4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 913: Aggregated creature

"So, sooner or later we have to set foot on the unprotected world and turn it into a...nowhere!"

The small nucleators in front of Lynn are gathering together and discussing what they are going to do in the future. ≤,

Lin is testing some of the things here.

Why does this water polo appear here after the sea of ​​fear dissipates?

But this is just an image-like thing, so you can't touch it here. The little nucleus seems to know that the water polo is far away, so they decided to go there later.

The reason why this image may appear is because the water polo...may also be the cause of the 'creative sea' to spread its will.

Although it seems that there is no effect of spreading the will now.

Thinking, Lin also observed the reality of the micro-mechanical situation, because the small protector eliminated the fear energy, and the micro-mechanics in the head of Susumi's body are now in a state of '恍惚'.

It can be seen that without fear energy, they cannot think.

But in previous exchanges, micromechanics seemed to indicate that they were similar to fear energy in a 'cooperative' relationship.

Lin felt that the micromachine was controlled.

Now, the problem here seems to have been solved. After the micro-mechanical in Susumi’s head has not moved, Lin let the mud pieces get in and grab them all.

This group of micro-machines can still connect to dreams through them without any fear energy, and then see the appearance of the water polo, which means that the micro-mechanics itself has some dream energy.

And for their thinking, Lin also found it very simple... Their task is to control Susumi's mechanical body to inject fear energy here, and nothing else.

It seems that it is not that easy to figure out their plans completely.

All in all, the problem here is solved. Lin let the mud here quickly retreat, and this Susumi's mechanical body, Lin does not care about it.

However, the soft creature will take care of it. Now Lin can see more soft creatures crawling over, and then slowly secrete the solution to dissolve the machine from the outside.

Although it has no fear energy, the soft body seems to still not want it to stay in this place, but here. Soft creatures are completely non-aggressive to other creatures such as Lynn's mud.

After they have broken down the Susumi body, they should resume normal actions, and if the micromachines invade them again, they will react immediately.

The Tibetans should not be invaded again. Lynn has detected many times in the memory devices in their bases and has been able to determine that there are no hidden Tibetans in the surrounding.

Micromachines don't know what action to take next time. But since there is no problem here... Lin feels that I should continue to pay attention to other things.

Susumi’s mini body is now on top of the collapsed star bus... Now, this star bus is close... it can be called the collapse of the final stage.

Through this mini Susumui floating in the air, Lin is looking at the world.

The earth has been covered by large cracks, and it seems that the whole world is constantly shaking.

The mini Susumi is also in a state of uncontrollable self because it is now flying in the sky with strong air currents.

I don’t know when I will hit anywhere. Lin feels that it is possible to crash before it collapses completely. If...

‘Hey! ’

Just as Lin thought about it, the mini Susumi suddenly received a signal.

This signal is... from the front?

Lin saw a place about a kilometer ahead, and saw a hemispherical building with a diameter of more than 30 meters.

The outer shell of the building is transparent. And the most amazing thing is that the ground is cracking, and the small ground around the building is not affected by the crack.

Cracks that spread on the ground seem to escape the building and spread only beside it.

In a strong storm, Lin's mini Susumi flew to the building at a very fast speed. As he approached, Lin saw a lot of creatures in the building.

The interior of the building is hollow, and there are no facilities and structures inside. The creatures that are gathered inside are all familiar with Lin.

They all wear a variety of armor. Height and body are also different, because they are all from the ... floating creatures.

Accurately speaking, the individual creatures gathered in the city of the mayor’s city of the gods, they...

'Snapped! ’

The mini Susumui hit the wall of the building.

However, there was no crash. Because at the moment I was about to hit, Lin used a jetting device to slow down the speed, and it fell relatively stably on the building.

Now, Lin let the mini Susumu stick to the wall of the building's shell and look at the creatures inside.

Although they all carry armor, they are very anxious to see. Many creatures are looking around, mainly to pay attention to the changing environment and storms outside.

Their hemispherical buildings seem to be strong enough that they won't affect the inside even if they are shaken outside, but they are obviously scared.

Lin’s main attention is the ‘number’ written on their armor.

Each creature's armor is numbered, which is carried when the armor is shipped from the factory, but this number does not make sense to them, it just looks like a strange pattern, not a civilization. Text, but it makes sense to the mayor.

Although each creature has its own name, the mayor never distinguishes them by name, but uses this number to distinguish them.

The numbers of all living things in the city are recorded in a device in the mayor's office, and the mayor understands the situation of the general public.

Lynn has seen these citizen records, such as recent births, deaths, and the number of various conditions are classified, and the numbers of the creatures gathered in this building are all recorded as 'missing' in the mayor. of.

These creatures have different times of disappearance, some have disappeared very early, some are very late, although the mayor has searched, but can not find it.

It turned out that they were taken away by micro-mechanics in some strange way, and then gathered here, it is estimated that they are used to test the collapse.

Moreover, Lynn found that there are not only these creatures tested, but also many small creatures on the ground of the building.

They are the civilized creatures that connect the world. Some civilized creatures have seen them. They have been attacked by micro-mechanics. Have they been brought here to test for collapse?

While thinking about it, Lin let the mini Susumu crawl slowly on the building shell to easily observe all the creatures inside. Suddenly, Lin noticed that there is a familiar thing in the center of the building...

That is... scholar?

It should be said that it is the mechanical body of the scholar. Lin sees that it is constantly waving its limbs there, and the mouth is constantly moving, as if it is communicating with a creature beside it.

The creature next to it looks like a creature called 'snapped fish', which is more than two meters in length, with a flat body covered with cyan armor and only two limbs on the ground.

It seems to respond to the exchange of scholars, so look at the scholars, but Lin can't hear what they say here.

However, why are scholars here? Was it also caught by micro-machines?

Before it and the brave and the robbers because there was nothing in the camp, they went on to explore. So, it was also caught in the place where micro-machines were caught?

But it didn't say this thing. According to the reason, scholars should report to the camp side...

Thinking, Lin opened the communication device so that he could know what it was saying.

"I want to ask, where is this place? What are you doing here? The outside environment is very bad!"

Before the communication device was kept closed, Lin did not open it. Now, the mini Susumi heard the voice of the scholar.

Scholars don't seem to know...what is the place here.

"I... don't know... here, we are... suddenly caught..."

In the eyes of the scholars, this creature like the slap-and-suck fish also makes a sound, but the sound is slower, but at least it can communicate.

Scholars can understand mainly because Lin has added a lot of biological language translators to its mechanical body, even the language of those individual creatures floating in the rocky land.

Because I was going to let it use this body to explore more places in the future, I didn't expect to use it so quickly.

"What? You too? What should I do now... Can't we go out?"

Scholars are not very anxious, but a feeling of great interest in talking to each other.

"Going out...useless." And the other creature's language is slow, but Lynn can feel anxious from it: "And...who are you, before...have not seen...you...just come?"

"I am... an explorer." The scholar said: "In short, are you also coming from the connected world?"

"Connecting...the world?" The creature wondered: "That is...where?"

"You don't know? It's weird, here is..." The scholar is now full of doubts, looking at it like it... Lin contacted it and said: "This is a star bus that is about to collapse."

"What?" The scholar was shocked: "This contact is... Susumi? You came here too? Are you sent over?"

"Are you sent it?" Lin asked.

"Yeah!" said the scholar: "I was originally in the jungle, and suddenly I came to this strange place. The brave people were all gone. Instead, a large group of strange creatures appeared, and I found that I could understand them! It’s amazing, so I’m going to talk to them first about the situation and then report... but where are you? I didn’t see you...” (To be continued.)

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