4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 981: Abnormal in action

Their original plan... is like this.

Reorganize a pile of debris into a new star bus.

It feels... quite wonderful, combining the wreckage little by little for a long time, and finally forming a... a living world.

This behavior is so wonderful, so it caught the attention of other stellar buses. It seems that Atlan arrived here because of this reason.

They mainly came to the ruins to help Ershi observe the formation of the gravitational ball... but they encountered some problems, which caused Atlan to not continue to help Ershi observe.

And Ersh himself did not come here, why? Maybe only Ershi knows it.

Heterogeneity has not changed much because of this episode of Atlan, they continue to carry out various tasks, but recently their tasks have become more and more difficult.

That is mainly because of the variation of the water polo, in the process of bringing back the wreckage, the creatures in the wreckage will always mutate and hostile.

This makes their progress more difficult, but they are still completing the task... The biggest problem they face is the thing inside the ruins.

The heterogeneous received a new mission that allowed them to get in touch with Atlan and gain control of Atlan.

So, the aliens went to observe Atlan, and after understanding the habits of Atlan, they made a pheromone for Atlan and started to act on Atlan.

Later, this action failed because of Atlan's variability, but the task did not continue to require heterogeneous control, so the aliens did not continue to do anything, but they themselves care about how Atlan is mutated, so they tried to investigate the silver. Things.

Later, there was a big problem... The heterogeneous suddenly did not receive a map message from the gravitational ball.

The creatures that trade with them seem to disappear, and they have no way to find those creatures, so the connection to the surface of the gravitational sphere is interrupted.

Heterogeneity is primarily a connection to a creature living in the ruins, which then uses some means to contact the light-seekers on the surface of the gravitational sphere.

The photo-performer sends the map message back. This is a... complicated process. The behavior of collecting the microbial flora by the light-receiving person is mainly the biological teaching, and the way of using the microbial group to contact is the heterogeneous one.

but. Heterologous is not clear... how does the creature teach the light-seekers to know how to collect the flora, but they don't care so much, and in the end they need to collect information.

As long as this biological connection to the intermediate process is interrupted, all knowledge of the surface of the gravitational ball will be interrupted.

Then, the aliens also dispatched some troops to the surface of the gravitational ball for detection. But none of these troops returned...

Heterogeneous discoveries, creatures living in ruins seem to be more aggressive than usual.

In this case, it is difficult for the heterogeneous to reach the surface of the gravitational ball. There is no good way to detect the gravitational ball.

It seems that the general detector can not detect the condition of the gravitational ball, but in fact, the heterogeneous has never used any detector, but has been looking for a way to directly approach the observation.

They began to use a variety of ways to detect the condition on the gravitational ball, and later they... found a group of creatures.

This group of creatures is willing to help the aliens to obtain information. They have a way to quickly approach the surface of the gravitational ball, that is... by throwing a 'missile' on the surface of the gravitational sphere.

It seems that if you want to get close to the surface of the gravitational ball, the use of explosives is the most effective. Although it will start to be attacked, as long as a large number of explosives are launched in one direction, the creatures along the way will avoid these things.

Then they can successfully reach the surface, and the explosives will also attract the lighter on the surface.

These light-seekers have already prepared information about the map, but there is no chance to hand it over. Because the aliens feel that the ruins are unstable, they urgently need information.

Heterogeneous listen to the advice of this group of creatures, which allow some troops to follow the flying missiles and go to the surface of the gravitational ball.

This kind of action also failed several times. Because those missiles don't turn, they often hit some floating debris halfway.

But in fact, flying in such a dense wreck, even if you turn, it is not easy to reach the target.

But according to the biological description of the missile. They were able to shoot most of the missiles on the surface, because according to various calculations, they already know how the wrecks operate, and generally do not shoot the wreckage.

However, the recent wreckage operation is a bit strange, so they have no way to accurately hit the target.

Heterogeneity does not seem to care, as long as there is a possibility to go to the surface. They continually try to get close to the target until... once they finally succeeded in reaching the surface of the gravitational ball.

