4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 980: Complete action

It attracts countless wreckage and floats them around itself, so some creatures call it the gravitation ball. +,

This world is not a star bus... but a world of countless wreckage, a world assembled.

Heterogeneity does not call this world a 'gravitational ball', and they have never actually given any name to the world.

They are just at the edge of the ruins and continue to look at the world they constructed...

Yes, they live at the edge, because the creatures here are increasing with the ruins and spheres as a whole, making the overall environment more and more rich, but also making the overall environment more and more dangerous.

Many creatures are aggressive and use fantastic...abilities.

They may not be the wreckage, but some creatures attached to the original, but this does not hinder their life advantage in this ruin, they multiply in this place, making the environment more and more crowded.

Although heterogeneous is the shaper of this place, they do not have any advantage as residents here, they will be attacked by certain creatures.

The density of the creature, the closer it is to the surface of the gravitational sphere, the larger the alien species will continue to perform their tasks in order not to interfere with them, so they leave the surface of the gravitational sphere and then live at the edge of the floating ruins.

There, the aliens continue to carry out their own... long-standing missions, making the ruins more and more huge, and the gravitational ball is getting bigger and bigger.

However, heterogeneous care is still on the surface of the gravitational ball, so they try to communicate with some creatures.

Heterogeneous species have a special ability, and the structure of their bodies can grow something called a 'translated organ' by continuously observing a certain creature.

This kind of translation organ can translate the language of the target, regardless of whether the target is to use sound. Still using light, or using some strange way to communicate, most can be understood by translating organs.

Heterogeneous and some creatures communicated and reached a deal to enrich their community's resources.

At the same time, they also understand the surface of the gravitational ball through some creatures. Although heterogeneous has long had no task of constructing gravitational spheres, they also have a related task to observe whether the local environment is stable.

Whether it is stable or not is to be tested in many aspects, for example, to see if the wreckage there is well determined by the state of floating.

Under the control of the bus organs, these wrecks will slowly float, and the organs will decide for themselves whether they should be part of the gravitational sphere, or whether they should be wrecked on the outside or inside.

Heterogeneous and a creature communicate, and this creature means that they can help the heterogeneous to detect the surface, but only need some ... compensation.

later. Heterogeneous has reached an agreement with this creature, which periodically tells the situation of the heterogeneous surface, telling the way mainly to give some kind of ... map.

These maps indicate the state of the environment on the surface, what creatures are there, and what is happening inside.

Heterogeneous species will sometimes send some troops to the surface of the gravitational ball to detect themselves, but most of the time they use creatures to understand their maps.

The way the map was originally delivered was simple, but it became more complicated as a result of various situations. But all good, there is no big problem.

The gravitational ball, for a long time... is also very safe.

Only sometimes there will be some conditions. Occasionally it seems that the organs of the stellar bus will happen... ‘faults’ can lead to problems in certain regional environments, such as imbalances in gravitational performance, or in some places that do not grow evenly.

The size of the entire gravitational ball grows synchronously. If there is a certain place that does not grow, it will cause many problems.

at this time. Special tasks occur in the heterogeneous brain, asking them to treat the malfunctioning organ.

The way to treat is quite simple, just take some special substances for this organ... Eat it, but sometimes you have to do something special.

It has always been a small problem, and it does not happen often. Therefore, heterogeneous tasks are also easily accomplished for various treatments.

Their lives continue this way, but heterogeneity does not know when their mission will end.

Heterogeneous has always had a ... expectation, that is, expecting their mission to end, they can live in this place as a group of ordinary creatures.

They believe that this expectation may come after the world has grown.

They understand that what they have been doing all the time is to complete the world.

This is also their shaper...that is, a wish of the Star Bus.

Heterogeneity is not clear what their shapers are thinking, but by their own speculation, they think that the stellar bus itself wants to understand the specific causes of their collapse, so they want to continue to observe there.

However, heterogeneous has never observed any special phenomena, or they are not clear about themselves.

And in terms of observation, they have no special tasks.

On the side of the gravitational ball, there are a lot of tasks, from the beginning of shaping, to maintaining the stability of the observation environment, and treating the malfunctioning organs, etc., their tasks have been continuously updated.

At the same time, they also have some special tasks, such as they can not breed to create a forceful force to occupy the surface of the gravitational ball, only to observe in a more gentle way.

So they lived so far away from the edge.

The aliens are also clear...why do they construct this world.

That's because of their shape... The Star Bus expects to gain life.

At the moment before the destruction, it moved many organs and xenotypes to this place. This is a very long plan. This star bus does not produce any descendants, but wants to be directly reborn.

When the gravitational ball becomes large enough, all the organs inside will be in place, and it will continue to transform the hollow inner world, create a variety of other organs, transform the terrain of the original star bus, and fill a lot of suitable materials inside.

Finally, in some way, the nervous system is revived, and the originally collapsed star bus is completely resurrected.

This is its original plan. It will be reborn by the group assembled by this wreck. Now the gravitational ball is not a stellar bus, but it may be in the future.

For heterogeneity, you must ensure that all this goes smoothly... (to be continued.)

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