4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 943: Weird creature


This is a sphere with a diameter of about ten centimeters.

They made strange noises floating in front of Lin's mechanical octopus, and their source was the piece of meat that Lin had seen here before.

Seeing them, Lin also knows how the small swollen monsters she saw before came.

These creatures all seem to belong to gel creatures...at least in the same category, but there is no correlation between gels and floating gels.

They are now flying around in circles, but it only lasted for more than ten seconds, and then Lynn saw them all flew to the mobile point.

Then, all flew into the moving point and disappeared.

The moving point has been kept open, so these small meat **** are now all in the scholar's room.

This phenomenon is wonderful. Do you know that the moving point can move, or is it just attracted by the light of the moving point?

The light of the moving point has nothing to do with the transmission itself, but it will turn on the light when it is connected. If it is only attracted, the meat ball is nothing special.

But if they know that the moving point can move... then Lin thinks that they may not be simply 'captured' here, but come here with some purpose, so they have some understanding of the facilities here.

Thinking, Lin also entered the mobile point.

After returning to the room, Lin found that the meat **** were on the sofa in the room, and Lynn saw that there were several meat **** on the food being placed there, and it seemed that she was using the skin to **** some soft food.

They secrete a solution that dissolves the food and then absorbs the food into the skin.

At the same time, Lin also noticed that in the gravitational environment of the room, they seemed to be unable to fly, and changed to use the mobile method to move.

Lin's mechanical octopus climbed in the direction of the sofa, and the meat **** suddenly rolled off the sofa and dispersed into the room.

They deliberately drilled into some very small places to avoid Lin's attack, but Lin still caught one. It did not have any self-defense ability at all, and it was put into the tentacles of mechanical octopus by Lin.

As for the rest, leave it alone.

Thinking, Lin detected the captured one and returned to the previous excavation site. Continue to collect materials under the rock wall that can store the energy of the dream.

This meatball is indeed a gel creature, but there are a lot of cells inside.

So it has to eat the kind of food that cell organisms eat, but it doesn't need to eat a lot, its structure is very simple, and it has the ability to spray. But in the case of gravity, it can't fly, so you can only use the muscle-like structure to roll on the ground.

Although its structure is simple, it can be detected from its cellular brain.

It thought of somewhere on the battleship, which could be called...the reservoir.

It is the water storage room in the battleship. This water is mainly used by the residents here, but there are many other creatures besides the water in the water storage room.

In addition to capturing those creatures with higher intelligence, the capture also captures many other creatures, including those that are completely unintelligible.

Observing their lives is something that the capturer has been doing all the time. Lin feels that she should also go there to see.

Although the meatball wants to go there, it doesn't know how to go. So it may wander around the entire battleship.

Lin feels that she should wait a while to see it. Now collect enough materials to talk about it.

'Snapped. ’

When Lin thought so, she suddenly noticed that the light at the transfer point disappeared.

This... Is it the meat **** in the room?

If they adjust the entrance to connect to something else, then the movement point here will lose its effect, so that the mechanical octopus will be trapped in this digging point forever... this is impossible.

Lin let the mechanical octopus take out a disc and poke it, then the light of the moving point lights up again.

In fact, the entrance to the room can be controlled outside, so you don't have to worry about being trapped anywhere, but if you don't have the disc, you will be trapped.

Then Lin continues to collect here. The collection time lasted for more than 6,000 seconds, during which Lin looked at the moving point, and the light there did not disappear.

After the collection, Lin returned to the room.

The meat **** here are gone. It seems that they did change the connection position of this room before, and ran away at that time.

But don't know how they do it. Will they still imitate the hands of scholars to control the entrance?

As she thought about it, she opened the armor manufacturing device to create a new...arm.

This type of service has a dream energy storage device as the control core, and then uses this core to command the entire body, because there is not much material here. So first make a smaller unit.

Originally, Lin wanted to connect more arms from the camp and then control these branches, but it seems that there is no need to think about it.

All the mechanical arms manufactured here can be directly controlled by the brain of a single pompom connected to the mini Susumu.

