4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 961: Xenobiotic

This place is quite cold... dark... countless pieces are floating here.

But there are a lot of life gathered, some life, and the pieces in the surrounding environment... hard and cold.

And some lives, they are quite soft, like flesh and blood, but they live in this environment.

And it seems that it is still very good...

Lin is now observing this group of creatures, somewhere in the ruins, where the floating objects are mainly composed of stones.

Most of them have diameters of tens of meters, and these stones are distributed in the area of ​​hundreds of kilometers.

Of course, not all of the stones are floating here, there are many metals and all kinds of fragments, and here is also the residence of the gel-like creatures.

Lin's mechanical spiders tracked the flesh from the capturer's battleship and came to the area. Lin found that they all flew into the many stones in this.

After a little exploration here, Lin also found that there are quite a lot of pseudo-gel creatures, which are widely distributed here, and there are quite a few species besides the meat balls.

However, they should all be the same group of creatures... Lin feels that they can know about this ‘gravitational ball’ and the ruins.

Another point is that the group of 'heterogeneous creatures' traded with Atlan also live here.

The creatures wanted to try to control Atlan before, but after Atlan abandoned their feelings, they didn't try to do this again, but they still kept trading with Atlan.

Lin now has two mechanical spiders lying on a floating rock 10 meters in diameter. They are looking at stones that are more than 30 meters in diameter from this hundred meters away.

Above the stone. There are ten creatures. They look like a group of creatures that stretch for about three meters. They look like gels, mainly a bright red...meat, and their bodies make a lot of looks like...symbiotic Or parasitic little creatures stay on it.

These creatures are the 'heterologous creatures' traded with Atlan, which also appear to be a group of gel-like organisms, but they are different from other gels.

Lynn saw a lot of Atlan's information, Atlan has been paying attention to the surrounding creatures, and of course they have observed this group of pseudo-gel creatures living nearby.

According to Atlan's observations. The pseudo-gel creatures hardly leave the stone area where they live, and these alien creatures often leave the area to go elsewhere.

Then they got in touch with Atlan, and they often traveled on both sides...

Lin first used Atlan's name to call them 'heterogeneous'. Lynn felt that the alien was also a member of the gel, but the action was a bit special.

So Lynne is now ready to grab one to see.

Thinking, Lin let the mechanical spiders leave where they are, they slowly flew up and flew to the distant place where the aliens were.

The aliens are now gathered on a stone, seemingly in a daze. They are all motionless... When the mechanical spiders float to a very close distance, they don't react too much.

just now. The mechanical spiders floated ten meters away from them. They were like a heterogeneous piece of meat. Although there was no reaction, Lin noticed that the creatures in them were moving.

Every alien has a lot of small creatures, they are worm-shaped, like arthropods, and some are like plant flowers.

These small creatures are all bright red and look like they are part of a different piece of meat, but they don't grow on top, but individual individuals who can move freely.

The closest to the mechanical spider, some of the worm-like creatures on the body lifted a part of the body and swayed sideways.

It feels a bit like watching the situation here, but I don't know what way to observe it, so... Lin intends to act first.

suddenly! A mechanical spider rushed out, it opened all the limbs, instantly caught the nearest alien and flew far away.

Lin's mechanical spider is also three meters in size, similar in size to the alien species. It was specially made by Lin. The heterogeneous one that was hugged suddenly reacted. It continually twisted and tried to open the spider's arms.

But Lin is more concerned about the small creatures in the heterogeneous body, many worm-like creatures climbed onto the limbs of the mechanical spiders, and then they ate on them.

Lynn noticed that their teeth were quite powerful and seemed to be an extremely hard material composition that could easily bite cracks in the outer shell of a mechanical spider.

Some worms have bitten through the outer shell, they got inside the legs and began to attack constantly inside, but inside they suffered a counterattack.

