4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 984: Earth's flash

‘Structural softening’ seems to be probably used to call the stellar bus. Oh,

I don't know what happened. Some of the stellar bus organs in the gravitational ball began to soften, and in fact they became a kind of jelly-like substance.

This material has been seen before, but Lin did not tell this thing to the alien, but the former lighter told the stranger to know this.

Organs in many places seem to be softening, this way... Is there any way to save?

It seems that there is no way to do this, because after the discovery of these contents, there are some special ‘tasks’ in their minds.

Lin stayed in a few different kinds of brains... a limb for testing, they seem to have no opinion on this, so they can continue to check their memory state.

When a heterogeneous knows the contents of the flora, it will quickly pass the content to all the aliens, which will also trigger the corresponding tasks in all the different brains.

Heterogeneity knows that after the stellar bus organs are softened, their memory is unrecoverable. They can only collect organs that have not yet been softened and try to protect them.

However, if the number of organ softening is too much, it will enter a state that is completely incurable, which also represents all the tasks of the heterogeneous...and fails.

They didn't have any special reaction, but they continued to dig down. The excavated pieces of meat had been greatly damaged in many of the previous battles. With its creeping, many pieces of debris also came from it. The body is floating.

But its movements are getting faster and faster. Soon, the cave that leads to the inside of the gravitational ball is completely excavated.

Lin knows that there are many cave passages on the surface of the gravitational ball that go straight to the inside. But the aliens did not go to those channels. Instead, I dug it directly here. Maybe they want to arrive soon.

The dark earth was revealed in front of Lin, and the meat piece moved its huge body to the side, and the alien army began to flood into the hole.

The mechanical spiders flew out of the hole together. The environment here is very similar to that in the ruins. The wreckage of the sky floats, the ground is brown, but in the pure darkness, there is no way to see the stars through the gaps of the wreckage. . But you can see a lot of things moving between the wreckage.

Some creatures are close here, their shape...

'boom! ’

When Lynn had not looked at these creatures carefully, the aliens began to attack, and the light they emitted traveled through countless wreckage, hitting the creatures floating between the wreckage.

Lynn is not sure if it is a creature, but no matter what, the heterogeneity will attack them.

When cleaning all the suspicious things around, the aliens did not move on. Lin noticed that they all floated to the ground, and some of the different kinds began to merge. Formed a piece...a bigger alien.

So, they want to build a base here. The aliens that are not glued together are scattered everywhere. They dragged many floating debris and some things here, and separated a small piece of meat from themselves onto the wreck.

When there are many different kinds of meat sticking together to the wreckage, the wreckage looks like it is wrapped in a huge mass of meat.

Then the wrapped meat will float to the ground and the fusions will be all together.

These wrecks should be able to be used as food, and it seems that the aliens are like the bases where many production forces are built here.

Some bases are getting more and more entangled with the aliens around them, and it is getting bigger and bigger. When it gets big enough, it will open a mouth on the surface and then create a different kind of soldier from it. .

This seems to be a fairly simple way to multiply, and the speed is very fast, but Lynn is a bit strange that the soldiers' brains can't be done so fast.

Because the brain is composed of cells, and there are fungi on the floating debris nearby, the number should be insufficient.

Thinking, Lin tried to detect these newly built soldiers and found that they were all...no brains.

They should be commanded by aliens with brains, and they themselves are purely non-cellular arms that can be made quite fast.

Soon, heterogeneously built hundreds of bases here, each base is growing and manufacturing, the largest one has grown to more than 30 meters in size, looks like a long one on the ground ... the ball of bright red color.

The different large units did not stay here for too long, they soon stopped dragging and moving on, and they continued to fly to the 'sky', part of Lin’s mechanical spiders followed them, and the other part Continue to observe the operation of the base here.

This time, the heterogeneous troops were pure soldiers, and the large pieces of meat were kneeling on the ground for treatment, and did not fly.

What makes Lin feel strange is that there are some softened organs nearby, but the aliens did not go there to find them, but flew all the way to the center of the gravitational ball.

After flying for a while, the ground seemed to be getting more and more blurred. When the situation on the ground was almost invisible, the alien troops suddenly stopped.

Because in front of them, there is a huge creature.

This creature is the kind of creature that I saw before, like an empty jellyfish. It has hundreds of meters of body and there are countless tentacles around the body. This creature had a strange move before, that is, it will explode. The mushrooms came to blow up those organs, and Lin didn't understand why they were doing this.

But now I understand that the creatures in it seem to have been affected, and they started doing things that they wouldn't do before.

This may be...

The first light of the ‘Boom’ alien was launched.

It hit the surface of the biological body directly, where it burst, but after the explosion, it seems that no scars remain on it.

At this moment, the creature rushed over, and the alien army reacted immediately. They quickly dispersed and fired all their firepower at the creature.

This huge empty jellyfish-like creature is instantly covered by sparkling brilliance.

This time, its protective ability did not completely protect it, the huge body cracked under the explosion, and some of the tentacles were broken, but it did not hit any alien species, because the alien can immediately carry out the next attack.

The creature seemed to want to avoid the alien attack. The whole body jerked and flew to the other side, and Lin had a mechanical spider in this position. It didn't have time to escape, and watched the creature slam.

But as the creature approached, Lynn felt a signal...

It seems to be a signal of nerve structure. (To be continued.)

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