4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 968: Close to the sphere

The environment here... is really rich. Oh,

Lin's mechanical spiders are slowly advancing in the void.

These mechanical spiders are about one meter long, and they have a number of ... one hundred.

This unit is not very large, and in this environment, they appear quite... small, because all around are floating objects with dozens to hundreds of meters.

These objects are mainly metal, they appear to be part of some large warships or machinery, and since they are mostly sheet-shaped, they may be structures such as decks.

And on these huge decks, there are a lot of... small creatures that look like a kind of... snails, they have a shell that seems to be made of metal, and moves slowly on the deck.

Although they are like snails, they only have a part of the 'shell' and there is no part of the 'meat'.

On the deck in front of Lynn, there are many such creatures, each of which is five meters in size and widely distributed on the deck.

They don't look like they are threatening, but when Lin's mechanical spiders are close to sixty meters, they will start... sway.

And when Lin's mechanical spiders were within 30 meters of the deck, they seemed to be unbearable, all flew up from the deck and slammed into the mechanical spider at high speed.

The mechanical spider immediately flew backwards. When the flight escaped almost a hundred meters away, the things like the screw shell suddenly turned and they all flew back to the deck.

They seem to have a very strange attack judgment, so Lynn compares... carefully flew past the area of ​​this deck debris.

After flying through this area, there are still countless floating metal fragments in front of the eyes of Lin, but there are no floating decks floating here. There are some scattered pieces here, no matter the size.

Here, you can also see some of the transparent objects that have been seen before, and they are mixed with metal fragments. Formed a very interesting view.

Lin's mechanical spiders are slowly advancing among these floats. Although Lin wants to study these things around, at the moment it is necessary to reach the ‘gravitational ball’ first.

Because Lin wants to figure it out. There is something about gravitational balls...

However, even if Lynn moves forward carefully, it is still quite dangerous. In the Nether City of Atlan, Lynn has read the information... There is a mention of the closer to the gravitation ball. The more living creatures are more dangerous and dangerous, so Atlan is usually not approaching the direction of the gravitational ball, and their Void City is also located at the edge of the ruins.

As Lin thought about it, there was a huge black shadow in front of the mechanical spiders.

The shadow hit the group of mechanical spiders at a very fast speed. Lin immediately let all the mechanical spiders spread out. At the moment when it was just scattered, it rushed into the center of the spider group.

It looks like a black stone with a diameter of more than thirty meters and a lot of holes in the outer casing. At the moment when it rushed into the spider group, Lynn felt that the stone had a strong suction, and some of the closer mechanical spiders were sucked up and sucked into the hole of the outer shell.

The mechanical spider that was sucked in was immediately crushed by some hard objects inside. At this moment, Lin lost ten mechanical spiders.

The remaining mechanical spiders fled the range of attraction and dispersed to hide near the floating pieces.

But it seems... this is not yet safe.

Several pieces of mechanical spiders were suddenly moved, and the whole piece exploded like a bomb. A lot of high-temperature matter sprang from the inside, and the mechanical spider hiding next to the piece was instantly melted by it. Most of the body.

Although it can still move. But I can't do anything.

In addition, several mechanical spiders suddenly stopped when they fled. The mechanical spider felt that the surrounding environment seemed to be solidified and could not move at all.

Simultaneously. They also felt that the surrounding space was constantly squeezing toward themselves, and these mechanical spiders were slowly squeezed into pieces.

There are also some mechanical spiders that have been attacked by a group of things that move more quickly.

Almost every mechanical spider is attacked by something. Some of these creatures attack directly to prey, while others use a situation like self-explosion.

Some are completely unable to see how they attacked...

It seems that the original stone attack caused all the creatures around to start activities. They all appear together and attack, some of them are for predation, but some also seem to protect the territory.

After this series of attacks, Lin found that only three of the mechanical spiders were left.

However, these three are in a special place, they are on a high-speed flying object.

When the three mechanical spiders flew onto the object, it suddenly started. Not only did it fly very fast, but there were no creatures around it to attack it.

But most importantly, it is flying in the direction of the gravitational ball...

Lin feels that it is possible to fly this thing to the gravitation ball, but I don't know what the three spiders can do after going there, but I will go there first.

Now that the gravitational ball is getting closer and closer, during the high-speed flight, Lin sees that the creatures that appear around it are getting denser and denser...

However, unlike before, they did not have any interest in this flying object. Lin also felt strange. The flying object is cylindrical. It is more than 20 meters long, although it does not turn at all, but it does not turn at all. Didn't hit anything.

As it approaches, Lin slowly sees the surface of the gravitational ball.

The surface of the gravitational ball looks so wonderful, it feels like it has been corroded, and the wonderful color and wave-like terrain are combined and spread all over the world.

There is no atmosphere in this place, and there seems to be no gravitational look, so in a very close place, there is still a lot of floating objects floating.

These floats feel like stones that are detached from the gravitational sphere. They are quite large, almost one kilometer or more, and the flying objects are among these objects...

As Lin looked at the surrounding scenery and looked at the nearer and closer goals, Lin was thinking about what should be there... What should I do?

‘Hey! At this moment, the sound of an explosion, Lin’s mechanical spider... almost one less. (To be continued.)

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