4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 966: Variation display

It’s true that there is no problem with this.

Lin is now testing the seedlings of heterogeneous memory storage. Not long ago, Lin saw that there were only a few ‘advertising’ content in these memories.

However, through the detection of the square, Lin has actually stored more content in the seedlings, and it should be a lot of different kinds of content.

There are many seedlings on the ground, and each seedling can display a part of the memory, and all the memories are stored in the ground under the seedlings.

However, regardless of which seedlings are observed, Lin sees ‘advertising’ and there is no way for it to express the overall memory buried below.

Moreover, mechanical spiders do not see the method of this content, it does not have the right components to more deeply detect the memory inside.

Therefore, Lin intends to use the 'silver wire' to make contact, because the silver wire may make the storage seedlings here mutate, because the brain in the memory seedlings is also cell structure, which can make it no longer hidden. The internal memory is thus expressed.

Although not necessarily, Lin still feels that she should try it.

Heterogeneous could have felt the silver wire, but before, Lin detected several different species and knew how they perceive the silver wire, so Lynn could store a silver wire in a mechanical spider that they could not perceive. Location ~www.wuxiaspot.com~

Then, take the silver wire out now and let the silver wire touch the seedlings of the memory and see if there is any change in it, and the result of the change is almost out.

At the moment when the silver wire was touched, the silver wire showed out the 'transmission signal' that Lin had detected before. At the same time, the brain structure in the seedlings began to undergo a series of variations.

The process of mutating is very fast, and it quickly ends. After the end, when Lin checks again, what she sees now is not ‘advertising content’, but some real memories.

prior to. Lin did not hold much expectations, because the variation caused by silver wire did not know what would happen, and it might not be necessary to kill the seedlings of these storage memories.

But now it seems to be very useful, and the deeper memories that were buried are shown. Although the content inside has become more complicated, it is no longer an advertisement.

However, this is only a preliminary variation, and Lin feels that the stored seedlings will continue to mutate, so before it mutates. You need to quickly check the memory inside, or you don't know when it will become invisible.

Here, Lin first saw the transaction about Atlan, many of them were involved in the incident, and after the participation, these aliens stored their understanding and experience of the incident. Memory in the seedlings.

It turned out that the alien creatures were in contact with Atlan, not for pure transactions. They were for the purpose of controlling Atlan. They did not want to contact Atlan.

The main reason they approached Atland was because they received a 'task'.

This task comes from a creature. The creature told them at the outset that they had control over Atlan, which was to completely control Atlan's nerves and then proceed to the next step.

Heterogeneity came to contact Atlan. After they first communicated with Atlan, they began to develop pheromones that could affect Atlan, so Lynn saw that the pheromones they secreted were completely directed at Atlan, mainly because they were specially studied. from.

The plan for the start of heterogeneity went smoothly, and until Atlan became ruthless, the plan could not continue.

Then this time. Heterogeneous began to study why Atlan was uncontrolled, and they later learned that it was originally caused by 'silver'.

Therefore, they go to get the silver wire, but when it is close to the silver wire. Heterogeneity creates an inexplicable sense of fear that makes it difficult for heterogeneous people to get close to that kind of thing.

Later, they came up with a variety of ways to move the silver wire without going close to the silver wire, but they don’t care how far it takes to control a thing to get silver, the kind of 'fear' of silver wire will pass. In their minds, this makes them completely inaccessible.

As long as they are controlled by themselves, whether it is a creature or something else. Can't be used to get silver

Lin has a little bit. When heterogeneously control various objects, they are directly controlled by the brain. All their products can be controlled by the brain. Therefore, when these products touch the silver wire, the silver wire will directly pass through the manufacturing object. Affects the heterogeneous brain.

Lin feels that they only need to create an object that is controlled by something else without brain control, but the aliens don't do it. Instead, they think of using other creatures, such as mechanical spiders, to help them collect.

They are tolerable and close to a small amount of silver, but there is no way to access a large area of ​​silver filament growth, so it is okay to collect a small amount to study them.

It is estimated that after they control Atlan, there will be any next plans. Lin is more concerned about letting them control the creature of Atlan.

In memory, this creature did not appear in front of the aliens, just sent some news, but Lin believes that this creature should be a 'friend' of Ershi.

Previously, Lynn saw from the words left by Ershi that it allowed a creature to regain control.

Lin thinks that it is Atlan, who wants to regain control. Atlan had the task of Ershi before, but then they did not do this task, so Ershi thought that Atlan was out of control.

So, Ersh intends to entrust other creatures to regain control of Atlan.

The words of Ershi can only be interpreted by the nervous system of bus-like creatures, so this creature should be a star bus or a void bus.

But it didn't appear on its own, but let the heterogeneity help it control Atlan.

Heterogeneous has not been successful, and it may come out or some new information may come after success. Lin feels that this is the general situation.

In addition, Lin can see some other memories here, it seems very interesting.

"You dare to do this kind of thing!"

As Lin continued to look at it, a large number of aliens suddenly appeared at the entrance to the room.

They were quite angry and they aimed weapons at the mechanical spiders. This time, they didn't want to be forgiven (to be continued).

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