The eighth hundred chapters started there.

"Here is... above!"

As I stepped into the moving point in the library, the familiar scene appeared again in front of Lin and scholars.

Above is a starry sky, while the ground is a broad white platform.

However, the scenes I saw when I first came here were very different. The ground here was full of potholes, as if it had been hit by something.

The Void bus cubs that were originally here are all gone...

At the same time, there was no air and gravity here, and the layer of transparent material that originally covered the back of the battleship had disappeared.

The warship is now directly exposed to the void, but this is no different for scholars.

“Do they all go to battle?” The scholar slowly floated up on the ground and looked at the situation around him: “There is no empty bus here...”

As soon as the scholar said this, there was a strong ray of light on the top, and I saw a huge ball coming straight from the sky to the side.

It slammed into the ground in front of the scholar, and at the moment of the hit, the spherical object disappeared instantly, leaving only a pit on the ground.

"This is... a void bus."

Lin and the scholars have noticed that the spherical object that has just been smashed is not a rock, but a cub of a virtual bus.

It seems that for some reason, it entered a state of high-speed flight and then crashed into the back of the battleship.

But when it hit, it was sent away in an instant, so only a pit was left here, but there was no debris left by any empty bus.

"What kind of battle are they going on?"

After looking at the pit, the scholar looked up and looked up.

I saw that under the distant stars, occasionally some small light flashed. That light is small, but if you calculate it a bit, you can know that it should be a huge explosion.

‘Boom...’ Lin’s listened to the sound she had simulated.

I saw another empty bus... I rushed from a distance. This virtual bus has a diameter of about 200 meters, which is much bigger than the previous one.

"It has appeared again!" The scholar quickly retreated to the back. The propulsion device on the foot allowed it to quickly fly back more than a kilometer away, while the virtual bus crashed into the battleship.

Lin did not simulate the sound this time.

In a quiet environment without sound, Lin looked at the back of the battleship and fell deeply into it with a violent collision, but without any debris splashing, and the huge virtual bus disappeared at the moment of the impact. It is.

Why are these virtual buses crashing over? And they only transmit when they hit it... Why do they have to be injured before they are sent away?

Lynn feels. It may not be transmitted by the virtual bus itself, but after they have arrived here, they are transferred by another thing.

Maybe this thing requires them to reach the battleship to perceive these empty buses, and then send the buses away.

But this mini Susumi has a limited number of detectors, and it doesn't feel much. If you can feel the various energy activities here, you should know more.

"That creature seems to let us run on a Void bus..." The scholar said: "But the Void bus here is so strange... strange, what should I do?"

"Go to the dock to see."

“Yes!” The scholar immediately responded: “The dock should be able to know more.”

After that, it clicks on the map and flies quickly against the ground.

“The moving point to the dock is not far from here... the situation here is really bad.”

Scholars fly over the route. There were holes in the surrounding area that were knocked out. It seemed to have been hit by quite a few Void buses, but Lin also noticed. Although they can hit the back of the battleship, there is no shell that can crash the battleship.

It seems that this warship is quite solid, but it seems that it does not have any special defense, but simply relies on the degree of solidity to resist the collision.

However, the biggest problem with this war is that so far no one has seen the catchers fighting against anything and not seeing what they are attacking.

It seems that they just blew themselves up here, and Lynn did not see them attacking anything else, like those flying machines. Although they all gathered to the front, they did not carry out any attacks.

"Look at this. I found the information about the last war that Atlan said."

The scholar has been driving the video, and Lin sees a video... named "The Battle of the Past"...

In this picture. It can be seen that in the void environment, it is covered with dense stones...

The diameter of these stones is at least 100 meters, because some empty buses are flying in the rocks.

It is still unclear what these stones are, but they all seem to be flying in one direction. The perspective of this picture is on a stone inside.

The angle of view is first looked around and then shifted to the front. At this time, you can see that there is a light-emitting object in the distant starry sky.

That is... water polo, just light.

And the troops composed of these stones and the void bus are flying in the direction of the water polo...

Just after more than ten seconds, Lin noticed that the picture suddenly stopped.

‘嘭’ After the picture was restored, Lin found a stone next to it... probably about a hundred meters in diameter, and it exploded.

Said to be blasted, it is better to say... turned into a powder.

It seems to be broken down in an instant, turning into countless dust to fly around.

Because of this, Lin can see the environment inside when it is scattered. When the outer layer of rock-like structure spreads out around, it can be found that there is a layer of material that seems to be very soft.

It feels like... meat.

This layer of material also splits into numerous pieces of debris, which in turn reveals more complex structures inside.

Lin thinks that these stones should be warships or creatures, but all the structures in it have been turned into dust and dust, and it is not seen that it has been attacked...

In the next second of this stone powder, another stone nearby suffered the same end, and it also slammed... The sound simulated in Lin Si's thought turned into powder.

It seems that you are not suitable, and the next time you switch to 啪 or call, the effect may be better.

The next situation, as the previous Atlan said, this huge force, all within a few seconds, all the stones are scattered one by one, the last round Go to the stone where the picture is viewed.

After it also scatters, the picture is over.

It seems that they have suffered some kind of powerful attack as a whole, and under this attack, they all disappeared directly.

However, there are still some things that are not injured inside, that is the Void Bus.

The Void Bus did not turn into powder like other stones, but all disappeared, and there was no one left. It seemed to be using the transmission to escape.

"This may be the reason why Atlan is afraid of war..." The scholar said: "The water polo seems to be quite terrible... as long as it is close, it will be attacked by unknown people, as it is now."

What is the current situation?

Lynn saw a place in the front that had come before.

There are a lot of catchers 'individuals' here, which are all kinds of things like tentacles, as well as spheres, squares, circles and the like.

They are still here, but all of them... floating in the air, although they don't look hurt, but they are all motionless.

"I... I want to study it." The scholar stopped his figure and flew to the side of a pile of floating tentacles.

It tried to poke a tentacle. The tentacle did not respond, so the scholar took the tentacle and opened one of the things called a cutting device.

"There should be no problem now?" The scholar apparently wanted to cut the tentacle to see what was inside, but he still hesitated.

"Try it." Lin did not stop it from acting.

"Let's take a look..." said the scholar, who opened the cutting device on his hand and extended a sharply vibrating blade in his palm. When he touched the tentacle surface, the tentacles suddenly sputtered a large amount. The powder is very simply cut.

"The structure inside...they are obviously not cell organisms." The scholars examined the cross section of the tentacle. From the outside, the interior of the tentacle was all rock-like, and there was a large amount of sand powder.

Although the cockroach said that they are like gel creatures, Lin felt that the gap between this structure and the gel was too great.

Then, the scholar cut a few nearby ones, including tentacles and objects such as spheres, all of which are similar.

But those **** have mechanical structures that allow them to fly, which makes them even more weird, but in any case, Lynn thinks they should be considered a sort of divisional creature.

The scholar saved all the things he saw here, and sent it back, and then it continued to move forward. Soon, he saw the moving point to the dock.

"It's there!"

The figure of the scholar accelerated again and rushed into a glowing ground in front. After the surrounding scenery changed, Lin and the scholar once again saw the familiar, but unfamiliar scene.

"this is……"

The scholar was shocked to see the scenery in front of him.

It is still the pier, with huge pillars connected to the Void Bus, but the Void Bus connected by these pillars... only half of it. (To be continued.)

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