4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 929: Abnormal creature

"It seems like there is something... something. ● Hey,"

Lin let the octopus stick the tentacles on the wall and carefully perceive the... sound here.

I just swayed here, but it was not caused by the explosion.

It's the feeling of something moving.

Sticking to the wall, Lynn can detect that the thing is moving fast in the passage and getting farther and farther away.

However, the detection ability of this machine was not as strong as that originally set by Lin... It was very strong, and soon the thing ran out of distance and could hardly feel it.

Lin thinks that it is a body with more than five meters. It is not certain that it is a creature... or mechanical.

It may be something that causes cracks in the walls of the passage...

As I thought about it, Lin continued to move forward, and the octopus machine slowly moved in a pile of floating debris. Lin used a circle of 'eyes' around the mechanical head to carefully observe the various floating objects around.

Lin is more concerned about those ... the body.

There are a lot of corpses here, and their deaths seem to be similar. They all took off their helmets or other armor parts before they died, and then died in suffocation.

They are floating around here, and Lynn sees some creatures still maintaining their pre-death posture, which stretches out its limbs and seems to want to grab something.

Lynn thinks it might be the entrance to the room, but because its location has moved, it doesn't know which one is its room.

Lin also wants to enter the room of other creatures to see if there are any strange places. Lin feels that the room of this creature should be nearby.

Lin reached out to the tentacles and grabbed a creature that was floating in front of her eyes. It was a creature with more than a meter. This creature died more wonderfully, because other creatures were part of the armor. It took off all the armor. .

It is a creature like ‘鲎’, with many limbs on it, and some of its limbs have ends for gripping. Similar to the structure of the hand, and this hand is quite... sharp, like a paw.

Lynn found that there was a small piece of metal on the tip of the creature's claw. This is taken from the wall.

The wall caught by it is here.

Looking to the right, Lin can see that there is a trace on the wall that fits this piece of metal.

This creature is incapable of grabbing the metal walls here, but the wall becomes brittle for a number of reasons, so it grabbed the wall before it died and grabbed a piece of debris.

Why does it have to grab this wall?

Thinking about it. Lin touched the hand of the creature's hand on the wall it had scratched, but the wall...had nothing to do.

Sure enough, Lin looked around and found that there was an armor glove on the ground not far away. It was the glove of this creature.

Lin took the glove and put it on the hand of the creature, then used its hand to touch the wall.

At the moment of touching the wall, the wall immediately responded, and after a burst of light, a picture appeared on the damaged wall.

Through this picture. Can see the environment inside the room.

It seems that the image in the room has nothing to do with the damage of the wall.

That is to say, it does not reveal the picture through the wall, but... Lin feels that it may be directly transmitting the picture.

You can see that there are a lot of things scattered around the room, like armor kits, food, and some weapons... Although the capturers forbid them to attack, it seems that there is no ban on making weapons, and many creatures have created some weapons. , that is, you can add some ... security feeling when you can't use it.

The creature should have entered the room, then rummaged through something inside, and then left the room. Then I didn't know what was going on outside the room. It took off the armor and died because the air was not suitable.

But before he died, it broke out the idea of ​​survival. I want to touch the wall to open the door and return to the room.

But it forgot that he did not have the armor gloves, so there was no way to open the door.

The door opening ‘key’ is the shape of the armor worn by the creature. Lin believes that it will record any armor that is made in the room, but the armor made outside the room should not be recognized.

At the same time, it will not recognize those creatures that have taken off their armor...

Lin took the creature's body into the room and put it aside. I started to detect the room.

This room...the size is much smaller than the scholar, about one-third.

Perhaps because this creature is only one-third of the scholars, the room is so small. As for the furniture, it is all suitable for the body structure of this creature.

The video screen here is also like a scholar, and it is constantly playing back messages about prohibiting going out.

This creature that looks like a cockroach feels that it is possible to wait too long to look out for it, but why do you want to take off your armor when you go out?

