4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 938: Still living creature

"This time I hit a lot."

This creature looks like... Hey, actually the same kind as the one who gave Lin and the scholars the way.

But not the same one.

Lin saw that it was taking out a small jar, collecting the small swollen pieces and liquids floating around, and stuffing them into the jar.

It seems to be hunting these things? After the collection was almost complete, it took up the visceral things on the ground and turned to prepare to leave.

"This is...what?" But when it was about to turn, it looked at Lin's side and seemed to notice Lin's mechanical octopus.

Because there are a lot of pieces floating on the side of Lin, it didn't notice at first, but now that the light of its armor is projected here, it is tense. It clearly shows that there is a behind the float. Very big thing.

So, it raised the weapon in his hand.

This is a weapon that just shattered those small swollen monsters. It can shoot a lot of warheads at once, but the power is not strong. However, it is very interesting to be able to hunt here with such things.


Lynn decided to ask it some things first.

"You... can you speak?" The creature seemed to be surprised to hear Lin's voice, so it said: "Are you a resident here? I have never seen it before!"

"Because it is new." Lin said: "I want to ask you some questions."

"Newcomer?" This cockroach seems to have thought about it there: "It is true that a group of new creatures have come here recently, but this happened without knowing you... So what question do you want to ask?"

It floated over as he spoke, but it still had weapons and did not completely relax.

"You are here... hunting?" Lin asked.

"Hunting? Of course." He said: "Before, those things like small **** were very delicious. I discovered them by chance. I have never seen this creature before, but after eating it, I am addicted. And I also found something that appeals to them."

"What is that thing?" Lin's mechanical octopus asked, and pushed the floating objects around him to move over.

"Wow!" This cockroach saw the mechanical octopus look terrified, but it seemed to immediately realize that it was not 'courtesy', so it stopped immediately.

"That thing I stumbled upon." He said, he took out the viscera that it had just used to lure small swollen monsters. "It seems like there is a weird attraction to them... just put this thing on the ground." For a moment. They will come over, but they don’t eat, but they are turning around, it’s weird.”

"And, it's rare for us to meet here. Now this place has become like this, but I think we should work hard to live, how, we will work together to form a team. Face the difficulties ahead."

This rumor is quite a lot. It seems that it is a survivor's role. It has not been mutated and has not been crushed. It has also successfully hunted here.


“How did you accidentally find that those things can be eaten?” Lin continued.

"This...you don't feel strange when you say it, I don't know what's going on." He said: "I suddenly had such an idea. When I saw them for the first time, I thought they were delicious, then I will call them to eat."

It seems that this flaw has also been affected to some extent.

It's like the empty bus I saw before.

The Void Bus is eating in the capture cell creature. It is estimated that, like cockroaches, the mental state is abnormal. As for whether those things that are eaten are really good for them, I don’t know.

But at least there is no harm, and you will know if it is still alive.

“Do you know there are other creatures here?” Lin asked, “Other...survivors.”

"I have seen one here before." He said: "I originally wanted to call it to join me, but it ran very fast, no matter me, yes, it was the one that used to persuade us to oppose capture. The one who was in war. I didn’t care so much at that time, I didn’t expect it to be true.”

That is to say, Atlan, who is called Rosari, also survived, but Lin wants to know more...

"You don't see anyone doing something here? For example, holding this kind of thing."

Lin took a can of information and put it in front of her eyes.

"Ah! Just now it is holding this thing." He said: "What is this?"

"Some have information about the war."

Lynn replied and felt a little wonderful. Is this information that Atlan is here? It may know more things.

all in all. Lin is now mainly trying to understand things related to water polo. There should be a lot of clues here, such as the assassination of the Nether Bus Cub, which is probably still in this place.

There is also Atlan, it is the only Atlan in here, and it was accidentally caught in. It seems that Lin’s square is important, so Lynn feels that she has to find it.

There are still a lot of problems here. Lin feels that I can't find it with this mechanical octopus, so I have to move more troops from afar.

But this may take a long time.

So Lynn also has the idea of ​​using mechanical octopus to build a unit directly here.

A force using a non-cellular structure can test it...

“What happened to you?” he asked. “Why don’t you move here? Do you want to find it? I know where it lives.”

"Do you know?" Lin asked.

"Yes, but I don't know what you are looking for. It's in this place." He said, he opened a map. This is different from the scholar's map. It shows the situation in many areas. Pointed to a location on the map.

"It may know a lot about the war." Lin said: "So you should find it."

"War..." said: "I think it should be over. It has become like this. Is there something going on? Isn't that all enough? Why is it bringing me fear? I don't want this. !Do not!"

When it was finished, it immediately turned around and drove the armor's propeller to the fastest flight.


It seems that it suddenly has a neurological abnormality. Perhaps it is affected by the water polo. It is not surprising that Lynn now knows that the water polo can affect the biological thoughts, but it is quite strange to make the biological mutation.

Leave it alone, if that's the case, then take a look at the Atlan's room. (To be continued.)

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