4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 959: Ruthless things and old missions

"You...what do you want to do! Any alien creatures are forbidden here...ah!"

...the original.

It is still inside the room of the old district, but in addition to Lin's mechanical octopus, there is also an Atlan here.

This Atlan is the guardian Atlan who was outside, because there is no monitoring equipment here, and it is one that stands there, so it is quite simple to catch it.

After catching it, Lin tested its brain.

This Atlan's brain is very special...

According to the leader, they did this after eating the medicine made of 'silver', but Lynn found that Atlan's brain had no signs of damage.

Their entire brain structure is somewhat different from normal Atlan. In short, their brains do not have this area of ​​'feeling'.

Basically, this Atlan brain has no emotional areas in the general Atlan brain, so they don't have any feelings about anger and sadness.

However, they still have the goal to pursue, and as Lin knows before, Atlan is eager to improve his position and make himself stronger than all of them.

They have been pursuing this goal all the time, so they are constantly trying to get more resources and improve their status.

This also led to a situation... This group of Atlan became no longer united, and their way of thinking was mainly for the purpose of 'self-interest', and there was nothing... group thinking.

Simply put, they have no companions. Thoughts like friends. They don't do anything without 'free'. No matter who they are, they need to collect what they think is reasonable when they do things.

They reject anything that they feel is unreasonable, even if they die in front of them, they will be indifferent if they don't have enough benefits.

Many individual creatures will help their close companions free of charge, but this group of Atlan is no longer...

Lin is very concerned about how they raise their own pups. Are they willing to raise their cubs ‘free?’ Or……

When it comes to pups, Lynn also found that these Atlanes are also different from ordinary Atlan, which grows much faster than normal Atlan.

For example, Lynn tested this Atlan. Its age is only the extent of the pup, but its body has grown to be about the same as adulthood.

This may be the reason why they breed so fast. If they are at the original speed, they will now have a lot of births, and most of them are all young, far from adulthood.

Moreover, Lynn also wants to know, are they willing to... give birth to a baby without compensation? After all, the production process consumes a lot of energy, especially for female Atlan.

Perhaps this Atlante is too small to detect, and it has no idea of ​​breeding. Lynd really wants to know their attitudes about these things because they now abandon all their feelings. So it became a fairly...interesting group.

At the same time, they also have complete compliance with the laws they have set, and they are not allowed to violate the law. But what Lynn feels is how they think about these laws...

Lin is more concerned about this kind of non-affective, if it is really drug-affected, why are their descendants the same? But what Lynn is discovering in their minds is not the effect of drugs, but the beginning of their brains is growing like this...

The original leader here, the main concern is not that this group of Atlan lost their feelings, but that they... became completely unconcerned.

It is that it is not united at all, and it only cares about the interests, so the leader feels very... uncomfortable.

It only records all the past events in these image screens in the old district. The main reason for doing so does not seem to be to let anyone know, just... a kind of ‘venting’.

However, in order to prevent this group of untouched Atlan from seeing its records, it has made some special effects.

Before, when Lin opened the screen, there would be a continuous flash on the screen. Atlanone without feelings became more special because of the brain structure. They would have a fear of this kind of flash, and they would let They produce an emotion that no longer wants to get close to it.

The original leader should have discovered this by chance and added the effect of the flash to these image screens.

There is a lot of doubts about Atlan here, but Lynn has found something else here. After the words of the leader, Lynn saw something about Ershi.

This is also recorded by the leader, except that it does not use voice descriptions, but directly puts the information on it. The information on the screen indicates...

This group of Atlan is indeed from a place called ‘尔什’.

After the leader was inferior, it has been investigating everywhere in the old district. It said that it was originally trying to find a way to restore this group of Atlan, and then continue to investigate various things. There is also a library like this. A place to record a lot of things.

The leader accidentally discovered their origins.

Could it be that they have not found it before? It seems that this is the case, because the leader said that this source of information is hidden in a very secret place, only the leader's ... nuclear information can be used as a 'key' to open that hidden place.

It seems that the leader here is the inheritance system, which directly allows future generations to inherit themselves, but the leaders of the past have never come here to open, only it touched this place.

Then, it found out the information... The information describes them from a world called Ershi, very... beautiful world, but there is no description of Ershi.

And the reason they came here is indeed drifting like they think, as if they were originally like the residents of Mars, trying to fly into the void to explore, but after flying to the void, there is no The way to go back, the description here is that when they fly into the void, Ershi suddenly disappears, and the surroundings are also in a darkness.

I feel like they are being sent away.

Then they began to live in the void, but this drifting life did not last long, and in the past... After more than 30 years of pompoms, they came to this place.

Then they set up a base here and started to live here, because there are a lot of resources here, they are still quite good here, the main way of life is through scavenging.

Until some time, the second-generation base leader here suddenly received a signal.

This signal indicates that it is from ... Ershi, and the signal also indicates that there is a way to get them back to Ershi.

However, it is only when one... can be temporarily called ‘floating docking’. At that time, the Atlanians here have the opportunity to return to Ershi.

But it will take a while, and it will be necessary to cooperate with the collection of various things in order to complete this 'docking'.

The second-generation leader was very surprised, but it still believed this signal, because it believed that the signal came from Ershi, it must have been sent by its kind.

So, it does things according to the requirements of this signal.

To complete the 'docking', the main thing is to let it collect some special things here, and then assemble them into a kind of machine. Once assembled, go to a certain position to start it and you can go back.

The signal also explains why they came here, describing them as they came through some sort of 'hole', and the docking machinery allowed them to return through the holes.

Then, the second generation followed this information and began collecting materials for manufacturing machinery. These materials are very numerous, so it is very difficult to collect.

And there is still a lot of material just to say a rough, mainly to let Atlan in the Nether City go everywhere to search, find a variety of things back, the second generation of leaders then contact the signal to ask whether this material is right .

In this case, only the leader and some of his well-respected subordinates know that the general Void City residents are unclear, and ordinary residents only know that they are constantly picking up the wasteland.

This is also the message from Ershi to do this... It does not let the leader not tell the majority of residents about this kind of thing, although the leader feels that there is no problem, but it still does.

This special collection has been going on for a long time, and this is a very long process.

Until the death of the second generation leader, the progress of the collection was only 30%.

Of course, it has to explain that the next generation of leaders continue to do this kind of work, and then the work collected by this generation of leaders is much slower.

The original second generation will specifically order to take more unrecognized objects to test whether they can be used as materials for assembly machinery, while the third generation of leaders mostly require the collection of useful materials, not to test the useless materials. Can it be assembled, but this is mainly because the information from Ershi is hardly sent.

The residents here have also changed for generations, and their impressions of Ershi have become weaker or even completely forgotten.

Later, when the leader was replaced, the third-generation leader did not explain the next generation of the leader to collect materials to assemble the docking machine.

This matter was forgotten, but the information in the past was retained by the third-generation leader and was found by the leader of this generation. Because it felt very important, it was placed in this record, although now It seems to be useless.

After this information, there is nothing else in the record. Lin feels that they may still be able to do this thing now, but Lin is more concerned about... The information from Ershi should not be sent by Atlan. Come over.

It is Ershi itself. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks~ The rewards of life~

Thanks ~o Shangguan Phoenix o~5857443~ lazy sky~ choose a name ~zoiberg~ monthly ticket~

The ninth and fifty-nine chapters of ruthless things and old tasks:

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