4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 965: One transaction

“This is where we live. After you come here, you can see a lot of landscapes. For example, floating stones and more floating stones.”

Lin's several mechanical spiders are now flying with a group of aliens. Although Lin has attacked them before, now they have 'forgivened' Lin and let Lin act with them.

Of course, this forgiveness is not forgiven in vain. Lin mainly made a deal with them. The mechanical spiders promised to help them take the silver, and then they would like to bring these spiders to where they live.

Now, Lin followed them to where they lived. There are a lot of rocks floating in the place, but they seem to live in the comparative position, so they are still floating.

"It's in that place. That place is bigger than some other places. Big, right? They have been here for a long time, and they are still here."

These aliens always chat while they are in action. They often say something very 'normal', which makes it seem like it is easy to communicate.

But in fact, this is also a tactic of them, that is, a way for other creatures to feel that they are easy to get close and that the creatures are relaxed.

Because Lynn has tested their brains, they are more aware of the heterogeneous character. Although they are not classified as divisional species, they are very united with each other.

They have a consistent external thinking, but they don't choose to fight, but use resources to get resources from other creatures.

At the same time, they also have many characteristics, such as they do not care about the individual death, although they will try to protect the living individual, but will not produce sadness like the dead companion, and will not kill a few because of the mechanical spider. After the aliens, they are completely completely hostile to the mechanical spiders, and they will promise to trade as long as they feel profitable.

When I thought about it, Lin had floated with them before a big rock.

The rock has a diameter of more than ten kilometers. There are many holes in the surface, and Lin is now in front of a hole that is more than six meters in size.

"Now only one is allowed to go in. The one holding the thing. Others staying in place, not allowed to move."

After the different species showed it, Lin did not say anything. It was the mechanical spider holding the silver wire that entered the hole, while the other spiders stayed outside. At the same time, most of the aliens remained outside the cave, and they seemed to be guarding. Only two mechanical spiders that followed Lin floated in.

After entering the cave, Lin seems to be a very ordinary cave, there is no special structure, but occasionally I will see a different kind of movement under the rock wall.

However, as the caves deepened, the surrounding passages became more and more spacious, and there were more and more different kinds of aliens, but they seemed to be completely inactive and did not say anything.

After drifting for almost three hundred seconds, Lin and the two aliens stopped because there was a room on the right side of the rock wall.

“The data is stored here. There is a lot of information. You can watch it, but you can’t take it away.”

This is also one of the contents of Lin and their transactions. Lin came here mainly to take a look at some of their historical records.

They do have such things, they also promised to see Lin, but the root cause of Lin and their deal is that Lin let this group of heterogeneous believe that the "bio-population" of mechanical spiders is completely fearless of death.

If the performance is afraid of death, the heterogeneous will always use a threatening method to force the mechanical spider to act, and will not promise to trade.

They knew that after the mechanical spiders were not afraid of death, they agreed to some conditions and Lin could come to the room.

But here is the room. It is better to say that it is a biological viscera.

The surrounding walls look like red blood, still squirming, and there are many seedlings on the ground.

Like the kind of seedling that Lynn saw on the capture ship, it looked like a plant that had just landed. They are all bright red.

According to the different species, they record what happened in the past and put them in these seedlings.

However, they do not provide a method of 'watching'. They need to let Lin find ways to view the information stored in these things.

There are many ways to watch Lin, and with a little touch, Lin knows that the information is stored in a brain-like structure. But Lynn feels very wonderful because the mechanical spiders still carry silver wire. Do they not care if the silver wire touches these seedlings for storage?

"Get that out! Come out!"

Just as Lin thought so, the two aliens outside the room suddenly flew in and said with nervous emotions: "Hurry up and put that thing down!"

Lin knows that they are talking about silver, so Lin let the mechanical spider open the abdomen and use the hind legs to take out the silver wire contained in a transparent small box.

"Don't bring that thing closer to me! Hurry back, or you have to attack!"

When Lynn approached them, they began to panic "scream" and continually stepped back. Seeing them like this, Lynn seemed to be quite interesting, but still asked them: "Where should I put it?" ”

"Place it in this place! Right! Don't do extra moves!"

When the two aliens were talking, Lin had a different kind of meat-like body that opened a crack and squeezed a piece of meat from the crack.

A relatively small piece of meat, which slowly floated to the ground. Then, Lin put the silver box on it, and the small piece of meat immediately became active. It slowly wrapped the box and wrapped it up. Another alien species floated over and crawled out of a large number of worm-like creatures on the body. These creatures were like tentacles, rolling up the pieces of meat on the ground and getting them to the side of the aliens.

"The first transaction was reached. You have proved that you have the meaning of repentance. The sin is sinned. The record of violating the Void Law will be cancelled. We will continue to cooperate in the future."

After talking about a lot of words that were not very useful, the two aliens floated out of the room.

After seeing them fly away for a second, Lin continued to detect the seedlings on the ground, and the information stored there was interesting.

The contents of the storage materials in the seedlings are not recorded by some individuals as in the general case, but the memories are stored.

These seedlings are not separated. They are a whole and can be said to be a very large organ for storing memory.

It seems that each heterogeneous period will put some of its memory into it, and a large amount of memory will be concentrated in this place.

Then, this storage memory organ will sort out these memories. At first, a lot of memories are mixed together, and there is no way to express them clearly. Therefore, these memories are adjusted from the memory organs, and finally all the memories are integrated to form a memory. .

Although this memory has a lot of content, it is like a single creature's memory.

This is only Lin's speculation, because Lin's mechanical spider does not have the function of detecting this organ, but when it feels the memory of its expression, Lin thinks it is to integrate all the different memories.

You can detect the memory inside by using the square that reads the Void Bus.

At first, you can see some ‘self-introduction’ about heterogeneity.

Here, they indicate that they are a group of ‘healthy’ creatures living in this vast, floating place.

Their territories or ‘homes’ are widely distributed among these rocky areas, and in memory, Lynn can observe the cities in which they live.

Their city may make Atlan feel uncomfortable, because most of the cities are not cave environments, and almost all of them are like the visceral environment.

That is to say, their ground and walls seem to be composed of flesh and blood, although they are not flesh and blood, but they are very similar, and all the heterogeneous species are concentrated in this environment.

The number of them is not a lot. If you look at this memory, it should be about tens of thousands with Atlan.

In memory, heterogeneity means that they are very good at studying various things, such as combining weapons or something.

The spherical weapon they use is a very sophisticated weapon that can shoot high explosives and high-temperature rays, and they also make a lot of things.

But everything they make is almost 'soft', and the hard objects without mechanical metal are all flesh and blood.

In memory, they constantly express how powerful these things are. After displaying the weapons, they begin to display the contents of ‘resources’.

There are some floating stone blocks that are large storage rooms, which contain a large amount of material, and these substances are tradeable.

It seems that this is the case

The memories inside are not their historical records, but the feelings they use for propaganda, like ‘advertising’.

The main thing is to say that they are powerful, and they still have a lot of resources to trade.

However, it is not only these memories that Lin has stored in this seedling. These ‘advertising’ are just superficial.

There is still more content stored in it, how do you need to see it?

Maybe you should use this thing, I don't know what effect this will have.

Thinking, Lin let the mechanical spider stick a silver wire from the end of the sharp detector (to be continued.)

Ps: Thanks t for rewards

Thank you for the moon singer’s monthly ticket

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