These heterogeneous species that reached the surface of the gravitational ball obtained the information of the light-receiving person. When the light-seekers saw them, they gave them to the bacteria. Then, the aliens followed another one... The missiles launched from the surface flew back and put them back. The information was brought to the group.

After detecting these materials, the aliens found that the data showed...

There are many abnormal states on the surface of the gravitational ball. Most of the abnormal states are the problem of gravitational balance, and some other problems have appeared in some places.

Heterologous found that some organs have abnormalities and need treatment.

In short, the problem is quite a lot, and it is much more than ever. The aliens don't know why, but they must act.

However, because the gravitational ball is now getting bigger and bigger, and the heterogeneous groups are not growing in the same proportion, their number can only make them occupy a small area.

Therefore, it is quite difficult for heterogeneous to repair this growing area, so they think of... many creatures to help.

Atlan is one of the species they think of, because they signed a void law with Atlan, and the different species went to talk to Atlan to help them do something.

In fact, the aliens let Atlan do the most is to collect the therapeutic materials and detect some areas, but the heterogeneous because they want Atlan to fulfill the void law, so there is no need to pay, so ... no success.

However, heterogeneity does not only let Atlan help them, they also find a lot of creatures, these creatures are still willing to help them to do something.

Another thing happened when the use of these creatures for various kinds of repair treatments was carried out.

Because the foreign species were studying silver in the past, they found that the silver wire would make them mutate, so they were quite afraid of the silver wire, but they wanted to study the silver wire. Later, they finally found a way to study the silver wire.

After studying the silver wire, a new ... task suddenly appeared in these heterogeneous brains, and this task made them quite capable... aggressive.

They began to be hostile to the surrounding creatures, mainly to some 'newcomers' creatures.

What kind of creatures are new, there are differences in the mission, and in general, most of the nearby creatures living on the edge of the ruins are new.

Then, when these creatures approach each other, they will not want to attack them.

It also includes a lot of ... help alien creatures, because in this way, the heterogeneous repair actions have not been able to proceed, and the heterogeneity has fallen into a difficult state.

Until... there are some aliens caught by mechanical spiders.

After being caught by a mechanical spider, the mechanical spider showed some new information to these aliens.

The last time I went to the surface of the gravitational ball, I just took a piece of information, but in fact there are still a lot of data that have not been obtained, and this time the mechanical spiders give them a different kind of information that they have not obtained.

These data indicate that... the interior of the entire gravitational ball seems to be damaged, and the inside becomes less and less balanced... the whole place is almost at the point where it begins to collapse.

When the heterogeneous produces an idea that is strongly to be repaired in the past, the mechanical spider gives a new piece of information to them.

This information shows a lot of biological materials that live underground. This group of creatures now all become quite... dangerous.

Although there are all kinds of creatures living in the gravitational sphere, their activities will not hurt the gravitational ball itself, but the current creatures will do something that hurts the gravitational ball.

It seems that their character has changed a lot. For these changing creatures, the task of heterogeneity is to...

Kill them.

But... this is not so simple, plus other problems, the heterogeneous has a feeling of 'destroyed'.

Because, suddenly there have been so many problems... and the processors of these problems have only one kind of creature.

This is really some... unreasonable.

Heterogeneity feels that they cannot cope with this situation, but according to the instructions of the task, they cannot but complete.

Fortunately, the source of information that gives them the task seems to... take this into account.

If a bunch of heterogeneous problems can't handle this kind of problem, then it will make more aliens.

The heterogeneous group has not been very big, but... if the problem is too serious, this restriction will...


At the same time as the lifting, a new mission will come. This mission will require the aliens to create a huge army and use this army to solve any problems to maintain the stability of the entire gravitational ball.

When heterogeneous begins to grow, perhaps there are no creatures that can stop them, they can become quite powerful.

But can they prevent all kinds of abnormal conditions that have spread to the entire gravitational ball?

This is hard to know... still needs to continue... observation. (To be continued.)

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