Because this large mechanical spider is home to many small mechanical spiders, they are about ten centimeters in size and can be moved around inside. Lin lets them gather in the legs to deal with the worms that come in, and also let the mechanical spiders The mouth protruded from a sharp object and stabbed into the different kind of grasp.

The spike quickly went deeper and examined the structure inside... Sure enough, as Lin thought, the heterogeneity is part of a gel-like creature whose structure is identical to other pseudo-gels.

'boom! ’

When Lin was about to detect its brain, a burst of noise was simulated by Lin.

Grab the heterogeneous mechanical spider, its entire abdomen blasted, and the attack was mainly from other alien species still on the stone.

They have been in a daze before, and now it seems to wake up.

But only a part of them woke up, they have nine, only woke up three, but the attack power of these three seems to be quite strong, they are floating around each other with a 30 cm ball, and this ball Things are shining with shining light.

‘Hey! ’

A flash of light emerged from the sphere, accurately hitting a mechanical spider flying far away, and the mechanical spider that had been blown up most of the abdomen exploded at this moment.

Now, it only has some metal legs left to hold the alien...

The hugged heterosexual writhed the body and broke the remaining legs, then turned a circle in the air and flew back to the stone.

It seems that they are not as casual as the meatballs in the capture ship. Although the reaction rate is relatively poor, they counterattacked and saved their companions.

And when they attacked, they aimed very accurately. They didn't hit the companions at all, but they all hit the mechanical spiders, but they were not attacking the different meat pieces themselves, but the spheres floating next to them.

But even more peculiar is that they are just the mechanical spider that attacks the flying away, but the other one that is floating here is... no matter what.

“For the understanding of the degree, wisdom, communication methods, if received, respond.”

When Lin was thinking about it, Lin suddenly received some information.

This information was sent from the side of the alien creature, because the mechanical spider has a communication device inside, so it can be received.

This communication device, Lynn adjusted to receive Atlan's communications at the same time, and also received communications from the armor worn by the residents in the capture ship.

The information sent by the alien creatures belonging to the capture ship's warships, and they also use the language there.

In other words, do they use mechanical spiders as warship residents to communicate?

Thinking, Lin gave them a ‘received’.

"Target reception, communication is barrier-free." At this time, all the alien creatures on the stone floated, including the one that was caught, and floated to the side of the mechanical spider.

"Just, you, your companion, have done harm to one of our individuals." A heterogeneous creature sent a message: "For whatever reason, this behavior can be forgiven."

"Can be forgiven. Get forgiveness. We are not angry. You don't need to be afraid."

These heterogeneous creatures then send messages in succession. They seem to... simply “forgive” the attacking behavior of mechanical spiders?

Although it is said that it is forgiven if it is blasted, it is really wonderful to let go of this mechanical spider.

"But, there are conditions. You can't get forgiveness. You can't eat food in your own life. Your life has been fixed by us."

At the end of the story, Lynn noticed that there was a sphere floating in their body aimed at the mechanical spider.

"See it, just the moment your companion was blown up. There is no doubt. We can also blow up you. So we must obey us. You have to find something useful. Give it to us. Enough quantity. Freedom. ”

... It turns out that they don't seem to forgive the mechanical spiders in vain, but instead intend to let the mechanical spiders do things for them, as if to help them find things, so now they threaten the mechanical spiders.

It seems like they are quite interesting.

"What is useful?" Lin continued to ask.

"A solid substance. It's very long. It will be longer in some cases. Can you tell?" Then, there is a different kind of body that suddenly flies out of another sphere, the surface of the sphere changes color rapidly, and finally Shows a picture of a picture with a silver thread.

This is...silver?

“Where are these things?” Lin asked.

"On the other side." All the alien creatures have a worm standing up and pointing in the same direction.

"When you go there, you can find out. Go to action."

"Why don't you go by yourself?" Lin continued.

"Do not ask too much. You must go. Otherwise you will be embarrassed." (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks for the ~n small k~ rewards~

Thanks to ~o Shangguan Phoenix o~ Guanshu Zhixing~ the monthly ticket~

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