4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 983: go ahead

"We are moving forward and we are close."

Among the dark ruins floating in countless wreckage, Lynn's mechanical spider is slowly advancing in the direction of the gravitational ball.

However, this time the mechanical spider did not suffer any attack, because there are a group of ... creatures around the mechanical spider.

They are numerous, large and very similar... huge pieces of meat.

These creatures are heterogeneous, and not long ago, they have grown in numbers in an almost crazy way, and they have created some huge arms.

For example, this is the front of Lin's mechanical spider. It has a diameter of hundreds of meters, and the shape is still like a huge piece of meat.

It squirmed in the void, moving forward, and smashing all the debris left around.

Beside this huge piece of meat, there are countless... small pieces of meat.

These small ones are the common kind of aliens. They are about two meters in size. They mainly use a variety of weapons, including high-temperature rays and bombs. There are many kinds, but the power is not too big. .

They are quite numerous, flying secretly in Lin’s field of vision.

In fact, the heterogeneous army is basically these two kinds, one is a huge piece of meat hundreds of meters, the other is a small soldier... more than two meters.

But it can't be said that these two, because the soldiers carry a lot of smaller creatures.

The number of this unit should be more than 100,000. Lin did not calculate the specific number of them, but they still continue to build more troops. If they look back, they can see a long and long team. Continued to the stone area where the alien species lived.

These are the troops that are constantly coming.

Heterogeneous recently acquired a lot of resources from a nearby place, so they can continue to produce troops. They are difficult to obtain resources because there are too many dangerous creatures around, but when the restrictions are lifted, they are unscrupulous. Any creature around it launches an attack.

All troops have only one goal. That is to go to the center of the gravitational ball and kill everything...the problematic thing.

Lin's mechanical spiders also followed this force, and a hundred mechanical spiders were mixing in the army that seemed to be composed of flesh and blood to observe their actions.

But Lin will not be involved in any action, and there is no opinion on this. As long as the mechanical spider does not do suspicious actions on the line.

Although their goal is the interior of the gravitational sphere, they are now attacking nearby creatures.

Before this flesh-and-blood army, there were some things that blocked them. These things were what Lin had seen before... made of metal. Like a huge deck of objects.

The shell-like creatures above the deck felt the proximity of the alien army, and they began to prepare for the attack.

But just before that...

'boom! ’

Numerous flashes burst from the ball around each of the different soldiers, and the light instantly drowned a metal deck, and all the above things melted and dissipated...

At this moment, the creatures on the other decks seemed to be surprised, and they began to move, but at the same time they were targeted by all the different soldiers.

This time, Lin did not simulate their voices, just watching the splendid radiance of the aliens. And the surrounding decks are all disappearing in the brilliant light...

In the blink of an eye, the area that was originally filled with dense debris became an empty void, leaving only a few residual debris.

The dissimilar forces flew between the debris they created and continued to go to the target.

The army marched all the way to the gravitational ball, and the next action was not peaceful. Many creatures suddenly emerged from the wreckage and attacked the alien army.

Although the heterogeneous army has a huge number, many creatures don't seem to care about this. They use a variety of methods to attack the aliens.

However, no creature can succeed. In the land where the different species passed, all the creatures were destroyed by them. During the battle, Lin found that most of the victims were all different soldiers. Those huge pieces of meat are hardly involved in any attacks.

But this is enough, because the amount is too much, the power is too strong, and the alien can smash any target in a flash.

They opened an empty avenue in the dense ruins, and countless different kinds of troops filled the road until they reached the surface of the gravitational ball...

Lynn found out. The heterogeneous personality changes are indeed quite large, and this is not the content of the mission requirements...so they are destroying the surrounding creatures with their own consciousness. Some creatures just look at threats and have not started to attack, they will immediately Target kill.

Obviously, heterogeneous people have always wanted to do this, but the task has limited their practice...

Now, Lin once again saw the surface of the gravitational ball. There are many on this brown earth... the creature is moving.

