4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 979: Assembly process

They have lived in this place since a long time ago.

There is nothing in this place, it is an endless void, but their original memory is not here.

In their original memories, they lived in a rich world, and they had a lot of things to do in that world.

However, these things have not been completed, because the world they are waiting for is dying.

The death of the world also means that the whole world will collapse, so they have been constantly trying to keep the world from this fate.

However, they have failed.

In their memory, the whole world collapses in violent tremors, and it is not just a world that collapses.

There are many other worlds that connect the world, and they are all destroyed together in the crash.

This group of creatures, but not destroyed in the collapse, they still survived and kept their soft bodies in the void, so they are called gel creatures.

After that, the gel creature has been living in the void, living around the world that has become fragmented, and continues to guard the things that have disappeared.

On the other side, there is also a group of soft creatures that live in the same world as gel creatures and are similar to each other.

However, after the world collapsed, they were located in different places. This group of creatures was temporarily referred to as a heterogeneous species. After the collapse of the world, the aliens reached a place far away from the collapse.

Therefore, heterogeneity does not know how the gel creatures used to be their kind, they lived here and started new things.

It was originally an empty void. Nothing, no ruins floating in the wreckage, nor a tumbling person called the gravitational ball. It's just a pure void space.

Here, there is only a group of soft aliens. Something brought with them.

These things are organs of some organs, stellar buses, and these organs were brought to this place before the original world collapsed.

It was not brought in fact, but was sent here with the organs, so they did not stay in the original position of the collapse of the world, but in this place. Started a new life.

At the same time, they also have the purpose of living here, the purpose is to investigate a place.

Collapse is like a disease for a stellar bus. All diseases have a source of birth, and those who are ill will want to know the source of the birth.

One of the tasks of heterogeneity is to investigate this source.

The source is located somewhere in the void, not the location, but the alien can send itself to the location of the source through some of the organs brought together, and observe the things at that location.

Start very early. The heterogeneous is going to detect the source.

However, at the beginning, there was nothing at the source. There is also an empty void, and the aliens continue to observe the position according to their own tasks.

But they didn't find anything, and they didn't know what it means to observe this position. In short, it's right to look at it.

This kind of observation behavior does not know how long it lasted. At some point, suddenly a stranger found something appearing near the observation position.

This thing is the water polo.

It suddenly popped up here, and then stayed there. Heterogeneous has tried to get close to it, but the close troops have all disappeared. They did not continue to approach, but kept watching in the distance.

at the same time. Heterogeneous is also doing another task, which is to collect the wreckage.

In addition to observing the source, there is a task for heterogeneity to collect a lot of things near the source, whatever it is, collect it and bring it back.

The heterogeneous approach is mainly to mark these objects, then send them back, and then stack them together in their place.

The work carried out is mainly carried out by organs that are heterogeneous, and these organs and heterogeneous actions act together to transport all kinds of objects back.

Initially, the heterogeneous shipments were backed by some gravel, and it took a long time to find a little, so collecting was a long process.

However, this collection process suddenly accelerated at some point, because the heterogeneously found more debris pieces, the various components of which are mainly due to the discovery of some biological groups destroyed by water polo.

The wreckage left by those biological groups is very suitable for collection and use.

Later, the different species slowly learned to reserve some wreckage. They would track some creatures close to the water polo in advance, and when they were destroyed, they took their wreckage back.

And these wreckages are being collected more and more, and the voids that have nothing at all have become lively and become like a void junkyard.

At this time, it can almost be called a ruin.

However, the purpose of heterogeneity is not to create a ruin of accumulated debris. The wreckage brought back by them will not simply accumulate there, but will be placed in position by another group of aliens on standby.

They move the positions of the wreckage, set them up according to the description of the mission, and slowly form the shape of a ball. At the same time, those organs will also help, controlling the balance of gravity so that these wrecks do not float and collide, and maintain a fixed position. .

The heterogeneous slowly assembles the collected debris, but their assembly is only after the initial assembly and they are assembled to a certain extent, their assembly tasks disappear into their thoughts.

In other words, they no longer need to be involved in the assembly, and all subsequent assembly will automatically run.

To be precise, it is controlled by organs. When the wreckage accumulates to a certain size, the organ begins to completely control the situation here. Heterogeneous species do not need to participate, but the tasks of collecting different kinds of things remain unchanged, they must continue from the outside. Bring a lot of wreckage.

Occasionally, the wreckage brought back by the heterogeneity is mixed with creatures that survived the destruction of the water polo. These creatures were brought to the ruins and continued to live on their own abilities and became residents.

As a large number of wreckages are collected, the organs begin to control these wrecks to begin a new round of assembly.

Heterogeneity is not clear about the details of the assembly, but they are also curious, so the entire assembly process is observed, and they find that the debris that was collected will slowly float, gather near the sphere they originally piled up, and distribute evenly The spherical surface begins to slowly increase the volume of the entire sphere.

But at the same time, there is another change in the interior of the sphere. The interior of the original sphere is solid, that is, it is composed of a large pile of debris, and these debris are beginning to become scattered inside, and they are many from the ball. Squeezed out.

There are many holes in the surface of the ball, and the debris that is filled in the ball will float from these holes and attach to the surface of the ball.

This also makes the interior of the ball a hollow structure, which still retains a lot of debris, but they are scattered.

A vast space is formed inside the ball.

The heterogeneity is only observed, they are not involved in this construction process, but are constantly collecting a large amount of material from the outside for the growth of the ball.

Although the collection speed is faster than before, the whole process is quite long.

In the process of collecting, the heterogeneous species also looks at the sphere because the accumulation of debris is getting bigger and bigger like a living creature.

At the same time, those organs that have been heterogeneous have also begun to move.

They were originally protected by aliens, but they started to move themselves. These organs flew in the direction of the ball and then landed on the surface of the ball, allowing the surface of the ball composed of a large number of wrecks to slowly bury itself. .

Heterogeneity does not do anything because the tasks in their brains tell them not to interfere with the self-action of these organs.

Although heterosexuals think a lot of things and have their own intelligence and thinking, they are absolutely obeying the commands of the brain, so they do nothing.

Then time is flowing.

The spheres have become larger and larger with the collection of heterogeneous species, and the aliens have not seen the organs for a long time, but they continue to observe the surface of the sphere. At some point, they have found that the surface of the sphere has changed.

The surface of the ball looks like a lot of pieces of pieces, and there are countless gaps between them. But suddenly, at some point, the gaps disappeared.

The surface that originally seemed to be composed of bits and pieces seems to have become a whole at this moment.

Therefore, this ball looks like a tumbling person.

There are all kinds of terrain and mountains on the ball, and it completely gets rid of the former wreckage.

At this time, many of the residual materials collected by the heterogeneous species will not fall on the surface of the ball, but some will float on the surface of the ball, and will not mix the scores, but some will be mixed in. Within the ball, the size of the ball continues to grow.

After that, it has passed for a long time.

How long has it passed? It seems that the alienation has not been calculated.

Their original small wrecking ball was initially only a few hundred meters in diameter.

But now, it has grown into a giant of thousands of kilometers in diameter, and it has become a new world. To be continued.

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