“Incorporating debris, the actions that maximize benefits are exposed, and more efficient practices must be taken in the future. ═.<.”

"Yes, I have come up with a second solution, we can recover the residual food residue, then..."

The conversation of the clerk entered Lin’s thoughts. The words were very small. The nearby Atlan was inaudible, but the octopus’s sensing device could receive...

Several clerkes there are talking about how to maximize the benefits, but Lynn feels that mixing in is a kind of... very stupid.

Because this is easy to detect, perhaps because their intelligence is also low after they have no original feelings?

But it seems that after they have no feelings, they will still find ways to gain their own interests. This is an interesting place.

Lin did not continue to listen to the clerk to discuss how to reduce costs to make food, mechanical octopus continues to move to other places.

There were a lot of Atlan around the mechanical octopus, they all showed curiosity about the octopus for about one to three seconds, and they went on.

Then, Lin continued to move forward and approached a store that looked like she was selling weapons and armor.

"Before my teammates and my father all died in scavenging." An Atlane said to the clerk before standing in the weapons store: "I need to change a new set of equipment to avoid the same equipment as they do." Hey."

"You must have purchased equipment in the store next door." The clerk said: "My equipment here can guarantee your life."

As before, the two Atlan exchanges had no feelings. When Lin looked at them, she went to the equipment store and said, "Can I buy equipment?"

"We don't have any equipment for the alien creatures." The clerk said, "Please leave before I think you have a threat."

"I can use your equipment." Lin pointed to a weapon in the store: "That is."

"If you continue to stay, we will pose a threat to you." When the clerk said with a blank expression, he also reached out to a weapon at his waist. This weapon is the same as the one that led the way before. 'Extremely effective freezing gun'.

"..." Lynn paused a little and said, "Are you stupid?"

The clerk said: "You are describing my intelligence is relatively low? I think that a creature that met for the first time has no right to evaluate me. I want to remind you. If you continue to stay, you will enter. Allowed to be killed within range."

"Allow the scope of the kill?" Lin asked.

The clerk said: "We don't provide a response to legal issues. ┝╪. "[.["

“Do you provide this kind of response?” Lin continued. “What if you were dead, what would you do?”

The clerk seemed to think a little, then said: "If it is killed by any injury, I will gain experience of it to prevent me from being hurt by the same injury."

"...the time is up." The clerk suddenly raised his weapon and aimed at the mechanical octopus. When Lin saw it, he immediately retreated, and the clerk put down the weapon. And said: "... out of scope."

Before, Lin noticed that there was a horizontal line on the ground outside the shop. The octopus was just online, but now it is slightly out of the line, it will not attack.

It turns out that it seems that the line is the scope of its store, and the ‘heterogeneous creatures’ such as mechanical octopus will be attacked in the store for a certain period of time.

It seems that they have some weird laws, and it seems that they also have experience in communicating with heterogeneous creatures, as can be seen in the process of dealing with mechanical octopus.

They have no feelings though. But it will calculate the various pros and cons.

At the same time, Lynn also noticed that the number of Atlan here seems to be much more than the description I saw in the Rosari diary. Of course, their behavior is also very different. For example, the description in the diary does not mention much. Currency trading this.

At that time, Rosalie’s own equipment did not need money, but now it seems completely different... and it was not long before Rosali was captured by the capturers, why did this group of Atlan produce so much, And how big is the change?

Lynn thinks this is a bit like being infected...

But this should not be related to the water polo. If the water polo can affect this, then it will not care about the wreckage drifting here...

Moreover, during the period of the event, during the period when Rosali left, the Atlantis had lived here for a long time, and there was no problem.

What was born during this period. And this has caused these Atlan to have such a wonderful change...

Their changes can be said to be contrary to the madness of the impact of water polo. They become... sensible, that is, to deal with the thinking of calculating the pros and cons of anything, rather than dealing with emotions.

In general, individual creatures respond to things that are mixed with ‘sense’ and ‘feelings’, and different individuals tend to prefer different ways of doing things.

But this group of Atlan is completely biased towards one side and loses part of the relationship.

Lynn is still listening to their conversation. Their conversations are all the same, without any feelings, and...

"You! You are here!"

Lin suddenly heard a voice mixed with affection, and this voice was... Rosary.

Lin looked back and saw that Rosali also came here, and stood in front of several Atlan with excitement and talked with them.

"I have always missed you all the time! You haven't had any problems with it all the time? Bumi? Isn't it here? How about it?"

"Oh, it's Rosary, you are back." The Atlante replied with no emotion: "Bumi? He died in the last action."

"Dead... dead?" Rosali said: "How come..."

"Yes, dead." An Atlan said: "You just came back, want to rejoin us? But we suspect that your skills may be down, we should go to the training room together to see if your skills are still As skilled as before, is it still a qualified scavenger?"

"Wait a minute, it's dying you..." Rosary was surprised: "Don't you have any sadness?"

"The death of a seasoned scavenger is indeed a big loss for us." Atlan said: "But for this reason, we have acquired a lot of equipment left by it, which saved us a lot. This is a good thing. We think that we may implement the same policy in the future to deliberately let the new recruits die, so that we can reasonably acquire its equipment and save our own resources. Of course, we will not let you die. After all, we recognize your skills... the skills that have been used."

"You..." Rosary seemed to be speechless. (To be continued.)

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