4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 927: After the explosion

"Ah! Just a little!"

This is a camp that connects the world to the virtual people.

The scholar woke up from its 'connection box' and watched his hand scream.

"I can get the box back almost, why is the Void bus blasting? Does this mean that you can never figure out what the Void Bus is all about?"

The main reason why scholars wake up here is because... it is dead.

Its mechanical body died, so it had to wake up here, and one of the last things it did on the mechanical body was to grab the box that was bombed to read the nerve lines.

But it did not succeed in getting this box, mainly because...


This is a very violent explosion.

Although there have been many explosions since the beginning of the 'war' here, the only explosion that affected Lin Susummi and scholars.

The source of the explosion was the half of the empty bus.

Initially, the visceral swells and then blasts. Finally, the half of the emptiness bus also blows up.

Although it is a huge object with a diameter of 30 kilometers, the power of the explosion is quite powerful, but it does not completely devour all the surrounding targets.

Lin looked at the explosion and completely drowned the scholar's mechanical body. Because Lin's position was far away, she could see the scene.

When the explosion came over here, Lin suddenly noticed that the surrounding scenery changed instantly, and a wide room appeared in front of...Lin.

This room...is the room before the scholar.

Everything here seems to have changed, all kinds of furniture are still there, the huge sofa has not moved, and the huge screen on the side of the room, there are still some things playing there.

It seems that there is no impact from the explosion at all. Although this is wonderful, Lin still feels that another point is also very wonderful.

That is how Lin came here?

It seems that the moment the explosion rushed, the mini Susumi was transferred to the room, but the scholar did not send it, it was directly killed.

therefore. Lin can also see scholars woke up in the virtual private land.

However, Lin’s mini Susumumi survived, why? Perhaps it is a kind of 'protection function', Lynn feels that this room may have some special ability to protect the occupants. The occupants will be sent back when the occupants are in danger.

This feature is not yet certain, mainly found before and when scholars used to test various supplies and tools in the room.

There are some wonderful features here, but at the time I played with it, but did not test it in detail.

Maybe that thing worked?

Thinking about it. Lin looked at the corner of the room, where there was something that looked like a can.

This thing is more than one meter long. It has a name called 'Crisis Trigger'. Lin thinks it might be that this thing is working.

If this is the case, Lin feels that to survive, it should be the mechanical body of the scholar, because this mini Susumu...

Never been noticed.

It has not been asked from the very beginning, and when it comes into contact with various creatures here, they have not cared about it. They have only talked with scholars.

They seem to regard the mini Susumi as a thing like a prop. Not a creature.

Although there are also small bio-residents like the mini Susumi, there is no such thing as a creature that uses Susumumi as a real creature.

Besides, Lin has never seen the residents of small creatures. Although some residents have seen some of the introductions before, they must have lived in different areas, and they have not interacted with these larger residents.

All in all, you can continue to explore here.

This room seems to have gravity. It may be that there is a separate operating system in the room. Lin walks up to the huge screen on the ground and looks at the picture played on the screen.

A piece of content is played repeatedly in the picture. Not the previous starry sky.

"Your request has been received, all creatures must stay in their own room, do not make any extra moves such as leaving the room, if you make the move. The consequences will be conceited."

"After the situation is over, you can leave the room. At the end, you will be notified. It is expected that the end of the situation will be... Omi."

‘Omi’ is a special time unit used by the capturer, which is about 100,000 years.

Lynn thinks these creatures can't live that long.

And this is the content of the play. It's quite...wonderful.

This seems to indicate that the capturer has received requests from those residents, so it is here to inform the creatures to stay in the room and not to go out.

And it's really safe here. The surrounding environment is as harmless as Lynn sees. The catcher's ensure that these creatures are protected and they are not going to involve them in the war.

The strange thing is, when was this message sent?

Obviously, at the beginning of the war, all the creatures, including Atlan, did not seem to receive the news, when they gathered there and shouted.

Or... this message will not be sent to their armor, just the screen in the room?

In this case... there will be a lot less creatures, because most of the creatures are outside during that time. Although there are no nights and nights here, the creatures here also have standard working hours, such as working together outside for a certain period of time. All of a while is resting.

At the time, Atlan's photographic equipment should be able to directly transmit information to the armor of other creatures, so it can call those who are mining.

Lin feels that there seems to be a big misunderstanding.

Atlan thought that the capturers, regardless of them, actually managed them, but there were some problems with the way they sent the information, and the time it took them to stay in the room... long.

There are some food reserves in the room, but even if the whole room is full of food, the creatures here can't support it for too long.

This situation may make some creatures staying in the room do not want to continue, but want to run out to find opportunities.

Lin feels that there should still be a lot of creatures to survive. There will always be some creatures staying in the room and not going out, but it’s hard to say what they are doing now...

In short, Lin feels that she should go out and have a look.

Thinking, Lin looked at the direction of the door, then flew up and gently patted the door.

……no response.

It seems that this mini Susumui can't trigger the opening of the door. After all, this room is a scholar.

But what method do they use to judge that scholars touch the door?

It may be judged by the armor shell.

Although it is more likely to judge internal information, Lin still has to try it.

Moreover, Lin also felt that if she wanted to go out, she would have to change a bigger body. The body of the mini Susumi is too small to do a lot of things.

Thinking, Lin looked in one direction of the room.

There is a machine there, which is used to repair and make armor.

It looks like a big metal cabinet, it is the most occupied position in this room, and it has a stereoscopic operating system, apparently created by the catcher according to the civilization that Lin thought of.

Although it will not be exactly the same as the imagination, it should be simple to operate.

Lin flew up and came to the sofa.

There are a lot of things on the sofa, most of them are foods, they were placed before, and Lin found the operating system between a bunch of food.

It is also a disc-shaped thing with a diameter of three centimeters.

The scholars used it to open the picture of the armor, but did not put it on the body but placed it here.

Fortunately, I didn't wear it on my body, or I couldn't make anything.

Lin touched the disc and opened the three-dimensional picture. This thing has no biological detection, and can be opened by touching it with the correct posture.

Then, Lin flew up and tried to operate the interface, and found that the mini Susumu can also operate by touching the screen.

Thinking, Lin began to study...

This feature is really easy to understand, and Lynn found that the manufacturing features are very rich.

It can make something quite sophisticated and there is enough material here.

The first batch of materials was prepared, because the creatures here just didn't know how to collect the materials, but they wanted to dig them later.

Lin believes that here is a set of machinery that is similar to the mechanical machinery of scholars.

However, Lin certainly does not create exactly the same machinery. The outside environment should be non-gravity. Lin feels that it should create a structure suitable for flying.

It is also suitable for grasping various things for research. As for controlling the core, you can use this mini Susumui.

If so, then you should create one...

Octopus shaped machinery.

At the same time, in order to allow the entrance to recognize that the machine is a scholar, it is necessary to add some special construction, but this is very simple.

Thinking, Lin worked on the screen and quickly made it.

It takes a little while, so when Lynn is waiting, she explains a little to the scholars and continues to pay attention to what happens in the connected world.

Micromachines have no special movements, and those underground creatures, such as the ground mirrors, plan to continue building the base there, but there is no attack.

When observing these things, the machinery that Lin wanted to make was also made.

The armor manufacturing machine slowly opened, and the same mechanical setting as Lin set in front of Lin's eyes... (~^~)

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