4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 931: variation

It seems to be here...

In front of Lynn, there is a wall made of metal. Oh,

The wall was covered with cracks, which were caused by the effects of the explosion, but some were caused by sharp objects.

Lin looked at a door in the middle of the wall.

The circular door is tightly closed, and you can hear the sound coming from inside by simply putting the tentacle on the door.

‘咕噜噜...’ The sound is probably like this. This is the sound of a certain creature... It’s the kind of creature that Lynn is trying to find...

Before, Lin looked at the contents of the photographic equipment. It still kept shooting after the death of the group of creatures. During the whole process of shooting, Lin noticed that there were many floating creatures that seemed to have died. 'Yes.

Their entire body swollen and disarmed, and although they entered this weird state, the swollen creature seemed to be more vital.

They can live in the air environment that would have killed them, and they will slam the walls with their hands and feet.

Therefore, Lynn decided to ask them to do it first... 'swelling monsters'.

They look a lot like what viruses are infected like this, and generally only viruses can make such huge changes in a short period of time.

There is another creature that captures these swollen monsters. In the photographic picture, Lynn sees this creature many times.

Now, Lynn has arrived where it lives, and the mucus left by it makes the route of its action very clear, so it is easy to find it.

This place can be said to be a place called...the place where the creatures have formed their own small community, borrowing resources to get resources, then making things and selling each other.

But this is all the old thing.

Now because of a war... it has become a group of quirky mutant living places. Lin wants to find out what is the reason, the war between the catcher and the water polo... is it related to the mutant creature here?

The tentacles of the mechanical octopus were placed on a round door, and the door made a sound as soon as it was touched. Then rolled to the side, revealing the contents of the room.

It seems that the door is still working. At the moment the room is opened, Lin feels that a lot of gas is flowing inside.

These gases are very different from the gases in the corridors. Mixed with a large number of different ingredients.

From here, I can see that there are a lot of debris scattered on the ground, most of them are some packaged food.

Here is the place to sell food, and some food packaging has been opened, and the food inside has been eaten a lot.

And the top of the room. It’s more interesting than the ground, because there are dozens of swollen monsters on it, these swollen monsters occupy the roof, they are like one by one... the fruit is hanging there.

They are glued to the top, and they are still alive, so they are constantly struggling.

The creature that caught them was in the center of the room. Although Lin opened the door, it didn't react much.

This creature has a length of more than five meters and is the creature that Lynd had seen before. It looks a lot like... ‘蜈蚣’, with a long body and many limbs.

It is also one of the personal creatures captured by the capture, but it has become very weird now. It does not wear armor on its body, instead it is covered with a layer of mucus.

This layer of mucus is like a melted wax sticking to it. If it moves, obviously there will be a lot of mucus sticking to the ground.

Lynn suddenly found out... it moved.

It slowly lifted his head and looked at a swollen monster that was sticking to it.

The swollen blame seemed to be in a bad condition and began to struggle harder, but its short limbs, which were almost squeezed into the expansive body, couldn't help.

At this time. A scorpion-like creature sticks a sharp... claw from the head covering the mucus and pokes it into the swollen skin.

'Snapped! ’

At the moment of being poked in, the swollen body suddenly exploded, and various organs and a gas with a strong odor spread to the surroundings.

And the swelling that blew out. In the end, only a bunch of pieces are left.

It turned out that this room gathered a lot of strange gas, mainly because this creature was in this... it was a lot of swelling.

But why is it doing this? It seems to be to get the gas in the swollen monster, not to eat them.

Because Lynn noticed that the swollen wreckage was floating around before it was everywhere, which means that it didn't eat, and what it ate was the food that was originally sold in the store.

This is wonderful. Because, by the way, they are creatures that have just changed, in this state, they have little ability to know, but this... creatures collect the swelling monsters very purposefully, and then get their gas. , doing a very sophisticated look.

When Lin thought so, it looked over here.

The creature was covered by mucus, including the part that should have been the eye, but it still saw Lin's mechanical octopus in a dark environment.

Then, it rushed straight to Lin.

