4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 928: Outside situation

"If you leave this place, your life will not receive any protection."

A imaginary hand was placed on a white wall.

This wall recognized the hand and responded.

It seems that this wall has not noticed that this hand is connected with an octopus-shaped machine behind it...

It looks very effective.

Lin made a octopus-shaped machine not long ago. The overall length of the machine is more than three meters. Although it is mechanical, it is constructed entirely of a flexible material.

Because Lin found that the manufacturing materials here are varied, I chose this one so that the machine can move like a real octopus.

In the octopus's mind, the mini Susumi controls the mechanical body by means of 'transferring thoughts'.

In fact, this place has a lot of things that directly convey thoughts. Before, Lin and scholars also found that there is something to make 'animation'. This thing can directly depict the pictures in the biological brain, and does not need to be slow. Slowly draw a little bit.

At the same time, the armor manufactured can also be directly controlled by a similar method, so even if the mini Susumi is small, it can control the entire octopus-shaped machine.

Because Lin believes that the door is likely to be detected by detecting the shape of the hand, Lin has got a mechanical scientist's hand and put it on the door... It actually reacts.

Lin also thought about some other way to prevent it from responding. It seems unnecessary.

But before going out, Lin wanted to confirm the situation outside, thinking, Lin asked the entrance: "Can you know the situation outside?"

"External situation: Unknown, not recommended to leave, it is not recommended to step into any unknown place, unless you try to get close to death, or are not satisfied with the expected time of the end of the external situation."

It seems that the capturers themselves know that their expected time will be very long...that is to say if it is very long... they still suggest that the internal creatures leave.

So they did not completely seal the housing, but gave the creatures the opportunity to leave.

"So. Open."

After Lin said this, she touched the entrance again. In fact, there is no door. It looks like a wall.

"In the docking... it takes time..."

The wall began to flash white light for ten seconds. It continues: "The docking is complete. After leaving here, you will not be held responsible for any failure in your life."

"..." Lin first extended a tentacle and reached into the light of the wall and looked out.

Lynn saw a dark passage. It is the road outside the room. Compared with the time when the scholars and the scholars came over, it seems that there has been a great abnormality. Through the light from the end of the tentacle, Lin sees all kinds of debris everywhere in the passage. There are also some dead bodies of creatures.

They are all floating, indicating that gravity has long since failed.

At the same time, the walls on both sides of the passage are also covered with cracks, but these cracks do not feel like vibrations, but like... give something a scratch.

There may be sharp objects that pass through the passage.

There seems to be no danger of explosion and vibration, and Lin looked after a while. Then the whole body moved out of the room and came to the passage.

Lin looked back and found that when she stood in the passage looking at the room, she could see a raised door on the wall of the passage, and inside the door was the situation of the room.

The situation in the room was normal, and it was as wonderful as Lin had been waiting for.

But Lin came out of the room not through the raised door, but through the light of similar transmission...

Thinking, Lin looked around and there was a crack in the room next to the door.

This crack is more than three meters long and draws an arc. The width is about ten centimeters, just like a creature grabs it with its claws.

Lin put a tentacle into the crack, looking from the back of the wall to the direction of the room, only to see the location of the room is a pile of metal debris. There is no room there.

it is as expected.

The room that Lynn had been waiting for is no longer here. The room may not even be in the battleship, it may be somewhere in the void.

The captureers ensured the security of the room in this way, and they might have placed the room transfer somewhere in the void, as the Atlant asked, without taking them to war. Instead, it is placed in a safe location. Each room has a set of gravity, temperature and other maintenance systems, so everything will be normal in the room.

If the room is kept in the battleship, it is unlikely to be safe.

The entrance to the room has a transfer function that can transport the creatures leaving the room back into the channel of the battleship.

Maybe they do this because after the war is over, the warship is safe and the creature can continue to come back.

But now the situation should be that the capturer is destroyed... and the creatures in the room can only survive on their own.

The entrance to the room as seen from the passage wall is just an image, but it seems that it can be touched back. It seems that the transmission here remains intact.

I don't know how they are transmitted. Is it a device or an organ of a Void bus? This time to study again...

Now, Lin feels that she should continue to explore, for example, in the previous library.

But it may not be easy to go there.

Thinking, Lin let the octopus machinery move here.

Through the tiny gripping structure of the tentacle, it can crawl along the wall, and Lin is planning to move forward with a moving point.

The passages are full of floating things, most of which are metal scraps that are peeling off the walls.

In addition, it is the body.

Now in front of Lin, there is a corpse floating slowly. It picks up the helmet. The eyes and mouth of the whole head grow big. It seems that before trying to die, I tried to breathe the air very hard. .

It was originally a creature with a flat face like Atlan, but now its face has suddenly swelled and it seems to suffer tremendous pain.

This is a very weird phenomenon. It is normal for the creatures here to be killed, but it is very strange to take off the helmet and suffocate.

What might happen to it, it is not ruled out that it is a dispute with other creatures that causes the helmet to be removed.

But...Lin thinks it may have nothing to do with the dispute.

Lin thinks it should be better to test it first, thinking that Lin let the octopus stick out the tentacles.

Just at the moment of reaching out to the tentacle... Lin felt a little around. (~^~)

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