
When this sound was simulated by Lynn, a strong explosion of light was also revealed in front of Lynn's eyes. ??

Lin can clearly see that in the distance one kilometer away, something has exploded, and the dazzling brilliance has rolled everything around. At the same time, there are also a lot of pieces flying over here. .

Lin let the mechanical spiders all lower their bodies, and some of the pieces flew past them. Lin was convinced that if they were hit by these things, the mechanical spider would fall apart instantly.

And this kind of explosion seems to have been more than once.

With this high flying object, Lin has been getting closer and closer to the gravitational ball, and the surrounding space is constantly experiencing a continuous explosion.

The brilliance of the explosion continued to flash, and under the mad splash of a lot of debris, there were many pieces flying again from the flying spiders of the forest and the flying objects of the spiders.

‘哔’ but they were all intercepted by a ray of light, and these spiders were equipped with some weapons that shoot light.

As the surrounding explosions flashed, Lin noticed that the explosions were all caused by some flying objects.

These flying objects are exactly the same as Lin’s now, and they are not as lucky as Lin’s.

Most of them hit the floating debris. At the moment of the collision, the flying objects will suddenly explode. It seems that these flying objects are actually all things like missiles. not excluded.

But Lynn didn't hit anything, even though it is definitely going to hit something.

As the surrounding scenery and the exploding light swiftly passed, Lin also saw a vast expanse of six places in front. The surface of the gravitational ball looked like a plain made of rusted metal, covered with waves. The fascinating terrain, and a large number of wrecks, the ruins have continued from the void to the surface of the world.

As he gets closer and closer to the ground, Lynn lets the mechanical spider release the flying object and turns on the propeller to fly sideways.

The flying object hit the ground directly, the moment it hit the surface of the gravitational ball. A violent explosion exploded again, and everything on the ground was blown or directly shattered by its impact.

After the explosion, a huge pothole appeared on the ground, and the surface with rust color turned like a lava into a liquid material with scattered light.

Lin let the mechanical spiders adjust the propeller to stop the figure in the air. Lin is now more than a kilometer above the ground. There are still many pieces floating around here. Lin feels that there may be dangerous creatures lurking here, so Lin did not let the mechanical spiders fly to any pieces, but let them slow down. The ground drifted to the ground. Gone to the pothole that had just exploded.

At this moment, Lin saw a wonderful scene, and something was drilled in the ground around the blasting pothole.

These things are also like spiders. They have a spherical body with a diameter of more than two meters. Six limbs with only two joints are drilled out of the earth's surface. They climbed directly into the blasthole and entered the pit with scattered light.

The ground in the crater is completely soft and light. It seems that these substances are quite hot, but these limbs can easily move inside, and these things seem to be absorbing these substances.

They will stop in a few steps in the pit. Then their bodies will be brighter, and Lin feels that their legs may have a suction function that absorbs the light in the pit.

While watching them absorb light, Lin's mechanical spider slowly fell to the crater and touched the surface of the gravitational ball.

At the moment of contact with the gravitational ball, Lin tested the material composition of the ground, and the material on the surface of the gravitational ball felt quite mixed.

There are a variety of substances mixed in, but there are too many types, but there are no specific substances.

This substance, Lin may be called ‘star bus.’ If a world is a stellar bus or if it was once, it can be detected.

This ingredient is usually distributed throughout the stellar bus, whether it is underground or on the surface, which is what Linde is doing in a relatively new study. By detecting these components, it is also possible to calculate where the important organs of the stellar bus are placed.

Lin feels that it may be covered by a large amount of debris, so this component cannot be detected, so it should be dug deeper.

The detection of the surface composition here also makes Lin feel a bit strange, because the surface components here should not dissolve into the kind of light liquid substance in the crater under the explosion, and there may be something special in the explosion. Or the position of the ground in the bombing is not the same as the one detected by Lin.

However, Lin did not go to detect the blast, because it is more dangerous.

