4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 964: Variation effect

The effect of silver on Atlan: Let Atlan's brain mutate Atlan lose all feelings but still retain the pursuit of its own interests.

The effect of silver on heterogeneity: to make allogeneic brain variability lose all feelings, including the pursuit of self-interest, but also lose the heterogeneity and feel that there is no meaning to commit suicide.

Lin summed up the two results. Although it is very similar, there are differences. After the heterogeneous mutation, its brain also loses the part dealing with 'feeling', but they don't have the same goal as Atlan... .

Heterogeneous will completely lose any idea of ​​living, whether it is the feeling of self-interest, the same kind, or all of everything, completely disappeared, their thinking becomes empty, but it cannot be said that they have lost all their pursuits. Their only pursuit now is to eliminate the emptiness in thinking, so they must die.

This seems to be a very interesting result, and it may have different effects on different creatures.

But Lynn still doesn't know if the effect is... ‘accidental’ or ‘deliberate’.

Because they mutate in exactly the same way as the mutant residents on the capture ship, the variation of the group of variant residents is clearly deliberate.

They were arranged by the water polo, and the various forms were used to solve the pseudo-gel creatures on the battleship, but only because something happened that they did not expect, they failed.

And is the influence of silver wire on Atlan here also deliberately water polo?

Lin has already discovered that silver wire and water polo have been linked. In the process of silver filament debris being decomposed in the xenogeneic body, Lin detected some energy from a distance.

This energy is similar to transmitting energy. In fact, it is similar to the communication of bus-like creatures. They use delivery to convey information.

The feeling just felt is that there are bus creatures who have passed some information here. There was only a short moment, but... Lin felt that this information was related to water polo.

The Void Bus Cub on the Capturer's Battleship has sent a lot of information to mad the surrounding creatures, and the information sent by the cubs is exactly the same as the silver wire.

Lin has now been able to confirm that the water polo can directly mutate the creature into a variety of ways through long distances, independent of viruses and other things.

These variations are still controllable, they can expect the creature to become any form, but Lynn feels that the success rate is not 100%.

If so, almost all of the residents in the capture ship should be mutants, but in reality only a small part of the variation. Most of them died directly, and there was no difference in survival.

The closer the distance to the water polo, the greater the impact of variation? When the distance is long, the effect may become smaller, or it may not work at all.

If it is too far, the water polo needs something to do with it... for example, the cubs or the silver wires to make the creatures mutate, and it is not clear how they use these ‘things’.

But it is obvious that these things are not necessarily related to the water polo. They may not know what is going on. They should have just grown up some structures and they are used by the water polo.

Silver wire should also be like this...

The most amazing thing about this variation is. It can bypass the nucleus and directly let the internal structure of the cell start working. And cause mutations in the organism.

After the work is completed, that is, after the end of the mutation, the content of this series of mutations will be 'recorded', so that the offspring produced by the mutant organisms are also mutants, as is the case in Atlan.

Heterologous organisms are more complicated because there are additional sources of information to direct cell work and construction, but mutations can influence this source of information and change cells.

However, only the part of the cell is mutated, and the non-cellular part of the xenobiotic organism does not mutate, but only some abnormal behaviors begin.

All in all, the complex relationship here is not completely clear...

Now to say so, the impact of water polo has reached this ruin, but Lin believes that the variation caused by silver wire may not be specific, but accidental.

Because at present, it seems that both Atlan and the variants of the xenobiotics seem to have no benefit to the water polo. If they are allowed to mutate and help the water polo to send back the debris in the ruins, it is obviously deliberate. .

But these two creatures obviously don't do that.

Or silver is used to influence other creatures. Atlan and heterogeneity are just accidental ‘zhong Zhao’.

It is also possible to find out if there are other creatures that are also affected by the silver wire.

Now, Lynn saw a creature.

This creature is very similar to the creature that Lin had seen in the 'cloud sea'. It is transparent, only has a thin outer skin. It is more than 30 meters long and has a big mouth like a whale creature. Its shape is also It is as fat as a cetacean.

It is swallowing transparent floats.

Regardless of whether there is silver wire in the float, it is swallowed in, through its transparent body, it can feel that the swallowed matter is slowly changing into a part of it.

Obviously, in addition to silver silk, there are other creatures that feed on this transparent substance. They will swallow the silver silk together. Will the creatures mutate?

Although there is no detection, but from the feeling, Lin feels that this creature will not mutate.

Because it is a non-cellular creature...

...they are coming.

Suddenly, Lin's mechanical spider received a series of information, and Lin translated the information, which is almost like this:

"Found you! Find you! Just let your feet go! Don't move around, you will be blown up! You have completely violated the void law now. Do you have anything to explain?"

When Lin noticed that there were many floating objects around, there were one different meat pieces after another, and each of them floated with at least two weapon spheres.

They seem to know that Lynn used one of their peers for testing, so it was very angry, but did not attack immediately.

Thinking, Lin said to them: "If that's the case, then attack it."

"Do you want us to attack you? Why do you have this kind of thinking, are you not afraid of death? You can't be afraid of death, so we will be very difficult! Yes, you must be afraid of death, hurry to fear full of death! ”

Lin feels that the thinking of this group of creatures is very fun. Lin now feels that they may not be individual individuals before, but later turned into them.

Perhaps the biological character transformed into this is quite special.

"Since you don't attack..." Lin said: "That..." (to be continued.)

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