They are like a creature called 'bovine', but they are bigger than the kind of 'bovine' that Lynn knows, and they have a size of about ten meters.

These creatures swayed on the ground, and they didn't care about the alien army that descended from the sky, so...

Under the glory of the blast, all the creatures on the ground disappeared. At this moment, the heterogeneous attack turned the surface with many creatures and wrecks into the open space with dust.

Then, the huge troops landed on the surface of the gravitational ball, and Lin finally saw that the huge meat started to move.

There were three huge pieces of meat lying on the ground, and then they began to creep on the ground, and the ground was suddenly dissolved as they were as soft mud...

As the pieces of meat squirmed, a pothole as large as their body shape appeared. They quickly dig deep into the ground, and the large group of soldiers behind it followed the pieces of meat that had been excavated underground.

So, these pieces of meat are used to do this kind of thing...

Lin's mechanical spiders were also mixed with the large group of infantry, followed by a piece of meat and marched to the bottom of the ground, but when it was advanced...more than three hundred seconds, Lin suddenly found that the excavated pieces of meat did not move.

All the soldiers around him immediately prepared the weapon. At this time, Lin also saw the meat in the block... The skin suddenly broke open, and a small black object was drilled from it.

This little black object is somewhat like... the creature called 'bug', which looks like a black crystal that glows when illuminated with light.

After the first appearance, the second and then the third appeared. After a while, countless 'bugs' were drilled from the outer skin of the meat.

They are small, each with more than thirty centimeters, but in large quantities, it seems that they have drilled meat pieces from inside the meat pieces and then climbed out from the outer skin.

However, Lynn found that although so many 'bugs' were drilled, the alien soldiers did not attack, but just looked there.

At this time, Lin noticed that the bugs that were drilled on the surface of the meat appeared... abnormal, and they all floated from the surface of the meat.

Although they hold the meat tightly, the body floats uncontrollably into the air, when they fly to a certain height...

Countless flashes suddenly lit up.

The soldiers shot a relatively small light, and all the floating 'bugs' were killed, and no light was on the meat below.

At this time, some of the bugs still on the meat pieces continued to float, and the flashes of the soldiers lighted up again, cleaning up all the bugs.

The bitten, riddled piece of meat continued to squirm and dig deeper into it.

'boom! 'At the beginning of the excavation, the wall on the left suddenly exploded, and a huge, worm-like thing rushed out of it, but the flash also lit up. The worm only had one after the moment. On the wall of the cave.

Then went on for a while, and Lin noticed that the surroundings began to tremble as if it were an earthquake. At this time, all the aliens immediately emitted light to the surrounding cave walls.

The light seemed to be very special this time. They directly punched countless holes in the bottom of the hole. After they were punched, there was no earthquake here.

In this way, in the process of digging down... the different kinds of troops have suffered a lot of attacks, some creatures will appear directly to attack, and some creatures use the method of earthquake to attack long distance, but no matter what kind of The way, all were solved by the alien species.

They... seem to be quite clear about what to do and when to use what type of weapon.

After digging for a while, Lin thought that it should be inside the gravitational ball, and at this time... a creature familiar with Lin was dug out.

They are... the lighter.

A large group of light-seekers suddenly emerged from the edge of the excavated meat, and then jumped one after another, flew over to the alien infantry.

This time, the aliens did not make any attacks, but waited for the light-emitting people to fly to them.

The lighter was handed over to a different kind of ... bacteria group.

It seems that they have new information to be delivered, and when Lin thinks so, Lin suddenly notices that the body of a light-seeker is starting to shine.

It became dazzling in a matter of seconds, but nothing happened. After the different species took the bacteria, there was no special reaction, but the meat continued to move down.

Lin felt a little strange, so that a mechanical spider floated to the heterogeneous side of the group, and after a brief exchange, the heterogeneous would like to give the mushroom to the mechanical spider.

After getting the fungus, Lin tried to translate the contents. Lin found that this was...

It seems that the content indicates that this gravitational ball has not been saved. (~^~)

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