4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 942: Making new things

"You said it... is the one that was assassinated?"

"...is right."

Lin's mechanical octopus is now in the room with Rosalie.

Lin had just repaired the damage of the octopus here. As for Rosari, he was treated here. Although he was seriously injured, he was still dead.

The Void Bus Cub, who was in the underground of the library, didn’t know where to go, but Rosali said... It knew the cub.

So Lynn felt it necessary to continue to find this young man because it said that the baby was assassinated.

The incident of assassination of the Void Bus is also recorded, but the captureer hides the information very deeply, and only those creatures who are very wholeheartedly investigating can find this information.

It seems that the collectors are hiding this information, and it seems that they are interested in finding these creatures, but it seems that only Rosari will investigate this way.

After reading the information, Rosali recorded the appearance of the Void Bus cub in the data into its armor. Therefore, after seeing the cub in the library, it will recognize it because of protection. A will have a hint.

Lin has seen this baby in her memory, but the cubs in her memory are rather vague.

According to Rosalie, it seems that this cub has not grown since that time until now. Generally speaking, the pups of that time have grown into spheres.

But this cub is still in the shape of a starfish, and its body obviously has something abnormal, although it does not send a signal that causes the surrounding creatures to go crazy.

It is said to have been hidden somewhere for treatment, and the capture may have long been considered cured, but since the baby has not grown up, let it live in the battleship.

After a long time after the start of the war, the cub was affected again, but this time Lin was treated, but it was not completely cured.

Although it was caught in a confused state after being hit by the box, after a while, it wanted to attack the mechanical octopus and Rosali.

Only then, Lin and Rosalie had escaped from the lower level of the library. On the way back, I was chased by the cubs.

Although the mechanical octopus was mostly damaged at the time, there were still some spare propellers capable of flying, and Rosali also resumed his ability to move, and the narrow surrounding environment was not suitable for the pups. So I managed to escape.

Although she escaped, Lin now wants to find it now.

After all, if it is the cub that was assassinated, it must be a very crucial role, but it is not so easy to catch it.

At least be as big as it is. So Lynn decided to experiment with the new arms.

Almost all of Lin's arms have been involved in the cell, even if it is launched, Lin will put a lot of cells inside to observe various things.

But is it possible to create a unit that has no cells but can be controlled with ‘consciousness’?

Lin feels that there is such a possibility, but I haven’t fully figured out how to get it... Now I think I should do some testing. Maybe it’s difficult to use consciousness to control non-cellular things, but Lynn still can pass some Way to control.

And after Rosari said that he would continue to explore, Lin first bid farewell to Rosary, who is still in treatment, and let the mechanical octopus reach the corridor.

There are a lot of debris floating around the corridor. Lin let the mechanical octopus move and use the tentacles to wrap these pieces for testing.

The main test object is the armor of various creatures.

Now, the mini-susum that controls the octopus is mainly a dream energy relationship, so it is also connected to the connector in the camp connected to the world.

So as long as the connector is touched into the dream, Lin can see a long passage, as in the mayor's brain, it is connected far away.

Lin feels that as long as she creates some mechanical arms and then injects dream energy into these arms, she can control these arms at a distance, which is similar to the brain control method.

This seems quite simple. However, no suitable material has been found yet, and the materials here are not suitable as the control core.

The control core needs to have a material that retains the energy of the dream, but some armor is mixed with some materials.

Lin breaks down the materials with the fine structure inside the mechanical octopus and then reorganizes them. But they are small in quantity and need more.

Maybe that place can?

Thinking, Lin returned to the room and then adjusted the entrance to the collection site where the void rock was connected.

Then when I left the entrance, Lynn saw the cave environment that had been there before, and there might be more material in these rocks.

but. There seems to be some strange creatures here too.

The mechanical octopus is now moving, and there is something that is constantly creeping more than ten meters away from the point of movement.

It looks like a mass on the ground... meat, up to two meters, what is this thing?

Looking at it, Lin suddenly thought of the last visceral thing that used to attract small swollen monsters.

Maybe the viscera is related to this piece of meat. Isn't this a biological variant?

But it doesn't look like biological variability at all, it seems to grow from the ground...

There seems to be no threat, and Lin slowly approaches it and touches the surface of the piece of meat with the tentacle.

The composition of the meat chunks...much like Lin is familiar with...gel creatures.

It’s the gel creatures floating in the rocky land. How come they appear here?

And it seems that there is no ability to look like it is constantly squirming on the ground, but Lin believes that they are not biologically mutated.

There is a possibility that the stone may be 'captured' from the place where the catcher floats, so there is a gel creature inside.

The gel creature may be too far away from the group, so there is no intelligence, only some simple activities.

Lin guessed that this is probably the case. In the end, regardless of them, Lin floated under the rock wall and began to detect the composition of the rock...

Sure enough, the rocks here are mixed with many ingredients, and many of them can create things that carry the energy of dreams.

As long as you create a core that can carry the energy of the dream as a control system, as for the other parts, it is made into a common mechanical structure.

As long as it is big enough or enough, you can catch the empty bus cub that has never grown, and then...


When Lin collected the material from the rock wall, Lynn noticed that the meat piece in the rear had an odd move, and it began... it became a shape. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks~ I am not a hero~ 588~

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