4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 915: Another place

"...it seems...not dead?"

Here is some... space.

A dark space, and there are a lot of creatures gathered here.

They don't see each other, but they all know the location of their companions through the communication devices inside the armor.

But compared to the companions around, the creatures here are more concerned about... actually they are still alive.

Before, they experienced a rather horrible experience.

Trapped in a hemispherical transparent building, the ground trembled constantly, the storm outside was continually reverberating, and finally, the cracks on the ground touched the building, making the entire building fall into nothing. In the darkness of the bottom.

During the fall, the creature's armor was turned on again because the stop signal command continued for a while.

But they don't have the trouble of going to the scholars again, but they all start to scream, or scream in fear, waiting for the moment when the building hits the ground.

However, this moment has not arrived, I don’t know how long the fall lasted. The creatures here suddenly found that they were in the dark.

Moreover, the surrounding environment seems to be different.

In this darkness, the creatures are not swaying, they are quiet now, and they have not recovered from the fear of watching the world collapse.

Among these creatures, only the creature called the scholar is active.

"We really got to a strange place!" The scholar is using its communication device and talking to it as Susumi's Lin: "The ground around it seems to be a metal-like structure... yes, you seem to be a distance. I am very close..."

"I am going to your position." When Lin told the scholar, she had already let the mini Susumumi go to the feet of the scholars, and then climbed up along its body and climbed onto the scholar's head.

"How come you are so small?" Scholars can also detect the surrounding environment in the dark, so they can see the size of Susumumi.

“Small is more convenient.” Lin told the scholar that the inside of the mind of the mechanical body is actually the mini body as the main control part.

“Is this the case?” The scholar said: “I don’t even know this kind of thing, what should we do now? I think...”

Lin said: "Wait here and see what happens."

"Wait? This can also be..." The scholar seemed to have other ideas before, but he also agreed with the wait: "It is better not to act rashly, because here..."

'Boom! ’

The moment it has not finished. The entire area suddenly jerked up.

"What is this! So bright!" All creatures were quite frightened at this moment, and many creatures screamed, but most creatures remained silent, but they all looked around in horror. .

This place is a lot smaller than the previous building. The diameter is about fifteen meters, the ground and walls look pure white, and much like metal.

The height of the space is three meters, and there are more than a dozen creatures gathered here, not all the creatures in the building are here. Just a small part.

And they are all creatures that are about the same size as scholars.

Here is a closed space, the light source comes from some light objects on the top, and while looking at these things, Lynn also tried to detect the location here.

Here... it has indeed come a long way from the connected world.

However, the specific distance does not know how much, even if you use continuous transmission will take some time to arrive.

Whether it is a stellar bus or a virtual bus, the distance traveled is limited.

Accurately speaking, the main reason is that their perceptual distance is limited, that is, the controllable transmission range is limited.

Lin has always been studying the transfer, but now I care about it here. It seems to be a space created by a certain creature. What kind of creature is it? Is it related to micromachines?

Simultaneously. There is air here, it feels like it was brought from there, and there is a relatively small gravity, so that the creatures here can stick to the ground.


Thinking, Lin suddenly noticed a crack on the top, and a subtle voice rang, and the creatures present were there.

I saw that the crack suddenly exploded, and an object like a sharp tentacles stretched out from it, and instantly pierced the head of a creature closest to it. The armor and the inner head seemed to pierce together.


Suddenly. It made a violent scream, and the surrounding creatures were scared to hide around, and the spiked tentacles quickly shrank back, leaving the pierced creature to fall to the ground. Blood mixed with many colors slowly flows out of the pierced hole...

It seems that it is a kind of creature just now, but Lin feels not a cell-like creature.

“There is a very dangerous creature here...” the scholar said: “But it should not eat us...”

"It's not for eating." Lin said: "It has other purposes."

“How do you know?” The scholar walked forward as he asked, and went to the body where the other creatures were far away. “You can check it to be clear...”

"Confirm the creature."

At this time, a sound was heard in the room, which used the 'universal language' common to these creatures, and then another thing was drilled out from the crack in the tentacles.

This thing also looks like a tentacle. But the head is not pointed but round.

"Now, announce the creatures here."

The sound was sent from the rounded head of the tentacle. According to Lin's guess, it should have pierced the creature just now, so I learned that the creatures here use sound communication, language and so on.

"The creatures that come here, want to live, must submit all the information, start now."

At the end of the moment, the round-head tentacles instantly rushed to the next creature, and the source of the tentacle suddenly spread like a flower and wrapped the head of the creature.


The creature screamed and struggled desperately, but could not break free from the tentacles.

"Biology, describe everything you know, your information, the information about your civilization, the technology you know."

After the tentacle said a bunch, the creature did not answer, but was constantly struggling.

"Biology, failed to give an accurate answer during the reaction time, is defined as waste and needs to be cleared."

After that, the tentacle grabbed the creature and retracted it into the crack it had drilled.

After a while, the tentacle drilled again, and this time the tentacles were covered with the blood of the creature.

Seeing this, the creatures here seem to understand what happened...so they are even more fearful.

"Continue testing."

After that, the tentacle grabbed the creature closest to it, and the creature slammed into the tentacle with his head at the moment he was about to be caught, and then ran to the corner of the room.

But the tentacle was not affected, it stretched out and wrapped the head of the creature.

"Describe everything you know, your message of civilization..."

The tentacle also asked the creature a series of questions. The creature apparently seemed quite scared, but it didn't just struggle as before, but immediately answered it.

"I... we call ourselves... Lulu civilization, I... What do you want to know?"

"The level of your civilized technology, the main items used, weapons, etc." The tentacle said: "Quickly answer."

Listening to their words, Lin felt a bit strange. The first tentacle should be through piercing creatures to understand the information. Why do you need to ask questions now?

"I... the weapon I use often is a weapon called ‘burst.... Now I don’t have it...” The creature continued to answer the tentacle problem, but it seemed that the answer was not comprehensive.

"It's structural details." The tentacle asked: "What way does it attack?"

"The attack method is mainly to shoot a small high-speed bomb, and the rate of fire is..." The creature said that it was paused here, and it felt like he had forgotten it.

"How do you shoot a small bomb? What is the internal detail of the bomb? What is the internal details of the weapon?" The tentacle continued to ask.

The creature replied: "I don't know very well... I just used weapons, I didn't make weapons... I am a soldier, not an engineer."

“The unsatisfactory answer was detected and the target was defined as scrap.”


With a scream, the creature was dragged back into the gap by the tentacle.

Then, the tentacle was drilled again as before, and this time it had more blood on it.

"Next, continue to look for the target." The tentacle then looked at the creatures around, which again caused considerable fear to the creatures.

"What do you want to do! What are you guys!"

At this time, several creatures seemed to be extremely angry. They stood up and shouted at the tentacle: "Why should we ask these questions! Why should we bring us here, we have nothing in our body!"

“Receive a question...Response, you can answer.” The tentacle said: “You, we can call us ‘capturers’.”

Lynn feels that the tentacle's way of speaking is similar to that of micromachines, but it is impossible to confirm whether they have anything to do with micromachines.

A creature said: "You don't mean to catch us! Let's put us away!"

"You, the ‘prey’ we caught.” The tentacle said: “There is no reason to release.” (~^~)

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