4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 911: The last joined world


Lin looked at the front... mechanical Susumi.

It is constantly shaking its head, because the fear energy in its head is constantly being 'cleared' because of the large number of soft creatures on its head.

Lynn is very curious, why they want to get Susumi's machinery here, perhaps with the same purpose as the Tibetans, ready to infect the manufacturing organs of this mollusc with fear energy.

However, because it is stuck here, it can't move forward. It can only grab the ground with your hand and try to pull the body out.

Lin knows that Susumi’s mechanical body has a lot of weapons, explosives or something. Before it came in, it used the same weapon to blow up the rock wall.

But now there is no way to use any weapons, or they will blow up themselves, or they will hurt the organs.

All in all, it seems that there is no way, only slowly removed by the soft creatures.

At the same time, on the other side, Lin also continues to look at some things about Susumumi.

............ Susumi is now in a state of confusing...

"where is this place?"

In the vision of Lin, there is a vast wilderness, and this wilderness belongs to a star bus.

On the wasteland, an object is slowly advancing, and Lin is watching the progress of this object.

After Susumi was caught, the micromachine knew that there was a major control part inside the brain, so they dug it out and threw it on the ground.

This part is a...mini mechanical Susumi.

In fact, the one they used to explore the city of the mirror, this mini-machine was later placed in a large-scale ‘brain’ for control and thinking.

However, if it is separated from a large body, it can also be active, and it is usually used to explore places where large bodies are difficult to access.

Micromachines seem to know this too. It dug the mini Susumui and threw it on the ground.

Their approach is quite strange, because they should know that Susumi's ‘consciousness’ is connected to this thing, but the micromachine does not control it. I didn't try to use the energy of fear, but just throw it away.

However, they made a small adjustment, and the micro-machine seemed to shut down Susumi’s detachment function.

That is to say, Susumumi can't close this machine now. Go back to your own body, so it can only be turned around in this place with doubt.

Then, the micro-machine took away the large body, and Susumi’s consciousness was thrown into the world on this mini body...

Why are they doing this? Lynn feels. There must be some purpose.

Susumui has no way to return to his own body, so he uses this mini form to explore in this ridiculous world. In fact, it does not want to explore here, but to find a route to go back everywhere.

But I can't find it... It seems that there is no ‘door’ at all.

It should be nearing the time of the crash, and the connected door seems to have disappeared when Susummi came over.

Lin can know what Susumi is exploring now, and can cut off its connection here and let its consciousness return to the body.

Then, let your ‘consciousness’ pass through, so that Lin can replace Susumi to control the mini-machine and explore it there.

Thinking about it. Lin did it.

First disconnect the Susumie connection...

The pom-pom around the body of Susumi, slightly adjusted the connection of Susumumi, and let its thoughts return to the body.

"How is this going!"

At this moment, Susumui woke up and looked at the surrounding environment with surprise.

Lin let a pom-pom and it explain its situation, Susumi expressed more surprises and doubts... but Lin can clearly feel that Susumi’s interest in these things is not It is very big.

It is more like to continue to explore other civilizations as before, so Lynn decided to create a new body for it to continue to explore.

Lin decided to connect the other pompoms here through Susumi's connecting device...

After connecting Susumi's mini body. Lin first looked around carefully and used the detection functions that came with it.

In fact, this mini type has a lot of detection functions, and many of them do not know much about Susum.

For example, it can detect some of the 'energy' here.

There is really no 'door' here. It seems that this star bus that is about to collapse and the star bus that made the mollusks have been completely disconnected.

It seems to be a separate star bus here. But it has not yet entered the stage of collapse.

Although it is about to collapse, there are other things to do here...say...

Thinking, Lin controlled the mini Susumi body and quickly ran in one direction.

The ground here is a rock structure, although it is very uneven, but because of the small gravity, it can run very fast on it. After running a distance of almost 100 meters, Lin saw a big hole in the front.

This must have a diameter of more than 30 meters, and there is a protruding white object in the center of the pothole.

Along the ramp of the pothole, Lynn ran quickly and came to the side of the white object.

Previously, Lynn detected that the object should be...transfer the organ, because it can detect the transmitted energy from it. After the contact, Lin found that this thing is indeed the transmitting organ.

But this is very strange, why is the transmitting organ slightly exposed on the ground...

And this stellar bus is also very weird. It seems to be a part of the connected world, but Lynn is not seen in the manufacturing organs of the mollusk.

It seems to be an extra addition. In short, Lynn wants to investigate.

Fortunately, the survey method is very simple, because it is not a simple transfer of organs, but also has the ability to nerve.

It seems that this stellar bus used to use this organ to send some messages. In short, check it out first.

The mini Susumu can pass the information obtained above back to the pompoms in the camp, and then through a series of analysis...

... It turns out that there is a lot of news inside, mainly some of the ideas of this star bus.

This stellar bus is indeed the last addition.

To be precise, it is a star bus that finally joined the world, and it was too late, and other stellar buses have entered a state of death, completely unaware that it has joined.

The state of this stellar bus is somewhat weird. It seems that there is a phenomenon of 'organ shifting'. Organs buried in deep areas of the ground have moved to the surface.

Therefore, Lin will see a part of it here.

It finally joined the connected world, and although other stellar buses have died, they still respond to the stellar bus based on signals.

But even so, other stellar buses will establish a ‘door’ connected to it based on its signal response.

After the door was built, the star bus died.

However, before it died, it also set some of its next operating conditions.

It allows the organ that is closest to the ground to send a signal to the organ of the mollusk that Linde knows for a certain period of time, allowing it to produce its own genetics.

However, this process has a problem.

Mainly because of the micro-machinery.

Micromachines came here...and they gathered near this prominent transport organ on the surface.

Because the transport organ also has the function of recording the surrounding situation, Lin can know what is happening from above.

When the micro-mechanical contacted the organ, it also brought the mechanical body of Susumumi.

At this time, they let Susumumi's body touch the transmitting organ and input a large amount of ... fear energy into the transmitting organ.

This kind of fear energy caused a weird effect, and the transfer of organs directly sent Susumumi's body away.

Therefore, Lin will see Susumi's body over there, and the micro-mechanical so that the genetic body has not been manufactured successfully.

But they didn't keep going, but they left, and now they don't know where they are in the world.

This group of micro-machines should collapse with the world. After all, there are no doors to return, and they cannot go back.

Moreover, Lynn can also know their plans by transmitting organs.

Because they input a lot of fear energy in the transport organs, these fear energies are also mixed with micro-mechanical ideas...

Therefore, Lin knows that micro-mechanics wants to release the fear energy through the body of Susumi to the organ of the mollusk, which is exactly the same as the purpose of using the memory.

But what's interesting is why they left Susumi's mini body here.

They know that Susumumi's consciousness is in the mini body, so he intentionally left it here, mainly because if the world collapses, then Susumi's consciousness may reach somewhere.

'A certain place' is not an 'unforeseen place', but another place that does not know.

Micromachines want to see if Susumumi will get there, so I will leave it here.

It seems that these micro-mechanics are really a group of ... travel enthusiasts, they always want to reach all kinds of strange places, for this reason even at all costs.

But they don't go by themselves, but let other creatures go.

However, Lynn also wants to see... where is Susumi’s consciousness can be reached... (to be continued.)

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