4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 916: Question

"What do you mean by saying that we are prey?"

In a small space, a large group of creatures stare at the round-headed tentacles of the center of space, and one of the most 'brave' creatures asks questions about the tentacle that has killed several companions.

“You need to answer the questions to understand.”

After that, the tentacles slammed into the head of the creature and then unfolded to wrap it as before.

"Ah! Help!"

The creatures struggled fiercely, and the two nearby creatures that seemed to be very good ‘friends’ immediately rushed up and tried to open the tentacles.

However, at this moment, two cracks were cracked again on the roof, and two other sharp tentacles pierced instantly, piercing the heads of the two creatures.

“Rebels will be treated directly as scrap.” After the tentacle is finished, continue to ask questions about the frightened creature it encases.

The question it asks is very similar to before. The main problem is to ask the creature's level of civilized technology, and ask the creature to describe the technical products and weapons they often use.

When the creatures say it, the tentacle will further ask about the details of the composition of these products and weapons, the manufacturing process, the materials used, and so on.

This creature is also like the previous one, and it can't be answered in the details section, because it is not a manufacturing profession, so it belongs to an individual who only knows how to use the product and does not know how to manufacture the product.

So, it was also treated as a 'waste' and was dragged into the crack...

Seeing the sight in front of them, these creatures without any weapons have not dared to have any counterattacks. They can only shrink there, and then the tentacles reappear and catch the next creature.

The creature was also quite frightened. Soon after, Lin saw the cause of its panic. It was also treated as a waste because it could not answer the details of the technical product.

Then, the tentacle continues to do similar actions, and the creatures caught by the tentacles are calmer.

It responded to the tentacle's question. However, Lin found that the answer to the answer was inconsistent with the actual situation. The technical products and weapons it described were completely self-imagined. According to Lin, there is no such weapon on the other side of the city.

“The target creature's answer is false and the goal will be considered scrap.”

then. This creature was also taken away in a scream.

After that, the tentacle stretched out to continue looking for the next target. This time, it defined its goal as...scholar.

"It's coming over..." The scholar immediately said to Lin: "I can tell the truth with it, I know the details of my civilized product. But..."

"Don't tell the truth." Lin said: "You just do what I said."

"But it..."

Before the scholars finished, Lin interrupted it: "It can't detect the truth you said."

"Answer, the degree of civilization." At this time, the tentacle has been wrapped in the head of the scholar, it seems that there is no separate scholar is a pure mechanical rather than armor.

Then, Lin sent a series of answers to the scholars, and Lin asked it to answer a series of imaginary civilization materials, including weapons products, all of which are fake.

However, the technical level of this imaginary civilization is similar to that of the floating creatures.

"Collecting information... The target is answered and valid. It is recognized as a living creature." After the tentacle was heard, the scholar's head was released and he continued to catch other creatures.

"Isn't it really detected?" The scholar looked at the removed tentacle and said with some surprise: "How did you know this? And what happened to your information, it should not be the civilization of Jade Dragon."

"I came up with it." Lin said: "I don't care about this, keep watching."

"..." Scholars don't ask much anything, but Lynn feels that it is thinking about something.

Then, the tentacle continued to catch other creatures. Many creatures became calm because they saw the scholars answering success, but some were still terrified.

No matter which. They were all caught by the tentacle one by one, and then asked one by one, and many creatures were screaming and caught, but some creatures survived.

The first living creature. It is a technician, because it participates in various manufacturing work, so understand the details of various things.

Moreover, Lin found that the answer to the tentacle had a ‘诀窍’, that is, when the tentacle asks for weapons or something else, it only answers one thing. Then, as long as the details of this kind of thing are answered, it will pass, and the tentacles will not continue to mention other things.

So even if you only know one manufacturing specialization, you can answer the success.

However, some creatures did not notice this, and they said that ‘I’m this specialization, others don’t know’, it’s used as a waste.

In the end, there are only five of the more than a dozen creatures that have survived. If it includes scholars and Lin's mini Susumi, it is seven.

All five of these creatures have manufacturing techniques, and they seem to be glad that they chose this major.

From start to finish, the tentacle did not ask anything about the mini Susumu, probably because it was too small?

They seem to be very cautious, but there seem to be a lot of ... loopholes.

"The living creatures, you are qualified to join us." The tentacle said in front of all creatures at this time: "Now... you will know us."

After that, the tentacle retracted into the gap, and the white wall on one side of the room suddenly made a bang.

With this sound, the wall slowly rose, and what emerged behind the wall was a huge [platform].


The creatures, including scholars, left the narrow room with amazement and stepped on the platform.

The ground beneath them is a white-based metal structure that extends all the way to the farthest point of view.

Lin felt that there should be more than a few hundred kilometers, and what Lin even cares about is that several large flying objects are slowly flying on this platform.

These flying objects are generally spherical, and the whole body is covered with an ice crystal shell, and one or two large tentacles are extended on the outer shell.

They are... Void buses.

Looking at the front, Lin went up and saw a dense starry sky above it, and there were many flying objects under the starry sky. They were almost all white and various in shape. There are no fixed specifications.

"We are hunting." At this point, the tentacle's voice rang again: "Look for the right creature, capture them, understand them, record them..."

"In order to... a victory." (To be continued.)

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