4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 967: Task continuity

"Task... has been going on."

From a long time ago, there was such a group of creatures.

Their body structure is soft, the body is mixed with cells and non-cellular structures... The purpose of these creatures was to help their makers star buses.

Only the dying bus will create this group of soft creatures. The main purpose of making soft creatures is... let yourself not die after death.

It also allows some soft creatures to become their offspring.

These soft creatures will work hard to achieve the task given to them by the Star Bus. After the mission is over, some soft creatures will become stellar buses... the cubs will go to somewhere to continue to grow up.

These cubs will inherit some special... missions, because the pups made of soft biosynthesis are considered 'abnormal'.

Because the stellar bus that makes these kind of pups is definitely not a normal death, the pups made of soft creatures have the ability to avoid such abnormal death.

After these cubs leave, there are still some soft creatures that will stay. They have finished all the tasks and can do whatever they want.

These soft creatures may continue to live as an ordinary biological population after the mission is over.

But all this is... normal.

What happens if the situation is not normal? For example... If a soft creature didn’t succeed in keeping the star bus from collapsing and the collapse still happened, what would happen?

Lin now, think that here... the alien species is such a group of creatures.

The mechanical spiders used to detect their memory storage have been shattered by them, but before they were blown up, Lin saw some memories using mechanical spiders.

The pseudo-gel creatures in this ‘ruin’ are of the same nature as the mollusks that connect the world.

They have the same mission...to stop the stellar bus from collapsing, they have this initial memory, they start with the soft creatures that connect the world. According to the mission of the stellar bus, to decompose one organ after another.

However, Lin found that the memory was interrupted here, and the next memory can be seen later. But it has been a long time later.

It should be said that there is some kind of 'blank' in the middle of the memory... In short, their tasks have not succeeded, but failed.

The stellar bus they wanted to protect eventually entered the collapse, but this collapsed. It doesn't seem to be complete.

Because this star bus is still in front of Lin... It is the glimpse ball surrounded by the ruins of all the ruins.

Why is it like this, it is not clear yet...

The group of pseudo-gel creatures here, their mission is not over yet, it seems that the stellar bus gave them new tasks before the collapse.

There is a task that Lin knows... ‘the wreckage’.

They have been guiding the wreckage in the distance and making the wreckage part of the ruins.

In the early days, it was not called ruins. It was mainly because of their continuous guidance that it slowly became a place where a lot of debris was floating. The creatures in the wreckage have also lived here, making it a huge ecological environment.

Lin feels that it may be floating on the rocky ground, and it is similar. The gel creatures on the other side are the same species, but the situation is different, which leads to different ways of life and growth.

However, there is a 'gravitational ball' here, which is very wonderful, although the floating rock is much larger than here... but there is no similar thing to stay.

Here are these pseudo-gel creatures. It seems that they have not returned to the gravitational ball. They have been living in the void near this after the collapse, and they continue to collect the wreckage. Add a 'volume' to this ruin.

Most of their wreckage should be brought from near the water polo, but some are brought back from places not related to water polo. In short, they come from the nearby void area, and Lin feels that they may have something like a transport organ that can wreck Transmitted from a distance, but this requires them to 'locate' on the wreck first.

As for the alien species here. It seems to have been born recently.

Heterologous species are part of the 'separation' of the pseudo-gel organisms, and they do not have the task of a gel-like organism. The heterogeneity is primarily responsible for ... life issues.

Lynn feels that it may be born in this situation, because it is not very easy to live in this place.

In the memory, Lynn can see some related things... It is not known how the gel-like creatures will continue to gain nutrient growth here, but they are dependent on the nutrients in the ruins. .

However, as the ruins increase, these nutrients are not easy to obtain, mainly because... the number of creatures here has increased, and many creatures are very dangerous.

And one characteristic is that the gel-like creatures have nothing... combat ability, they will create some combat arms, but these arms are not very strong, mainly because they can't continue to make stronger units.

It seems that because of the 'task', the stellar bus gave them the task, limiting them to do many things, and this task seems to be unable to change because of the death of the stellar bus, they can only follow the tasks in the mission' Limit 'to act.

The birth of heterogeneity is that in order to counter this situation, heterogeneity does not seem to need to follow the task too much, because they have nothing to do to collect things like wreckage, and Lin found that they have been doing something all the time... about life. .

For example, collecting food, constructing more powerful weapons, or building more homes, etc., heterogeneity is mainly responsible for these things.

The various resources collected by the heterogeneous species are not only used by themselves, they are also distributed to the surrounding gel-like creatures. Although they seem to have a sense of individuality, this group of creatures is still a whole.

There are different kinds of reasons, their life here has been very stable, but Lynn is very curious, if they continue to collect a lot of debris, what will happen in the end?

Will it be like a floating rock formation, forming an area with a lot of floating objects? And their mission... will it last until the end?

It may never end, because this 'task' is fixed in the depths of their bodies, like a nuclear source of information.

It is easier to modify the nucleus, but the source of this kind of gel-like organism is still not clear how to modify it. Maybe it is known that the modification can change their task.

In short... Lin has almost been aware of their situation. Although they have fried the mechanical spiders, they are still a slow step because their memory storage seedlings mutate, showing a lot of memory from them, and Lin is from these memories. China has learned almost everything. Simply put, the gel-like creatures here are a group of creatures that prevent collapse.

The gravitational ball should be a star bus after the collapse, so Lin’s destination is also there.

Lynn wondered why the place had collapsed and not yet blown up, but maintained a huge sphere and continued to attract a lot of debris.

There must be a lot of connections between this place and the water polo.

Lin felt that she could only find the answer if she went there, but before that, Lin had to do something else, that is...

"We have now returned to the battleship..."

When Lin thought about it, the mechanical octopus in the Nether City of Atlan received a message.

This information was sent from Rosali, their team has set off and returned to the capturer's battleship.

At the same time, it also said that its team was the earliest to arrive. They landed at the location of the ‘Star Cruiser’, where there were a few places that could enter the battleship without transmission.

They are now moving rapidly inside, and the main task is to find something of value.

Rosali said that there are likely to be many teams coming to this place, and then they will compete with each other. Although it is against the law to kill the same kind on the bright side, there is no problem to quietly kill.

Therefore, these teams may fight each other in order to compete for their interests.

And the Atlanones in the team are always on the lookout for each other, because they have a rule that teammates can get all the equipment of the dead teammates.

So... they also have to worry about their teammates starting to play with themselves. Rosali said that this situation is too unbearable, and it now feels like acting with a group of Atlanaut-free monsters.

It thinks it will go crazy in this way, so it tries to ask Lin every time and finds out how to cure this group of Atlan.

Lin told it, if possible, get rid of the group of Atlan and hide in his room.

For the group of Atlan, Lynn feels that they can continue to observe them, mainly about the mutated things, and Lin feels that they can get more information through them.

The current warships are still full of those variegated residents, they will definitely have contact with Atlan, and there may be some things between them. Lin feels that the variation of water polo is still going on, it is possible that Atlan also Will be affected...

When he said this, Lin also removed the troops from the battleship.

Now that Lin has created quite a few mechanical spiders, Lynn decided to move them into the ruins and let some of the troops begin to move toward the gravitational ball... (to be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~ 俺 really not a hero ~ 10000!

Thanks ~ Hubble Telescope ~ rewards ~

Thanks ~o Shangguan Phoenix o~ Guanshu Zhixing~俺 is not a hero~ reveal the monthly ticket of kyjerry~

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