4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 939: Its thing

It turned out that this is its room...

Lynn's mechanical octopus is now in the room of... Atlan.

When Lin came here, she found that the 'door' was not closed and could be transferred to the room by touching the wall.

After entering the room, Lin found that everything here is indeed a place that is suitable for Atlan. The furniture and architecture here are very similar to the various Atlan... civilizations that Lin has seen.

But this Atlan seems to be a bit special.

Because Lynn used to look around here, there are many... weapons here.

It made a lot of weapons, most of which were made in the near future. It prepared a lot for this situation. At the same time, Lynn also found that there is a lot of food here.

They are all foods that can be stored for a long time. These things can make it live for a long time, although there are not as many as 100,000 pompoms.

Of course, it also stores water, which means that this Atlan has been prepared a lot before the war begins.

But it also represents a place, that is, it seems to know that this warship will enter a state of cessation, not destroyed by the whole.

It feels that he can continue to live on the stopped warship, so he will prepare these things... It knows what will happen after the war from the beginning.

This Atlan seems to know a lot, and it doesn't seem to want to hide...

Because Lynn found some diaries in this room.

These diaries were written in the language of the residents of the country, and the language used by the first Ershi resident group that Lynn encountered on Mars was the same as Atlan, but Ershi. Residents.

But it looks like real Atlan, and Lynn feels that it is only possible to understand the language. In short, it is still considered as Atlan.

This Atlan was not there in Ershi, but was born in a very special place...

Now, Lin is watching this diary, it is recorded in a disc, and it can pop up a stereoscopic image when touched.

Look at the beginning of the diary. It seems to have been recording the diary from a very early date, but after that, the contents of the diary were transferred into the disc.

In the opening diary, it was written... it came from a place called ‘Void City.’

Although the name seems to be a city or something, it is actually a very narrow and narrow place, according to the description in the diary. From the day it was remembered, it saw metal-structured corridors and rooms.

There are also many similarities here. They are still educated or younger Atlan, growing up day by day, but there is no place to stay up late, just like its name. The Nether City is in the void.

Atlan, who lives in a closed area, has been learning a variety of things all the time. Although it can't see the outside environment, its teachers in learning often teach how the outside environment is... bad. .

To put it simply, the outside environment is a vast space where debris and debris are floating everywhere. These things include various objects, such as the wreckage of giant creatures, which seem to be the ruins of civilization, and many do not know. What is it?

The Atlantians live within a small space within this huge emptory ruin.

The way their resources are obtained is constantly collected in the surrounding ruins. It seems that there are a lot of multi-cellular creatures nearby, mainly using these creatures as food. At the same time, they still collect a lot of useful things around to make necessary items, repair old equipment and so on.

So the most important part of this group of Atlan's career is the ‘scavenger.’

Atlan, who recorded the diary... Also known as Rosali, Atlan was educated to be a great scavenger from an early age. There are many complicated techniques and techniques, and it requires tough courage and wisdom.

And this... Rosary's performance in all aspects shows that it is stronger than the same kind of the same year, so it grows rapidly.

Soon, it reached the point of ‘adult’, it became a scavenger and left where it had been. From there, leave for adventure.


'boom! ’

Lin felt that the head of the mechanical octopus was hit by a very strong impact. This is... a warhead.

Lin looked back and saw the entrance to the room... an Atlan's hand, and this hand still holds a weapon. The warhead just shot this weapon.

The scene lasted only one second, and the hand immediately retracted into the light of the entrance, but Lin's mechanical octopus tentacles immediately stretched out.

The tentacle quickly reached into the light, and instantly caught Atlan outside and pulled it in.

'boom! boom! boom! Atlan just struggled a little and found that the octopus was shot several times in a row after being unable to open.

Every time I hit the head of the octopus. Some of those seemingly near the structure of the eye, and indeed one was broken.

But the mechanical octopus made by Lin had a lot of eyes, so it had no way to break it all, and it was pulled by Lin.

It found that the current weapon was not working, and immediately threw it aside and prepared to take out another weapon.

Its movements are very skilled, entangled without extra struggle, but immediately judge and counterattack, Lin feels that it is indeed as the diary said... is trained.

The training described in the diary to the scavengers includes training in the face of dangerous creatures, which is very proficient.

Moreover, Lynn felt that it had been a scavenger for a while, but when Lynn wanted to see the next content... it was attacked by it.

But it may be better after it comes here, because Lynn can ask itself directly.

Looking at the action it was going to take with the weapon, Lynn quickly grabbed its hand and asked him, "Do you know Ersh?"

"You can talk?"

It seems that every creature is a similar reaction, but it immediately responded after saying it: "What are you? Ershi... What are you referring to?"

Lin first put it down and told it something about Ersh.

"What? Is there a world called Ershi?" After listening to it, it showed a very wonderful emotion: "I don't know that there is such a world. You said that there are many similar people living there... Who are you? Why? Will you know this?"

"I have been there." Lin said: "Since you haven't been there, discuss other things."

Then, Lin continued to talk to Atlan about a lot of things.

Although it is wonderful for Lynn's mechanical octopus identity, it is still willing to discuss a lot with the octopus, such as... some of its past.

It means that it used to live in a place called the Nether City, where a group of Atlan lives.

That place is like a space station, where there are probably about 3,000 Atlan, where they constantly collect resources and want to increase the space to increase the number of groups.

When Lin asked why it would be in that place, it was unclear, and the general view was that they... drifted from a distance.

But that's just a story, it doesn't find the actual record.

It did not conduct too many investigations. When it was young, it was basically learning or playing. When you grew up, you immediately joined the team of scavengers, put on special armor, and started to work outside.

Outside the Void City, often referred to as the 'ruin', there are fragments everywhere, but there are also many living things.

And these pieces are mainly moved around a tumbling person.

Atlan called the tumbling person a 'gravitational ball', mainly because a large number of fragments around it were attracted to it.

But these pieces did not fall to the surface of the tumbling, but they were all around the ball. At the same time, the ball was also a wandering world with no stars or the like around it.

It is said that some Atlan had boarded the 'gravitational ball', but they did not return, and there was no communication, so no one tried to go to the gravitational ball, but lived in the ruins.

They believe that they will develop sooner or later and rule the entire ruins.

Atlan, who is called Rosari, also believes that there will be this time.

However, shortly after becoming a scavenger, he suddenly found himself caught by the capture.

Because it is very good at making all kinds of tools and armor, it began to successfully answer the question and joined the biota in the capture ship's battleship.

Then I have been living until now, because it is more popular, it has gradually become a more famous role here.

"I have lived here for a long time." Rosali said: "In the meantime, I have been studying the captureers all the time. These things seem to be good to us, but in fact they just treat us as objects of observation. ”

"But they are very open to information management, so I know that I may survive this war, but the more leisurely life in the past has to end." Rosali said: "Actually, the current life and There is no big difference in the past. You must hunt everywhere and collect items..."

Luo Shali suddenly said: "My things have been said a lot, you should also talk about your business... You said that you have been to us... a world, is it true?"

"I have seen many of your kind," Lin said. "They are scattered all over the void."

“I still have many similarities?” Rosary said quite surprised: “How did you meet them?”


After thinking about it, Lin told him about some other Atlan things. Every time he said one, it felt quite incredible... (~^~)

Ps: Thanks ~ Lambs ~ Maple's demon month ~ 112211211212 ~ a lonely chopstick ~5857443 ~ monthly ticket ~

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