4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 958: Record of former leader

"They will interfere with our thinking, let us suspicion each other, even friends who are friendly will start betraying each other!"

"These heterogeneous creatures are quite scary. They are mixed into us. Later, through my investigation with my elite engineering team, they discovered that they will release a special... pheromone that can make a big difference to our thinking. The impact, although we still don't know how it is carried out, but after being disturbed, we are easy to become distrustful of each other, and still quite ... violent and irritable."

"They want to cause us... civil war in this way, and then slowly control our entire population!"

"I knew the situation and immediately interrupted the deal with them, but I found that there were still some guys in us who secretly traded with them."

"And, the impact they have on us, we have been unable to eliminate it, no matter what treatment is used."

"Besides the only method... this method is also obtained from a creature we found outside."

"This creature is called ... 'silver', which is based on the name of the shape. They grow in some warm environment and can be found in a nearby wreck of an aircraft."

"As long as the silver wire is crushed and then baked, it can be made into a medicine. Previously, it has been recorded that it has been used to treat various mental problems."

"At first we didn't plan to use this drug, but the impact was not serious. The residents here are all getting more and more... violent, they will even fight each other because they are slightly rubbed, and it will be because of a little thing. Quarreling for a few days and nights."

Staying up late mainly refers to the time when the pompon stays up late. There is no staying up late here.

“Some residents even started attacking my office... They thought that I shouldn’t interrupt the trading relationship with that group of alien creatures. But they would fight each other on the way to the attack, mainly because they thought the companion next to them pushed themselves. It is."

"They have become quite crazy at the time, but the other side is different. I noticed that when they were in contact with the alien creatures, they were very happy, not irritated, but also willing to be They drive. They even voluntarily provide them with a lot of resources."

"I know that this situation continues, our entire void city, our entire race will be enslaved or ... perished."

"So, I finally decided to use the kind of medicine made of silver silk, and added these medicines to the food I supply. After eating these medicines... I found that the residents began to recover."

"They... no longer violent and irritable, they no longer fight each other because of little things, and of course they will no longer listen to the words of the alien creatures."

“Soon, our population has returned to normal...”

"At that time. I didn't take that kind of medicine because I was afraid. But I usually sit in the office and I don't have much contact with xenobiotics, so I haven't been affected and I don't need to take drugs."

"So I can record all of this, and I soon discovered that the residents seem to have become too... normal."

"This is also one of the side effects of the drug, it will cause a huge impact on the brain that seems to be permanent. The residents who take the drug will lose all their feelings."

"Emotions like anger, sadness, happiness, etc. are all gone, so of course they are not affected by the pheromones of heterogeneous creatures."

"Their views of everything have become pure... rational, that is, they will stand on the matter of maximizing their own interests, and although they have no feelings, they will continue to try to gain greater interest."

"Then, they make all sorts of... weird things, I think... they are about the same."

"Although they will not directly conflict with their peers as before, but they only change the conflict in another way. Every resident will never allow their own interests to be harmed, but they will not directly conflict because they will want to directly conflict. Fighting will only lead to both losses, so the two conflicters will not do anything on the spot, but after that they will think of various ways... to solve each other."

"But because there is no relationship, they don't hate each other. If the position of the other person suddenly becomes not threatening to themselves, they will no longer care about each other."

“But they sometimes solve some objects as 'potential threats' first.”

"We were originally a very united group, but now it has completely changed... Every resident cares only about their own interests and only cares about their status."

"So they took me out of this position and elected a role they thought would allow the most residents to get the benefits."

"And a lot of ‘laws have been set, and there are strict legal rules for conflicts between various things. Anyone who makes a violation of the law is directly executed and there is nothing else to end.”

"And, they have also begun to transform this place, and the changes here have been completely different. They have built many new areas. I and some residents who have not used drugs stayed in the old district, and they all lived in the new district. Go, there is a world that is completely their own."

"They call us...the old residents, and we call them... mad."

"They seem to keep trading with xenobiotics, but I don't know the specifics, because it's hard to see more things because of the improper leader."

"But there is one more obvious... their...the speed of reproduction seems to be much faster."

"There were only two thousand of them, but I don't know why after a while, the number has expanded many times, and the entire Nether City has been built more and more."

"But I don't know what is going on..."

"Recently they are planning to move the old districts to other places. It is estimated that I will stay here soon, no matter what... After I can survive, I have to record everything that happened."


The words of the leader are over.

So, is Atlan here to avoid being influenced by heterogeneous creatures and giving up the ‘feeling’ to the present?

However, the content here is not over yet.

After the leader finished speaking, although there was no sound in the picture, it continued to pop up a lot of information, which seems to...

It is related to Ershi. (To be continued.)

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