The main thing that Lynn wants to do on the gravitational ball is to find some organs of the stellar bus. There must be some organs left, such as organs that transmit organs and control gravity. Only when these things are there, can they continue to attract the wreckage, and Maintain the stability of these wrecks.

The pseudo-gel creatures here don't know where the organs are. They only know that some actions will be transmitted. For example, if you do something specific here, you can send them out to find the wrecks, and then do some work on the wreckage. Tags and specific actions will allow them to be delivered.

The various weird behaviors they do on the Capturer's battleship are marking the wreckage so that the wreckage can be attracted and transmitted.

But they don't know where the organ is, Lin thinks it should be on the gravitational ball.

Perhaps the Star Bus deliberately didn't want the gel-like creature to know that it just ‘set’ the organ to transmit, and let the organ work with the gel.

If Lin wants to find something here, he must first make sure that the troops are alive. These mechanical spiders are too fragile before the various creatures here.

So they must be allowed to build a 'factory' here, and then create more and larger units. Here, we can certainly find materials that can store dream energy as the core of control.

Just as Lin thought about what to do, suddenly there was a light object in front of it.

In the crater of the explosion, the limb-shaped ball climbed out of it, and it seemed to have filled the hot material in the blasthole, which made it a dazzling brilliance of the dark red body.

Although this thing is not like the structure of the eye, Lin feels that it is looking at the mechanical spider, which slowly climbs into front of a mechanical spider and then lifts a forelimb.

It gently touched the mechanical spider with this forelimb and then shrank again. Lin did not do anything, just watching it.

I don't know if this thing is a creature, and I don't know what it is thinking.

Just when Lin was puzzled, several **** were crawled out of the crater. They were like this, and they all seemed to be 'full,' and the whole ball was bright.

Then, they all gathered next to the mechanical spiders, and they stayed here, and didn't do anything special, as if they were watching the spiders.

As time went by, Lin’s light in the crater was slowly dimmed, as if the substances began to cool and harden, but the **** were still shining.

They seem to be able to maintain the temperature in the body, but what do they want to do?

Looking at these things, Lynn let a mechanical spider at the last side move a little and climb to the distance.

At the moment the mechanical spider made this action, a ball suddenly moved. It quickly ran to the side of the mechanical spider, blocking the path of the mechanical spider.

The other **** are also scattered and surrounded by mechanical spiders.

They seem to want to trap the mechanical spider, not to leave the spider, but there is no attacking behavior, Lin has a little bit to try to see, if it runs hard, what will happen.

May be attacked, but

what is that?

Lin suddenly saw that there was a huge object flying in the air in the distance.

This object is long and flat, and it is like a creature called 'sea otter'. In this environment without air, it is writhing and moving forward, feeling like swimming in the water.

Moreover, it is more than 20 meters long. When the ‘sea 鳝’ approached, the surrounding **** immediately gathered, and they pushed the mechanical spiders to the center of their group and blocked the mechanical spiders with their bodies.

I felt like they were protecting the mechanical spider. The ‘sea otter’ wandered in the air and didn’t approach it. Then it flew to other places, and the **** spread out.

But this time they are no longer staying, but with some new moves, a ball lifts the forelegs from the front of the mechanical spider and squeezes out some of the forelimbs.

Soft substance.

Lin asked the mechanical spider to lift the limb and check the substance a little.

This seems very wonderful, and Lin has a large number of fungi in the material.

These fungi are considered to be a very tough species that can be directly exposed to the void environment here.

Why do they give Lin a soft substance mixed with this fungus? When Lin felt strange, the group of **** suddenly had new moves, and they all ran in one direction.

Lin’s mechanical spider was left in place.

Lynn thinks these spheres are weird, but since they are gone, they will continue to start.

Just as Lin thought so, Lynn suddenly saw a missile flying over it. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks to the magic dragon's reward

Thanks to the pink grass magic dragon's monthly pass

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