“We found a more livable place, where there is huge space, more advanced technology, but there is danger, but it only needs to be ruled out, we should leave there and go there to live...”

There was a voice echoing in the square of the Nether City, which made the Atlans on the ground stop and listened carefully to the description of the voice.

"I am ready to dispatch troops to get there for full detection. Any team of scavengers can recommend themselves and take on the more dangerous teams. The more rewards I will receive, I expect a large number of teams to sign up."

After the sound was finished, there was a ray of light under the wall on one side of the square. One door opened under the wall, while the door said ‘Registry’.

At the moment when the gate opened, a large number of Atlan immediately rushed to the door, and they stood at the fastest speed to the nearest position to the door.

Lynn is also listening to the voice of this broadcast, while watching this crowded position of Atlan, the broadcast is said by the current leader, that is now a new one... the leader without feelings.

It said that the place that is more suitable for living, of course, is the catcher's battleship. Maybe when the warship flies into the ruins, the leader will let some scavengers go to see it, and now they feel that there is better living and more space. So I decided to go all that way.

Although Lynn feels that this decision is very sloppy, the Atlanians here are very enthusiastic.

"It was just that I arrived at this position faster than you. At the same time, according to the law, you must immediately retreat and decide where to go according to your speed."

"Zero-second? I don't think your nervous system can be parsed and judged with such precision. For example, according to the latest detection device, you can't give permission to think that you are better than me."

Lynn saw two Atlan in the front row being arguing. They seem to want to be ranked first, it seems that they want to get the reward.

Lin is mainly looking at a mechanical spider here. As for the mechanical octopus, it is still in the old district because there are many things to explore.

Mechanical spiders are also considered by the Atlanes to be ‘heterogeneous’, but they can't do too much, so Lynn is here to let it look at it.

And the octopus. In the old district, it has reached a very deep place. To be precise, it is... the database here.

The database here looks very interesting. It is a room with a length, width and height of more than 20 meters. It is a quite large place in the old area. There are many columns of more than one meter high, while in the column. There are many small holes.

Inside the hole is a golden stick with a length of six centimeters, which is pulled out and placed in the remote control of the image screen. Open the screen to see the information inside.

The information here is stored in the stick, but the information that Linde is looking for about Ershi is also in these things, and it is also quite conspicuous.

The mechanical octopus is now under one of the walls of the room, which is made of metal and has a long crack at a height of ten centimeters.

Lin slightly extended her tentacle and touched the crack. The crack began to open, and part of the wall slowly rose, and a small room appeared behind it.

then. There is also a column that is more than one meter high in the room, but there is no hole in the column. The mechanical octopus walked over to the column and looked at it carefully.

The information that the leader said about Ershi is what it found here, and the information records of the Ershi from Ershi are also in this place.

Only the information is placed in the cylinder, not the ones that can be taken casually, and the nuclear information of the leader can be opened.

But the method of opening is in addition to the nuclear information. There are many, one is...

Lin extended the tentacles of a mechanical octopus, which held a square object, and then Lin placed the object on the cylinder.

...have it.

Sure enough, it is information from Ershi.

This box is the block that was used to read the emptiness bus 's thoughts' and can also be used to read some of the information inside.

This is where the information sent by the previous Ershi is stored. And still use a special thing to store, these things can also be used to store dream energy.

When the square is close, Lin can directly access the information inside it, and the content of the information is the same as that placed on the record by the leader, but there are some differences.

That is, information can have another way of interpreting it.

Lin thought that at first, the leader should have opened the column, and then received the dream energy inside. The dream energy directly reflected the data into its brain... it knew these things.

So Ershi's information is sent through the dream energy, and this dream energy can express information to Atlan's brain, but also to the stellar bus's nervous system... another kind of information.

As long as you use the nervous system of the stellar bus to interpret it, you can know the content of this information...

It seems that the purpose of sending information to Ershi is not only to let the Atlan people here do the work of collecting things, but also to send some information to other stars buses, but I don’t know if there are other stars receiving the bus. .

If sorted according to the time it sent, the content of the information is mainly described as such.

‘It is a member of the sick. ’

‘It’s the last one to die. ’

‘It wants to know the cause of the disease, it came here. ’

‘But it’s dead without leaving a reason. ’

‘I also want to know why, so let them explore it here. ’

‘I believe that we can find out why, and the progress is fairly fast, but they are out of control and polluted. ’

‘I want to think of another way. ’

‘If you meet them, re-control them. ’

There are actually more signals, but only the ones that can be interpreted using the stellar bus nervous system.

But what does this mean? Lynn thinks that Ersh is talking to other stars.

Ersh wants to know... the cause of death for something, so let Atlan help it explore it here, but Atlan seems to be out of control, and... is polluted, so it has to think of something else.

So if you say it, maybe it hasn't thought of a solution? Because Ershi’s conversation has not yet appeared, but Lin probably already knows what it is. (To be continued.)

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