The creature sticks a pair of sharp claws from its head and slams it over the head of the mechanical octopus, and the sound of a metal collision echoes around it.

The mechanical octopus remained motionless, and the tip of the paw slightly cast a trace on its outer shell, but it could not penetrate into the head.

It seems that this material is quite strong and there is no way to pierce it.

It seems that the creature has also noticed this problem. It immediately withdraws its claws and intends to retreat. The mechanical octopus immediately stretches out the tentacles and wraps the head of the creature.

The creature suddenly twisted the back of the body, intending to break free from the entanglement of the mechanical octopus. Lin let the two tentacles grasp the ground, and all the remaining tentacles clung tightly around its head, which made it unable to break free.

At the time of its struggle, Lin also examined its structure, with a hard shell under its mucus, which secreted mucus on the surface.

And its internal structure...

Lynn feels that it may be easier to test without letting it move.


It suddenly slammed his head and broke free from the touch of Lin's mechanical octopus, then immediately turned around and ran to the depths of the room.

It seems that it does not intend to continue to attack, but is ready to escape, watching it, Lin also let the mechanical octopus chase up.

Although it is a gravitational environment, the creature moved against the ground, knocking a large number of obstacles along the way and quickly rushing to the corner of the room.

Lin found that the walls in the corner had a lot of cracks, and the creature jumped directly from the ground and slammed into the cracks in the wall.

‘Hey! The wall blew up and it rushed out of the room.

Lin followed it and chased it. After passing through the blasted wall, Lynn found it in a place...very spacious.

It is like a square, about a hundred meters in diameter, and there are a lot of things floating everywhere.

Originally connected to such a large place at the back of the shop, the floating objects here are all biological creatures, various metal scraps, machinery or something.

And there are many capturers, those who have tentacles and objects of various shapes.

The creature ran rampant among the piles of floats. Although there was no gravitation, it would still be hurt if it hit a hard object, and it seemed to care less about it, but sprinted wildly.

Therefore, Lin, who was chasing after him, left an open road with no debris.

Lin used a little bit of the propulsion ability of the tentacle assembly, so that the octopus can catch up with the target creature at a faster speed. As it gets closer and closer, it looks more anxious.

'boom! ’

It slammed into an object in front again, and the object was a large piece of metal. After hitting the object, the creature instantly fainted and stopped at the same place.

Lin's octopus immediately rushed up and wrap it around, then pierced a tentacle into its outer shell as quickly as possible and extracted a large number of cells inside.

‘Hey! ’

It suddenly woke up, twisting his body again and earning Lin, and then ran in the other direction.

Seeing Lin wants to continue to catch up, but before chasing...

‘Boom! ’

Lynn felt the whole room tremble.

Lynn immediately stopped the action and carefully perceived the source of this tremor. Lynn found a large object below the square.

And the object is moving, it is quickly approaching the creature that is running away.

‘Hey! ’

At the moment when the object moved below the escape creature, the ground beneath the creature suddenly exploded, and a huge white object rushed out from the ground.

This is also a tentacle, but it is quite huge, because this is... the tentacle of the Void Bus cub.

The tentacle slammed into the creature that was running away from the moment he got out of the ground, just listening to ‘oh! A burst of sound, the entire square was shaken.

And that creature is estimated to have been smashed.

Then, the place vibrated again, and there were countless cracks around the ground that the tentacles had drilled. The huge body of the entire void bus behind the tentacles was also drilled from the ground.

This is a relatively small cub, with a total of six large tentacles in the province, with a diameter of more than 20 meters.

I thought that the cubs of the Void Bus had disappeared, and I didn’t expect it to appear here.

And... it seems to be preying on this mutated creature that is like a dragonfly. It is using a tentacle to absorb the body of the creature on the ground and its mucus.

Can it be said that the cubs of the Void Bus have also changed? (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~ the bumpy life of 588~

Thanks ~ bitter sea boundless tour ah ~ sigh blue sigh ~ don't worry about the tail ~ 俺 really not a hero ~ sf0916 "", see the latest and most complete novel!

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