Now Lin first made some 10 cm-sized...spike-shaped mechanical arms.

Lin made a total of ten, then let five go to the excavation point for excavation, and the other five went to the outer corridor to collect all kinds of armor.

Nowadays, a lot of materials are needed to make more arms. The armor manufacturing equipment in the room is not suitable for making huge things, so Lin now plans to make a lot of small ones here, and then let them go somewhere else. Go...the fit becomes big.

Or just use a lot of small cubs to catch the Void Bus. After it becomes big, there is no way to enter and exit this room.

Then, on the way to collect resources from these mechanical spiders, Lin let the mechanical octopus continue to explore, and now go to the target of these meatballs to see.

After Lin changed the moving point of the room to a 'reservoir', he entered the entrance.

After crossing the entrance, the mechanical octopus entered a darkness... but in the clear waters, Lin had been here before.

However, it only came a little bit, and now it is only a formal exploration.

The water here is very...clean, at least as far as Atlan's vision is concerned, there is almost no impurity in the water. It is also a very wide place. The whole area is underwater. There is no such thing as 'land. 'part.

It seems that the damage is less, and Lin swims to the bottom of the water. I can see that there are cracks on the ground, but it is not big, but there are some strange things on the cracks.

It looks like... the seedlings of plants are just blood red, they are more than a centimeter high, and they grow densely above the cracks in the bottom of the water.

After the mechanical octopus extended its tentacles and stretched out sharp needles at the end of the tentacle to test the seedlings, Lin found that these things were also...gel-like creatures.

Estimated to have a lot to do with the meat ball.

In the lower reaches of the water, the light that shines through the head can see that the 'seedlings' grow everywhere, and some even grow to a height of more than one meter.

Why do they proliferate a lot here? Is it also related to the variation caused by water polo?

However, Lin still believes that these creatures like gel bio-structures are not mutated from anything originally here, but come in from the outside.

After a random swim in the water, Lin found that there were many armor pieces in addition to the seedlings, and the entire armor that was taken off.

However, there are no biological bodies, not because the bubbles rot in the water, but because they are all absorbed by the ... seedlings.

These seedlings are basically like this. They can grow by absorbing multicellular organisms. Those that grow the most and absorb the most. They look like they are harmless. They are actually aggressive.

Although they do not stretch their bodies, they release a toxic substance that can damage the nerve structures of many inhabitants, allowing them to sink to the bottom and slowly dissolve and absorb them.

Lin believes that there are many residents who have gone crazy, but they are all eaten by the seedlings...

When thinking about it, Lin felt that there was movement in the distance.

As this 'movement' appeared, the meatball trapped inside the mechanical octopus suddenly began to sway, and it struggled as if it wanted to run out.

It also feels something.

After moving a little further, Lin also saw that a relatively large object was floating in the water in front.

This object is also like a piece of meat, with a diameter of more than three meters, and its shape is incomplete, like a piece of meat cut from a huge creature.

And it is surrounded by many meat balls, which are the groups that Lynn had seen before.

They are constantly moving around the piece of meat, not knowing what to do.

The meat is constantly squirming, and it looks a bit like the way the creatures of the sea rabbit swim, so that it won't sink to the bottom of the seedlings.

But Lin thinks that they are the same family, and it won't be like sinking. Therefore, this piece of meat is not to prevent itself from sinking, but to have other purposes to squirm there.

Looking at them, Lynn felt very strange...

Originally thought that the assassination of the Nether Bus cubs and the group of mutant residents is strange enough, and I did not expect a stranger group of gel creatures.

This is really... very interesting.

This means that they are of great research value, they are now completely ignoring Lin's mechanical octopus here, so Lyn should be able to take advantage of this opportunity... to attack them.

At the moment of this idea, Lin's mechanical octopus rushed up.

The meat **** in front of them suddenly reacted, and they all spread out immediately... (~^~)

Ps: Thanks ~ Pink Grass ~ rewards ~

Thanks ~ half bottle dissatisfaction ~ Heavenly Clouds ~ Huangshu Shuhuang ~nhs~ monthly ticket~

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