4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 987: Joint species

This is the third. First, we must

Lin's exploration continues, and the mechanical spider with the bus nerve has found the third jellyfish and found new nerves in the durian-like organs in it.

After assembling them, Lynn also received more content at this time.

This time the content is richer than before, and Lin can see more about the nervous system from here.

The nervous system of the stellar bus is not always in a deep sleep. They wake up regularly and test the surrounding environment.

And it seems that this kind of alienation is not known. The alien species itself does not seem to have any tasks related to the nervous system. All the tasks of heterogeneity are to manage other organs and the overall environment.

These nervous systems are completely self-running, they wake up regularly during sleep, wake up and collect some food, then detect the surrounding environment and go into sleep again.

This process has been carried out ‘secretly. The heterogeneity is completely unaware of their condition, but the heterogeneity is to recognize the nervous system, so they certainly will not attack the nervous system.

So the current heterogeneous situation is very abnormal, they don’t seem to know it at all.

After reading this information, Lin thought that she should go to the next jellyfish, but Lin felt a bit strange. Since the nerves now want to integrate together, why does it not control the jellyfish to come together, but let Lin like this, Do you understand the creatures that understand this information to help them combine?

There are quite a few problems in it, but Lin has a feeling that this nervous system is normal.

Except for it, other creatures here are not normal.

Anyway, let's combine these nerves first, thinking, Lin will open the durian-like organ and take the nerve inside. Then he left the body of the jellyfish through a tentacle.

This jellyfish is the jellyfish that survived after the first contact with Lin. Although the durian organ inside was opened, it will heal.

After taking the bus nerve out, the life of the jellyfish is not expected to change much. The mechanical spiders also flew away from this place.

Continue to fly in the dark debris pile, Lin also pays attention to the surrounding environment, because it will not be attacked, so Lin has always let the mechanical spiders detect the surrounding environment very high-profile, using a variety of Methods Observe many of the organisms here.

just now. The creatures here have a reaction, and they are now moving fast in the wreckage, and they all gather in one direction.

They reacted to the alien army.

Most of the creatures here are like this. As long as they are creatures with higher intelligence, they all look like different 'states'. They each occupy a territory. They are also constraining each other and trading resources. .

Now that the aliens have come here, they begin to indiscriminately attack all creatures indiscriminately, and this kind of behavior will spread quickly inside the gravitational sphere. This makes the creatures here start attacking them as a common enemy.

Lynn feels that heterogeneous troops may not be able to withstand such attacks. After all, when the creatures here are united, they are far more numerous than heterogeneous. As for weapons.


The surroundings of the mechanical spider suddenly became as bright as the white, and all the floating wrecks were all shining brightly at this moment, and all of them were like meteorites, flying in the direction of the alien army.

Lin doesn't know much about their weapons, but it can be said that there are all kinds of them. In contrast, the different kinds of troops are more monotonous.

and. This state of warfare has also made Lin's mechanical spiders at risk again.

A huge light wreckage flew in front of the mechanical spider, and Lin saw the spiders spread out. After hiding the thing, Lin saw many wrecks flying to the side.

In order to avoid them. Lin quickly flew down and landed on the ground.

Although it is landed, but because it is inside the gravitational ball, it should actually be considered as rising, and when Lin looks at the position where she was just now, I saw countless wreckage shining. It's as if a meteor shower is usually crossed in the dark. I don't know what creatures are doing, but their thoughts are quite simple. They let the wreck hit the target and then detonate.

‘Hey! 'In the moment when Lin thought so, the explosion flashed in the distance. It was caused by the first wreckage approaching the alien army. It did not fly into the army, but was approached when it was approaching. Exploded.

The mechanical spider in the alien army can more clearly see the explosion that was born next to the army. The wreck of the explosion turned into a huge ball of light, just like the lightning in the night, it illuminates the whole moment. Underground environment.

The light ball quickly disappeared, but its light did not disappear, but turned into countless pieces of light, these spots are like raindrops flying over.

Heterogeneous appearance also shot these spots, but because the number of spots is too large, and too small, many spots have successfully approached the heterogeneous, and a lot of sticking to the xenotype.

When Lin sees the alien moments surrounded by light spots, it becomes a shining object, and the object that is constantly creeping, then blasts and dissipates with a bang.

Maybe it's not very suitable, Lynn thinks maybe it's a simulation, but this kind of weapon is quite wonderful, mechanical spiders here are hard to see how it works.

The aliens seem to be invisible, and under the flying light, many of the different soldiers outside the army are shattered and dissipated.

However, Lin also began a counterattack program, and many different soldiers immediately stuck together. They were like two muds combined into one, forming a bigger alien.

These larger aliens rushed toward the flying spot, and Lin noticed that the spots seemed to be attracted to them, all attached to the big aliens, and then the big aliens were blown up.

It doesn't seem to make much sense, but the big aliens hand over the various accessory creatures and weapons they carry to the next kind before they fly over. They may mainly want to preserve these things by sacrificing the body.

At the time when the aliens and the flying wreckage were hot, Lynn also noticed that many other creatures continued here.

They are also used to deal with heterogeneity. When they arrive, the heterogeneity may not support the heterogeneity. Obviously, this is also understood, so they are constantly making more bases and then producing more troops.

Lynn also noticed that they began to make more types of arms than soldiers.

So who will win in the end? Lin did not care much about this, Lin still wants to hurry to find the remaining bus nerves.

Now, Lin has already produced the fourth jellyfish.

This jellyfish is the last jellyfish that is closer, and Lynn is not sure if it is alive.

It is about two hundred meters in length, and now half of its body is plunged into a lake on the ground.

This is the kind of soft lake that Lynn has seen before. It is not water, it is the jelly that becomes the softening of the jelly star bus organ.

Of course it is not the same lake, but another place. The lake looks bigger and has a diameter of more than three kilometers. The jellyfish in this head is like a direct collision from the air, but it does not completely hit it. The body is outside and motionless.

The mechanical spider flew past the nerves collected before, and flew to the jellyfish's side, they just found a tentacle and drilled in.

Soon, I arrived inside.

After entering the interior, Lin now has softened jelly everywhere except for the jellyfish's own organs. They are crowded with the organs, making the jellyfish that had a lot of space to move become crowded.

This kind of scenery makes Lin think of a situation, just like a creature is eating constantly, then exploding his stomach, and the food in his stomach flocks to all parts of it.

The jellyfish should be similar in this case, only if it is constantly swallowing jelly into the body.

The jellyfish itself should digest and dissolve the food at the tentacles. These jellyes seem to have entered the body without any steps, which led to this situation.

As I thought about it, Lin also let the mechanical spiders dig up the accumulated jelly here to move on, found the durian-like organs, and found the bus nerves in the organs.

Although this jellyfish is in a weird state, there is no difficulty in finding this nerve.

After detecting the nerves, the behavior of the jellyfish is caused by it. The nerves command the jellyfish to crash into the softened jelly, mainly to let it destroy an organ deep in the jelly.

Just like the lake that Lynn saw before, there is also an organ that constantly self-transforms and freezes, but this organ is relatively large, so it is still in the process of continuous transformation.

However, the process seemed to be a bit wrong. After the jellyfish came in, it was originally intended to use the tentacle to dig the road to the position of the organ at the bottom. I don’t know why the jellyfish swallowed some jelly and then started uncontrollably. Crazy sucking around the jelly, and finally let the jelly squeeze a lot of its internal organs, which led to the situation that Lynn saw.

Now the jellyfish is in a coma, so it can't move. (To be continued.)

Let’s get the view.

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