave. When the genetics leaves, the transmitting organs will also lose their effect.

This star bus will be completely a...the ordinary world.

The genetics will start living in a new world. Their initial lifestyle is simple, collecting nutrients like ordinary creatures, but after a while, the genetics will slowly construct a body. Mini-shaped environment.

At the same time, it will grow bigger and bigger, and finally become a new star bus.

This seems to be another way to... breed.

It's just that the environment in this genetic body seems to inherit a large extent from the original star bus and create very similar creatures.

But it won't be exactly the same, because the location is different, the environment may start to look like, and the latter will have its own direction and make new developments.

As for the aspect of ‘will’, there seems to be no inheritance. The consciousness of this stellar bus will be generated by itself, and it does not know anything that happened before. I don’t know who my ‘mother’ is.

Moreover, it seems that the stellar bus that grew up in this way is relatively ‘late cooked,’ and it doesn’t even know what creatures it is, so it’s usually a limited way to understand things.

It is also more susceptible to infections by the creatures in which you live, such as... values ​​such as values ​​may be close to the creatures on your body.

It turned out that Lin’s stellar bus grew up like this. It seems that stellar buses usually don’t use this type of reproduction, but in situations like this, they use this method.

Lin is concerned, in the description here. There is not only one genetic body, but soft organisms can be aggregated into many such genetic bodies.

There is only one genetic body that inherits the information of this star bus, while other genetic bodies inherit the other... the information of the star bus.

This connected world is made up of many stellar buses. Other stellar buses have collapsed in succession, but their information remains within the genetics.

This seems to be the main purpose of the stellar bus to make software organisms, so after that, there will be many genetic bodies and grow into a group of brand new star buses.

But why other stellar buses don't make mollusks, but just let themselves collapse. Then give all the information to this star bus?

Although it is not clear why, it is obviously very important. After all, all the stellar bus information is on this stellar bus.

Lynn also wants to look at these genetics.

After all, most of the other stellar buses have collapsed, and the environmental information on them can only be understood here.

If Lynn can detect these genetics, then it should be possible to know the environmental conditions of these star buses.

But it may be possible to see this before, as long as you find soft-skinned organisms that can be integrated into the genetics, you can find these materials.

In addition to these, Lynn also found that there are a lot of other materials here, including some things that connect the world.

The connected world was originally not interconnected, and the connected 'doors' were built by stellar buses.

The purpose of this connection is to ... pass on some information to each other.

Although the stellar buses could have communicated with each other. But after their will is dead, they will exchange information through these doors.

There are some software creature missions that are not posted directly here, but are sent from other stellar buses.

Whenever a stellar bus collapses, the mollusks perform some special tasks, including things like storing materials.

Why do other stellar buses do not make software creatures to prevent themselves from collapsing, but instead deliver all the information to the stellar bus where Lin is located? This is very strange.

They should also like the environment they create, and why do they care about their environment?

Or... there is no way to manage it?

If you can detect those genetics, you might know the idea of ​​another star bus.

The information that Lin sees here is mainly recorded by this stellar bus, and the purpose of the record is to...for the ‘senior’.

Mainly for other young star buses. Let them know the process of making soft creatures, and some of the ideas, practices, etc. in the middle are very detailed.

However, there is no description of why, for example, why do it. And Lynn feels that they should try to avoid the collapse of this kind of thing, but the stellar bus seems to be not mindful about this kind of thing. If it is not the environment of cherishing, Lin thinks that they will die if they die.


Is it because living too long, is there an idea of ​​'life and death?' Lynn thinks it should not be like this... there may be other reasons.

But will those young star buses not mind? Lin feels that young people still care for their lives.

In short. The purpose of this stellar bus to record this information is to make other stellar buses look like it. If it enters a phase similar to collapse, it will be used to make software organisms.

It has not been discovered by other stellar buses, but it was discovered by Lin. Lin also learned a lot of relevant information and felt... very interesting.

But the information is not very complete, and there is no more information... I have to go to other places to see, for example, to detect those genetics.

The soft creatures that synthesize the genetics must be a group of special mollusks. They should not participate in the battle, but gather in a safe place.

Now, Lin wants to find out where to look at it, and there is... go to another star bus to see if there are still some places that have not collapsed, so...


Just as Lin thought about it, I suddenly felt a kind of... sound.

This is the reaction of this organ, it seems that the whole organ is constantly shaking, and Lin feels some change inside.

This change slowly spreads inside and continues to the position of the skin.

‘Hey! ’

Suddenly, the surface of the organ blasted open, and a large number of mucus-like objects poured out in the explosion.

These mucus are all sprinkled on the ground, and then they begin to squirm, spread, and split into a large number of... soft creatures.

These soft creatures were originally large, but they began to split, and the smaller the score, the less the soft creatures that were about a few centimeters in size.

Then... the group of soft creatures spread out, and they didn't react to what was happening around them, they ran completely.

Lin saw them climb up the surrounding rock wall and then sneaked into the cracks in the rock wall... Lin had already dispersed some of the mud in the field to keep up with this group of soft creatures.

This organ should have been out of work, but it suddenly started to work and created a soft creature.

The reason for its sudden operation is mainly because... there is a stellar bus passing the signal.

When other star buses collapse, some signals will be sent. If the organ receives the signal at this time, the organ will immediately start working and create some related soft creatures.


In the data that Lin had detected before, other stellar buses should have sent all the signals, and the related software organisms should have been manufactured. Why is there a signal?

Therefore, Lynn feels very strange.

Now, Lin's mud has caught a mollusc. After testing it, Lin found that this soft creature is nothing special.

The mollusks that were previously made by other stellar bus signals are very special, and are estimated to be mollusks used to synthesize genetics.

The ones that Lynn is now catching are certainly not used to make genetics, because they are almost identical to the ordinary deformable mollusks that Lynn originally discovered.

In this case, where are the signals coming from? Why did you start this organ to make a bunch of ordinary...soft creatures? This is a bit strange.

‘ booming...’

When she thought about it, Lin felt the vibrations around her.

This time, the organ is not moving, but the surrounding underground environment is shaking.

‘Hey! Suddenly, Lynn saw a side of the rock wall blasting open, and there was a thing in it... Lin was very familiar.

This is... Susumi.

To be precise, it should be Susumi of the mechanical body.

Susumui had long been separated from the scholars' exploration team. Later, Lin noticed that it was exploring everywhere in the jungle above, and did not do anything strange.

So why is it here now?

Susumi’s body is still in the camp of the imaginary people, and is in a state of slumber, that is, it does not wake up, but now the machine is not in its control.

Because, its eyes are not open.

However, without opening the eyes, you can use other detection functions to perceive the surroundings. They are only visually dominant creatures. Susumumi always uses eyes when controlling machinery.

Obviously... this machine is controlled by something else and should be related to micromachines.

Because there is fear energy inside.

In this case... I don't know if it has any effect on the ontology. (~^~)

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