
The surface is cracking and the cracks are spreading.

Once again, Lynn saw the collapse of the Star Bus.

This happened shortly after Lin’s reading of the data in the organ, and the world began to vibrate.

Micromachines are very much looking forward to this collapse, because according to their ideas, Susumi's consciousness will reach a wonderful place.

The main purpose of micromachines is to test.

Does the collapse really allow some creatures to travel to unforeseen places? They all seem to have some doubts, and Lin doesn't know... how they came up with this result.

Of course, they don't change the idea of ​​letting the residents of the mayor go to unforeseen places, but before that they have to do some testing.

The test method is to get some creatures involved in the collapse. This test seems to have not been done before, this is... the first test.

The test object is not only a small machine of Susumi's consciousness. Actually, throwing Susumie's consciousness here is just an idea of ​​micro-mechanical accidental, just as they accidentally discovered Susumui.

In fact, there are a lot of creatures in the world that are used for testing. According to Lin's speculation, they should be mostly individual creatures.

But Lin doesn't know where they are, only a collapsed wasteland can be seen here.

Maybe they can see them after the collapse, but Lynn also has some doubts. Can my consciousness reach a certain place like the consciousness of a creature like Susumi?

and. Why do micro-machines choose individual creatures to go to those places?

What do they think in the end. I haven't figured it out yet, so just wait here and see what happens.

At the same time, Lin should also pay attention to the situation on the other side, because the situation here is somewhat... dangerous.


Next to the organ of the mollusk, the large mechanical Susumui is constantly shaking his body, and the rock wall behind it is full of cracks. Then, with a bang, it rushed out of the rock wall.

Originally thought that the soft body could solve it, it was still struggling, mainly because it started the flying device behind.

Micromachines didn't seem to know much about the functions inside, but they seem to be slowly mastered now.

The mechanical Susumi, which climbed out of the rock wall, slammed the soft creatures on his head and rushed directly to the organs in the center of the cave.

It rushed directly to the organ, and Lynn felt that there was a lot of fear energy in his body... How much fear energy did they put on Susumumi?

'boom! ’

As Lin thought about it, a mud block also exploded like an explosion, hitting the head of the mechanical Susumi.

Mechanical Susumi suddenly released his hand. I rolled to the ground and struggled and tumbling.

Sure enough, this is still a lot more effective.

The 'contaminant remover' used by mollusks can't remove a lot of fear energy at once, and it won't have any special effects.

The mud that hits the mechanical Susumi just now carries some...small guardians.

They can cope with the energy of fear and they can drive the other person crazy.

In fact, I feel that the small nucleus can make the creatures fear more...

"No matter what that can't be guarded over there. Or the one here. We have to protect you from it!"

Lin's mud is still stuck on the head of the mechanical Susumi, so it can enter the dream through it.

After connecting into this dream, Lin can see such a scene, a group of small **** of light floating on a sea.

This ocean symbolizes the energy of fear. In reality, they are micro-machines. The small protectors rush into the ocean one by one and constantly remove it.

At the same time, they are constantly sending messages that seem to be invisible to micromachines.

"We will make this a guardian! Everything will be erased! In addition to the things that can be guarded!"

Although this ocean looks big, it is under their movements. It dissipated quite quickly, much faster than before.

In the sea of ​​fear that Lin had seen in the floating island host, the small nucleus had not been able to remove it for a long time, but the micro-mechanical energy contained here is extremely limited.

Although the ocean looks vast, it will actually disappear when it is touched by a small nucleus.

Soon, the ocean of fear disappears. Generally, this will become a blank place with nothing.

But this time it seems a bit different.

Under the sea of ​​fear of disappearing, there is a world...

Lin and the little nucleus now feel as if they are floating in the void, and there is a tumbling person not far from the front.

The surface of the tumbling person seems to be composed of pure water, without any land.

"You are here! The guardian of the ship!"

A small nucleus seems to notice Lin, and they greet Lin, because Lynne often transports them to transport them, and the places where they are transported often make them feel very guarded, so they call them Lin.

Mainly Lin is usually in the dream of a pompon, so they will know that it is Lin.

But apart from this little nucleus, most of them pay attention to the tumbling that appears after the ocean disappears.

"There seems to be very difficult to guard there! What do you think? I also think that it is definitely a place that cannot be guarded."

This tumbling person, Lin has seen it before.

It is very similar to a place that Lynn knows, that is, an area where creators gather...

Known as the 'sea of ​​creation'.

Lin’s understanding of it is said to be home to a group of the most 'old' creators. Now that Lin has guessed through some news, it may also be the 'hometown' of all the creators in the void.

Brain Spirit once wanted to use this place to attack the pompom, but then failed, and then there is no news of it.

If this is the ocean of the creator, it means that they are also related to the energy of fear?

"We have to give it to the guardian! It's right! Then the place that can't be guarded should be destroyed! That is the goal of the future!"

"The goal of the future?" Lin asked doubtfully to the little nucleus: "Why is the future? You are not attacking it now?"

"Are you stupid?" A small nucleus said: "Where is it so far, how do you attack?"

“Remote?” Lynn looked at the roller: “Why do you know that it is very far away? Is there any way to know it?”

"Total... In short, we just know!" A small nucleus said: "You doubt us so much, are you actually a thing that cannot be guarded?" (To be continued.)

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