4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 926: Half of the bus

"This is... a void bus?"

The scholar floated on the edge of the pier and was surprised to see the scenery in front of him.

At the end of the pillars at the pier, the connected Void Bus is still in that position, but only half of it is left...

The Void Bus seems to have been cut from the middle, the half that it has been cut off has disappeared, and the rest is still floating here, showing a huge hemisphere.

From the section of the hemisphere, the internal organs and various structures inside the Void Bus can be clearly felt, and some structures are still beating continuously, indicating that it is still alive.

"Look at the past." Lin said: "Go to the nervous system."

"Nervous system... I know!" The scholar immediately flew up on the ground and added to the fastest speed to fly in the direction of the Void Bus.

When flying over the pillars connected to the Void Bus, you can see that there are many tentacles and the like on the pillars, all of them are in a state of motionless.

In addition, there are machines controlled by individual creatures living here, these machines are not moving, they all seem to be fixed, and the creatures that operate them are still sitting on it.

This strange phenomenon made scholars want to go down and see, but it still did not stop, it quickly flew to the Void Bus.

After approaching, the appearance of the Void Bus looks even more... horrible.

This is a huge hemisphere with a diameter of 30 kilometers, and all sides of the hemisphere are all kinds of structures that are constantly moving.

Scholars fell on these structures, and then asked Lin: "Where is its nervous system?"

Lin looked around and Lin noticed that the organ of the Void Bus seemed to be able to adapt to the cold in the void. In fact, the empty buses discovered by Lin before this, their internal organs could not be exposed to the void environment.

That will be severely damaged.

But this empty bus seems to have no problems, its organs can be kept exposed to the virtual environment, but Lin believes that this will not last long, the speed of these organs is obviously slower and slower.

Although it is a bit special, the structure of the organ is similar to that of the empty bus that Lynd has seen, and its nerve structure. Still inside the hemisphere.

"Digging in from there." Lin floated up and pointed to an organ ten meters away.

This organ is somewhat like a creature called sea cucumber. It is more than 20 meters long and is still slowly creeping.

This organ is considered to be an 'immune production organ'. It is used to produce immune organisms. Each of the virtual buses produces different immune organisms, some of which are 'made' by themselves, and some are taken from the outside, no matter which. In the end it seems that some specific organs will be used to produce them.

Lin hasn't fully understood the life of the Void Bus, but I also know the general situation... Under this organ, you should be able to see the nerve structure.

“How do you know so clearly?” The scholar questioned: “Do you have a lot of research on these things?”

"Don't care about these issues." Lin said: "Come on, it's in a state of ... close to death."

"I know!" The scholar did not ask much more. It quickly flew to the side of the organ and then cut it on the device using the hand.

Soon, the surface of this organ was cut open by scholars, revealing the structure inside, and Lin looked at it.

In the usual case, it will be attacked by a large number of immune organisms. But now I can see that there is nothing in the organ, it is an empty capsule.

The reason why it is squirming is mainly a reaction of the empty bus. It wants to mobilize more troops through this organ, but now there is no army.

In fact, if there is a force, it can be seen from a long distance that the hemisphere is full of creatures, but Lin has not seen any creatures, which means that it is safe to dig this organ.

"This is it."

I was drilled into the saclike organ with the scholar, and I can see that the inside of the organ has many structures like fluff.

These things look a lot like cells, but not cells. Most of them are of other kinds, and Lin flies to a thicker fluff in the organ.

"This is the nerve line used by the Void Bus to detect its organs. It can connect to the main nerve through it." Lin said to the scholar: "You take out the 'dream receiver' of your assembly and touch it."

"Dream receiver? What is it?" The scholar questioned: "Is there such a thing in my machine?"

Lin said: "Input instructions: objects that cannot be rolled."

"Instructions?" Scholars are even more puzzled: "How do you know this... Have you seen the information before?"

Although it is very doubtful, scholars also know how to enter instructions. In fact, it used to use various tools before it was implemented by inputting instructions. In fact, it is very imaginary to imagine in the brain.

After it entered the command, the scholar was surprised to find that its abdomen slowly opened and then played a square inside.

"This feeling is very strange." The scholar looked at his open abdomen and grabbed the square and placed it on the nerve line that Lin had said.

"It's in the process of receiving it now. It takes about tens of seconds," Lin said.

“Do you still have a certain time?” the scholar asked: “This should be used...”

‘Hey! ’

A burst of sound was simulated by Lynn.

I saw that the lower organs began to swell rapidly, and then blasted with a bang, a strong airflow emerged from the inside, and the scholar and Linden were blown out by the air.

"What is going on? Explosion?" The scholar stabilized his figure and looked down. I saw that the organs on the entire Void Bus seemed to be in this situation, and they were constantly expanding.

But not the organs themselves swell, but what is under the organs is expanding, the more the organs are squeezed, and then blasted.

"Susumi...what are you...and that thing!"

Scholars discovered that two things were lost in the explosion, one is the mini Susumui, and the other is the one that was used to touch the nerve line.

"Where." Lin controlled Susumi into the mind of the scholar: "Go get it back."

“Where?” The scholar turned around and found the location of the mini Susumi, and then turned around and saw that the square was floating in the distance.

"I will pass!" The scholar immediately turned on the propulsion device and quickly flew to the square.

but in the meanwhile……

The explosion happened again. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks to ~o, 1994~1888!

Thanks ~ What is the mirror 588~

Thanks for the reward of ~tmyya~

Thanks ~ Xu. Chimiasos ~ King of Lionheart ~ Xiaolan ~ renze**i~ monthly ticket ~

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