4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 937: Calculated error

The catcher... After that incident, he left the original position.

They are afraid that the water polo will have a lasting impact on them, so they leave their original position and reach a farther place.

But their lives have not changed as a result, they continue to capture a large number of individual creatures, let them live within the battleship.

As for the assassinated Void Bus Cub, the catcher placed it in a special treatment room and treated it.

Later, the cub will soon not give off the signal that the individual creatures are going crazy, as if everything has returned to normal.

The catcher has been very concerned about water polo at this time.

They tried to study the water polo in various ways. The most common thing they did was to observe the war of water polo.

Occasionally, some creatures approach the water polo, and the capturer takes the opportunity to observe the contact of these creatures with the water polo.

There is actually no special contact, as long as something is close to the water polo, the water polo will destroy them.

Water polo always uses a very special method to destroy things close to it. They never attack, but each of the creatures that are close to them seems to be destroying themselves...

They always explode one after another at a great distance, collapse, turn into powder, and destroy in various ways... It seems that no matter what kind of structure is meaningless.

There are no creatures, or creatures that make things close to water polo.

Initially, the capturer only observed, observing how these creatures were destroyed, and then recording their destruction.

They occasionally put records in the library so that the creatures living in the battleship can know the outside, but there is no explanation. So creatures usually don't know what these records are all about.

Later, the capturers were not satisfied with the observations, but wanted to participate in these battles.

Sometimes, they try to join the biological forces trying to get close to the water polo, the catchers will try to communicate with them, and then explain the intention to join.

Most creatures don't want the catcher to join. However, some creatures agree to let the capturers join them, so that the capturer has a better chance of touching the water polo.

After the capturers joined, they also officially experienced the 'power' of the water polo, and their troops will also be destroyed together.

But some things will not be destroyed. That is the Void Bus. Occasionally, some of the Void buses are mixed in the trappers' troops.

These buses are hundreds of meters in diameter and are considered to be pups' buses. The catchers take them together to take action close to the water polo.

These empty buses can always escape in time when the surrounding troops are destroyed. They have not suffered any harm.

However, the capturer did not study why the Void Bus was not harmed.

Even if they use almost the same material as the Void Bus to make the aircraft, it is useless, only the Void Bus can escape.

The Void Bus has no special indications about this. They just leave there when they feel the danger. They don’t seem to know what is going on.

The capturer can only study these things on his own.

In this way, time passed slowly, and the capturers also participated in many battles to the water polo.

As these are constantly in contact with the water polo, they slowly understand how the water polo destroys everything around them.

but. They have also encountered some problems...

It is the creatures living in their warships that occasionally mutate. In the case of madness, the capturer found... in fact the water polo has been eyeing them.

In fact, after the catcher first came into contact with the water polo, the water polo had noticed the catchers and stared at them.

The catcher thinks so.

Because things in the battleship occur continuously, the capturers believe that water polo may also be studying them.

But the water polo did not destroy them immediately. It just happened to have some impact.

So the capturers decided to ignore the impact and continue to study the water polo... their research continued until some time.

Long-term research allowed the capturer to slowly understand how the water polo attack was conducted, and how the virtual bus escaped.

They combine multiple methods. After the manufacture of new aircraft, new weapons and other things, after the manufacture, the capturer decided to launch a full-scale attack on the water polo.

Did their attacks succeed?


As a result, Lynn has already seen it.

The trappers’ forces, the aircraft they built, have all been destroyed. This huge warship, although not completely blown up, has lost its ‘vigor’.

And this time, even the Void Bus did not escape. The empty bus outside looked like a half-cut body, and the remaining half exploded.

But because of this, Lin can discover the neural structure from the remaining half of the empty bus and understand the events of this series.

In fact, the entire historical process is seen from the perspective of this virtual bus, so there are many details in it, which are calculated and inferred by Lin.

But there are also many things that the Void Bus does see. The Void Bus can use a way to observe the environment inside the battleship. This Void Bus often does this, so Lynn can also know the development of the warship through its memory.

The Void Bus did not communicate directly with the catchers, but when the capturers decided to attack the water polo, they followed.

This is quite wonderful. What is the Void Bus itself thinking about? Even watching their memories, Lin is not clear.

Because there are only kinds of things that it sees in memory, but there is no opinion or thought about it in various things. It seems that the virtual bus will not think at all.

But Lynn thinks it may be because this memory is incomplete.

All in all, the catchers studied the water polo for a long time, and they felt that they knew the attack after they understood the water polo... This is definitely true.

However, they were wrong. They thought they knew about water polo, but they didn’t know it at all. The whole army was completely destroyed in a short period of time, and they had no way.

And their behavior seems to irritate the water polo, and Lin feels that the water polo may... strengthen the attack, so this time the Void Bus could not escape.

But the water polo did not kill all the Void buses, like the cubs seen on the back of the battleship.

The water polo just puts them in a state of madness, so they will crash into the battleship.

But at the moment they hit the battleship, they will regain their senses and then immediately flee.

There are also some vans that have been killed, such as this one cut in half, and it doesn't know for itself... how it was attacked.

But before it died, it saw a lot of other Void buses being killed, and it helped many youngsters to escape.

As for the situation of the ... capturer, it is not clear.

The catchers seem to be completely destroyed because they don't have any movements, but if they are a group of creatures with common thoughts, they should not be destroyed so easily.

So...may they still be alive?

Lynn feels that the ‘capturer’ who is likely to be alive is the room of various creatures.

In fact, all the things in the catcher, including this huge battleship, can be counted as a catcher.

And those rooms are also, so Lynn feels that if they put the room in a safe place beforehand, then the room can be regarded as... the surviving catcher.

But the rooms didn't seem to have any special reactions, and they didn't do anything special.

Lynn thinks... it might be like this.

The room itself...the intelligence is not very high, it will only do a few things.

Lin still cares about another thing, who brought the box that Lynn had tested the Nether Bus to the library?

How does it know that this thing is important?


When Lin thought about it, there was a sound coming from nearby.

Lin asked the mechanical octopus to put the jars of information found in the library into the 'storage room' on the side of the head, and then looked at the direction of the sound.

Through the gap between the various floating objects in front of the eyes, Lynn can see... There is a group of things flying.

They seem to be a group of very small creatures, each with a diameter of ten centimeters, but a large number, the most important is that each expands like a ball, like a tiny swollen monster.

Are they residents here? Lin has never seen such creatures in the memory of the Void Bus...

Thinking, Lin moved, and the octopus opened the propeller a little and flew slowly in the air.

When I flew to the corridor of the library, Lin saw the creatures again. This group of creatures was also in the corridor, but it was more than 20 meters away.

They have more than a hundred, and are constantly circling around a thing, and that thing is an object like a viscera.

The object is bright red, and the whole body is one meter in size, like the viscera of a multi-celled creature, constantly squirming, and this group of creatures fly around.

It seems to be lured by this visceral thing, but they are just flying around, not close.

'boom! Suddenly, a roar of buzzing sounded, and only half of the group of 'small swollen monsters', that is, fifty or so suddenly exploded, they turned into a pile of pieces and liquids scattered around.

Lin noticed that they were broken into pieces by a large number of sharp and small objects. After half of the companions were smashed, the rest of them immediately escaped.

At this time, Lynn saw a...the creature flew out from the other side of the corridor. It was one of the inhabitants here, wearing thick armor and holding weapons in his hand, and there was no variation. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thank you ~wo day 1994~俺 really not a hero~ auspicious cloud days~wsxr~ monthly ticket~

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