4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 955: Change too much

"I didn't expect you to come back..."

This voice has no emotions, and the source of this sound is an Atlan.


Both Lin and Rosali looked at this Atlan, and it suddenly appeared in the front, it rose from the ground. ●⌒,

Yes, the ground opened a hole, and then it emerged from the hole. This Atlane did not wear armor and was wearing soft-looking clothing.

"Since you are back, go back to your home. It has been empty there, no one has ever lived."

After that, the Atlan turned and walked to the depths of the passage.

"That..." Rosary saw it and immediately chased it up. It was trying to talk, but hesitated and said nothing.

And Atlan did not care about it, but walked forward quickly.

"It's very... weird." Rosali once again put the helmet on, and then said to Lin.

"Do you know it?" Lynn asked Rosali, the newsletter that Atlan could not hear.

"I don't know, but it seems that it knows me, and it..." When Rosali said, the Atlan Road in front: "It's here."

"Come on?" Rosali looked behind him and said, "We have only walked a little distance..."

"..." Atlan didn't say anything, but touched it on the wall on the left with his hand, and suddenly a door opened.

It felt like the room organs of the catcher. After opening the door, Atlan left a sentence: "Whenever necessary, use the contact tools in the room." After that, it continues to the depths of the corridor. .

"Wait!" Rosary immediately said: "My room is not in this position..."

"This is your room." Atlan did not return to the head.

"This..." Rosary did not continue to control it, because it stood before the room, and after a few seconds, it went inside the room.

Lin also looked in front of the room. This room is a square space with a length, width and height of about ten meters. There are various furniture suitable for Atlan, and the surrounding walls are made of dark green metal. There are a lot of ... photos on the wall, most of which are photos of a group of Atlan.

Lynn also noticed that there were a lot of small figurines on the table beside the bed, which was quite similar to what Lynn saw on Mars. Sure enough, the Atlan and Ershi groups are related, at least have the same hobbies.

There is also a lot of equipment in the corner, with armor and weapons, and the variety is quite rich.

"Here is my room..." Rosali looked at the environment here and said: "Everything here is the same as when I left. No change..."

"But the location of the room has changed. Originally this room was in a very... inside position. How can it be so close to the exit?" Rosali said: "The guy who was just too strange is here... It seems that a lot of things have happened."

"Open it and have a look." Lin used a finger to point to an image screen on the side of the room.

"..." Rosali heard the words on the screen, and then he picked up a thing on the table and pressed it. A screen appears also on the screen.


But there is only one darkness in the picture, and there is a sound like lightning that echoes inside.

"Strange..." Rosali clicked again a few times, and the screen flicked several times in a row, but nothing was shown. Until Rosary had ten times, there was a picture on the screen.

This picture... is like a tumbling person.

This tumbling person is the gravitation ball here.

But there is nothing left around it that is ruined by any ruins. It is alone there.

After watching it for a while, there was no change in the picture. I don't know what the picture is of special significance.

Next, Rosali pressed a lot again. After the test, Lin and it all found that nothing would be played except for the tumbling screen.

This Nether City should have had some problems during the period when Rosary left, and perhaps the spirit of the residents here is abnormal.

But they should still be alive, and Lin thinks so.

"What should I do now?" Rosali looked at the figurines placed on the table and said, "Why is it so strange here..."

“You can study the situation here.” Lin said: “Learn what happened here.”

"Here is my homeland... I didn't expect that I came back..." Rosalie said, and she showed quite sad emotions. It fell on its bed and entered a kind of crying. status.

It seems that this kind of emotion may last for a long time. After all, it was very excited when it came back, but when it came here, it became quite abnormal. As long as it is a normal personality, there will be a huge change in mood.

In this case, Lin will explore it on her own. The Atlane’s mechanical octopus has nothing to say, which may mean that they don’t care about Lin. Maybe Lynn can move freely here or not.

Thinking, Lin looked at the room of Luo Shali again. Lin felt that it might be that other Atlan had moved the furniture intact, or that the room was originally a space that could be moved. After nothing special, the mechanical octopus went out under the control of Lin.

Came to the corridor outside. Lin checked the air in the corridor slightly, which contained gas suitable for Atlan's life, but the exhaust gas content was a bit high.

To put it simply, some are like the environment of a virtual mother ball, but not to the point where you have to bring a respirator.

Detecting the composition of the air, Lin walked in the direction of the Atlan movement. There is a gravitational system, but it does not completely simulate the gravity of Atlan's origin, which is better than here. It’s about half lighter.

After walking for a while, Lin came to the end of the passage, there is a door, and there is an Atlan standing next to the door.

This is the Atlan, who just led the way. It has a weapon in its hand, and the name is also engraved with the name '3-a-shaped extreme effect freezing gun'.

"Can you go in?" Lin looked at it and pointed to the doorway behind it.

"Are you a companion brought back by Rosali?" The Atlane said without any emotion: "Please state your purpose and origin."

Lynn wants to see how the memory in her brain is, but now she doesn't do it for a while, and then Lin tells it about the ‘heres’ of the mechanical octopus and some of the catchers.

But it's a relatively simple statement, just telling it that Rosary and the mechanical octopus have lived for a while, and the purpose of the mechanical octopus is to look at them.

"Very good, you have gained temporary trust." Atlan did not ask too much, it said directly: "You can visit this place."

After that, it retreated to the side and clicked a little on the door, and the door slowly opened.

"We will always pay attention, so you can't make any threatening behavior." After that, it stood by the door and did not move.

Lin is in the door.

After the door, Lin saw a vast space. This place is somewhat like a square. There are a lot of Atlan on the metal structure to go back and forth.

They are a lot of numbers. At the moment Lin entered, most of Atlan turned around and looked at it, but only for a few seconds and turned back to continue doing them.

They don't seem to be surprised by Lin, so Lynn walks into them.

Because most of the Atlanes did not wear armor or something, Lin could hear the sound of their communication directly. There were many places like shops, restaurants and the like around the square. Lin was close to a restaurant next to it.

The restaurant is like this, with a disc-shaped hut in the middle, where several Atlan stands inside to sell food, while there are plenty of square benches around, and the Atlans eat on the bench. .

Lynn noticed the expressions of these Atlanes... Although they ate something different, they didn’t have any expressions, no matter what they ate.

"This thing is not rich in nutrients, lacks too many ingredients, and will not choose this food in the future."

"My nutrient is sufficient, and I will use it as a specific food in the future."

"This food is miscellaneous and will cause harm to the esophagus. I am going to ask for compensation."

Most of their conversations are like this. Without feelings, it is basically evaluating the quality of food.

Of course, it is not delicious or not, but whether the food has nutrients. In fact, this is really wonderful, because most of the individual creatures that Lin has seen so far are very concerned about the deliciousness of food, and the degree of care is higher. Concerned about nutrients.

“This food is mixed with sharp things and requires a reasonable price.”

Lynn saw an Atlan come to the store clerk who was selling food.

"Please show your medical examination results, the results of the micro-tests to prove that your request has solid evidence." The clerk also responded without any emotion.

And this Atlane did not have any emotional changes, and turned away with food directly. Lin found that it was indeed going to a nearby medical clinic... It should be testing.

It seems that they are quite fun. This group of Atlan does not seem to have any emotional changes. They are like a pile of machinery.

But the wonderful thing is that they still don't trust the same kind, otherwise the clerk will not let the evidence show anything. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thank you ~ the bamboo of the stone ~ the reward ~

Thanks ~s_ak74~王阿花~海中升明月~樱雪喵~diving side~monthly ticket~sf0916

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