Lin looked around here, and Lin found that the armor manufacturing equipment here was mostly stuffed in the wall... and the manufacturing equipment was run before.

Although Lin did not find the disc-shaped image device of this creature that used various information such as maps, it found a control device for armor manufacturing.

Lin can click on the control device to detect the contents. Lin can find out from the records inside that the creature has pieced together his armor before.

It’s almost... three thousand seconds ago.

After it modified its armor, it left. Lin felt that there was no problem in modifying the content, that is, adding a weapon slot for wearing weapons.

It's not known what caused it to take off its armor.


Lynn heard the sound, and then looked in the direction of the entrance, and there was a burst of white light at the entrance.

This is also a strange place. After Lin came in... the 'transport channel' of the entrance was not closed, but remained open.

In addition, the entrance setting is also very strange, the situation inside the room can be seen in the corridor outside the room, but the situation in the outside corridor is not visible in the room.

The voice just came from the entrance, and it seems that something is close.

Lin turned off the controller of the manufacturing device, put it aside, climbed under the wall, climbed the roof along the wall, and stuck it to the roof.

Lynn's octopus machinery hangs upside down and looks at the entrance. The reason for this is that Lynn feels that something is coming in.


Just as Lin thought about it, there was something coming in from the light of the entrance.

It was originally a very sharp object, and as the object slowly deepened, the entire creature connected behind the sharp object appeared.

This creature...is the kind I have seen before.

Its whole body is like a ball that is inflated, with a diameter of one and a half meters. Its head is almost completely inserted into the inflated body, and only the mouth protruding from it can be seen.

Lin thinks it is a bit like a dragon creature, but this dragon is now inflated all over the body, and the limbs and head are almost indented into the inflated body, which is almost the same feeling.

In particular, it has a long spike on the back, as if the spine stretched out, and the outside of the body sticking out of the head is almost one meter long.

This thing uses a short, barely able to push the body to the hind limbs of the ground, crawling slowly on the ground, Lin believes that this creature should be no threatening, nevertheless, continue to stick to the top to observe.

After all, this is a mechanical octopus that is made, not a variety of arms that are commonly used by Lin. If it is damaged, it is very troublesome to fix.

And if it’s ‘dead’, then it’s not easy to find this place.

Lynn still doesn't know the coordinate position here. It may not be detected in a simple way because it is too far away, so it can only be explored here in a limited way.

It is quite difficult for this creature to move forward here.

Lin looked at it for almost thirty seconds, and it only moved more than a meter.

Now it doesn't move on, but it is breathing out there.

It seems to have a structure like the lungs, so it can breathe, mainly because its short limbs are difficult to push it forward.

It should be easy to move forward on the outside, because there is no gravity, it can fly a long distance by simply rubbing the wall.

But in a gravitational place, it can hardly move.

Lin felt that it was not the creator of the cracks on the outside wall. Although it was sharp on the back, it could not be scratched like a claw.

Thinking, Lin fell off the roof.


The mechanical octopus stretched out all the tentacles and caught the creature.

It suddenly struggled there, the swollen limbs around the body swayed constantly, but there was no way to move itself a little.

Lin raised a tentacle, the end of the tentacle opened, and extended more small tentacles, which pierced through its skin and examined its internal structure.

The reason it swells is because the body is full of a gas that causes it to swell rapidly and become difficult to act.

It was originally a normal creature living here, but its body seems to have some kind of...mutation that makes it this...

‘Hey! ’

At the time of Lin’s inspection, there was a huge noise coming from the entrance, and I saw an object slamming in from the entrance.

Lin immediately let the octopus release the swollen creature and jump backwards, and the object directly grabbed the swollen creature and pulled it straight away, disappearing into the light of the entrance.

What is this again?

Just as Lin saw it, I felt like it was a mucus-filled object, probably a part of a large creature, and this creature should have strong mobility. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks for the reward of ~tmyya~

Thanks ~ palm card ~ star routing night ~ Guanshu Zhixing ~ Youth Palace ~ monthly ticket ~

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