4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 932: encounter

The eighth hundred chapters quickly produced

Why are the cubs of the Void Bus here?

Lin looked at the cub in front of her, it had just finished eating, but it seemed to be unsatisfied, and then it lifted its tentacles and reached into the heap of debris floating around here.

Lynn noticed that under the tentacles it grew a lot like a fluffy structure, which used these fluff to stick to the float and then pulled underneath it.

The things it pulls are all...the body.

It seems to like to eat these things. When it is pulled, it first smashes it with another tentacle and then absorbs the scattered debris.

Void buses... There should be no such behavior, especially for such youngsters, they should not eat cell-like organisms.

And there is a lot of 'Jelly' on the upper layer. Those are the foods. The baby's behavior is weird, and Lin feels that it is possible that it has also undergone variation.

It's not difficult to make cell-like organisms mutate. It can even be said to be a very simple matter, but it makes the Void bus mutate... This seems to be quite a difficult thing. Lin can at least not know the creatures now, because the interior of the Void Bus The structure is quite complex, especially since they are difficult to change.

But maybe those very old stellar buses have this ability, but now this situation should be unrelated to them.

Related to the catcher, and... the water polo.

Lynn decided to observe for a while, but the cubs of the Nether Bus went forward while eating, and it is now almost in the position of Lin.

So, Lin moved a little later.

At the moment when Lin moved, the young man suddenly reacted. It violently moved all the tentacles, rushed to Lin, and directly lifted the tentacle in the forefront, ready for the slap. .

Although the mechanical octopus is relatively strong, Lin feels that it will definitely be crushed by the tentacle.

‘Hey! The huge force slammed on the ground, and Lin felt that everything around it was shaking again...

But before being flattened. Lin’s octopus machine flew into the air, avoiding the crisis, and the cub did not hesitate, and it immediately moved a little further. Once again, the mechanical octopus was snapped over.

‘Hey! ’

This time, the mechanical octopus retreated backwards, only half a meter away from the huge marks on the ground.

Lin felt that it was impossible to avoid it again, so Lin aimed one of the octopus's tentacles in the other direction, and then...launched.

This tentacle continually twisted his body and rushed to the distance. This seems to be very effective for this pup, and it immediately climbed over with the tentacles.

It seems that this pup is not only mutated, but also has a lower intelligence. No matter how much, let's leave here.

There are still seven tentacle mechanical octopuses flying in the direction of rapid transit. Soon, Lin returned to the shop full of swollen monsters. After watching it here, Lin continued to move back.

Finally, Lynn returned to the room of the scholar...

But it is not that I am back. Instead, it carries a lot of ... materials, in fact, some metal fragments, as well as armor of various creatures.

These materials can be thrown into the armor manufacturing device, and then Lin continues to use it to make octopus armor and ... weapons.

Although the capturer prohibits biological attacks, this thing has the function of making weapons.

Because you have to deal with the Nether Bus cubs, you have to prepare something special.

The cub just didn't seem to be afraid of the temperature environment here, but it didn't seem to be caused by the mutation, but the original cub here.

Maybe they have some special abilities, but they will definitely be mutated when they go to eat cell biology.

After reassembling the tentacle and the new weapon. Lin left the room again.

Although it was prepared to have weapons, this weapon did not have the means to kill the cubs of the Void Bus. It was only used to escape.

Because there is no high-powered weapon here, this is probably also set by the capturer. Although it allows creatures to create weapons to enhance their security, they are not allowed to create something that is too much damage.

Since there is no strong weapon, Lin will not want to go back to the place just now, but decided to go somewhere else.

Lin still wants to go to the library to see, there should be a lot of information that has not been found, but that place needs to enter the mobile point to arrive.

Lin thought of it a bit. Since the room was connected to the warship by transmission, it must be connected to many areas of the battleship, not just the corridor.

Lin came to the entrance and carefully examined the entrance and found a small hole next to the entrance.

This hole did not appear before, as if Lin came back.

“The environment in the outer area was found to be abnormal, allowing the relocation direction to be reconfigured.”

When Lin stared at it, it suddenly made a sound.

It turns out that it can change the position... and this is a feature that comes with it.

However, this function triggering method seems strange. It will only be triggered when it comes out. Before that, when Lin had not gone out, it said that it could not detect the outside environment.

“A lot of identifiable exits were found, showing alternative exits.”

After this sound, a three-dimensional picture popped up in the hole, which was covered with a lot of dense circles...

It seems that every circle is an exportable connection, but it does not indicate where the circle is connected. Lin then just clicks on it and then explores the tentacle from the entrance.

At the moment when the tentacle was explored, Lynn felt the tentacles enter the water...

This is an underwater environment, and it is connected to other places. This piece of water is estimated to be in the hunting ground inside the battleship.

There, Lin thinks there will be some wonderful things, but first of all, the library is near the hunting ground, so it should be the circle next to it.

Lin then clicked on a circle next to it, but the environment that Lynn saw here was... the back of the battleship.

It seems that it is far away... Maybe it is not arranged in this circle?

Then Lin continued to try a lot of circles, each of which was connected to a very distant place, but when I tried the tenth, I finally found the connection point of the library.

The library still seems to have been ruined most of it, but this time Lynn feels that she can find something useful here.

For example, Lynn feels that the capturers put their key information on the water polo here. (~^~)

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