4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 988: Slowly reached

The flash is slowly dimming and dissipating.

This is somewhere inside the gravitational ball. Not long ago, it was a fierce battlefield.

Numerous rays of light are flashing here, countless explosions are bursting here, huge wreckage and creatures collide with each other, and diverse species are constantly gathering. Although this battle is fierce, it has not lasted for too long.

Soon, the creatures that participated in this battle disappeared.

The winner disappears because of the departure, the loser disappears because of death, and the alien is the loser.

They haven't completely disappeared yet, because the mechanical spiders that are scattered in the air and can be detected are almost disappeared in this battle.

However, there are still a few mini-types left. They are themselves in large bodies. After the battle is over, only they can continue to detect the battlefield.

There are a total of ten species gathered here, they can be said to be higher-intellectual species, and have various trading relationships with each other.

When these aggressors were alienated, they also quickly dispatched troops to solve them, but they did not solve the entire war.

Because they did not attack the location of heterogeneous bases, the heterogeneous species are still producing troops continuously. Although the 100,000 troops gathered here are destroyed, they may soon create another 100,000 army, or even hundreds. Wan Dajun.

The heterogeneity not only collects the wreckage as a material for the production army, but also digs the ground and mixes the 'soil' of the ground into the materials of the military. The heterogeneous manufacturing forces are quite fast, and they can continuously produce huge numbers of troops.

However, one of the characteristics of heterogeneity is that they need to use the cell brain when they command the troops, but there are not so many cell resources here, so the heterogeneity begins to concentrate on the production of a small number of arms with larger brains. Most of the troops have no brains. And received the command of the brain unit.

If those species can have these brain units. It is very simple to solve the alienation if they are eliminated. If not, they may win once or twice, but they cannot be consumed with the aliens.

Lin seems to understand why the stellar bus is going to limit the growth of heterogeneous tasks. Without limitation, their number will continue to increase, and may also cause gravitational **** to fail to make success.

Another point is that the bus may think that the task may not be able to bind the aliens all the time. They will get rid of this bond sometime sooner or later.

It seems that now they have become a bit strange.

Lin is only observing this war, and what she has been doing before is doing the nerves of the bus.

After integrating the nerves. Lin now has some ability to communicate with the nerves. It can send out some information directly, instead of sending the information set up as before.

But the information is relatively simple. It wants to ask Lin to destroy the organ located deep in the jelly lake. It has no reason. It only sends two pieces of information. One is this, the other is

“You need to combine to continue.”

"" When I first discovered this nerve, Lin still thought it was special. Because it is the organ of the stellar bus, there are many organizations that have not been seen. Lin believes that it may be the structure of the old stellar bus.

But now it seems that this nerve seems to be not very easy to use, it means that you have to combine more to provide more information.

Lin's mechanical spider and the large bus that has been combined now are on the soft lake. Now Lin is a little hesitant to help it? Still continue to find other jellyfish.

Because the other jellyfish are far away, the nearest one is also two thousand kilometers away, so Lin decided to dig it down here.

The mechanical spider digs underground with the nerves. There are also many fish-like creatures in this soft jelly lake.

In fact, they do not live here, but float in the outside environment, but after encountering the jelly lake environment, they seem to fall in love with this place. All flew in and lived.

The mechanical spider was almost two hundred meters away from the downstream, and reached the bottom of the lake. At the bottom of the lake, she saw a rather large organ.

In fact, the entire lake is a huge organ. This means that the size of this organ may reach three kilometers.

This also makes this place a large white.

When it comes to the organ at the bottom of the lake, Lin is now a transporting organ, and it is slowly transforming itself into a soft jelly-like substance.

After Lynn touched it, the nerves of the stellar bus had a strong signal. It wanted Lin to immediately destroy the organ and must completely destroy it. Don't leave any traces.

Although it is so ‘say’, Lin’s mechanical spider does not have this kind of firepower now and Lin is very strange. Is there really no way to control the organ?

Lin thought that it should be tested, so let the mechanical spider touch the nerves of the lake to the surface of the organ at the bottom of the lake.

this is

At the moment when the nerves and organs touched, Lin suddenly changed the surrounding environment. The scenery at the bottom of the jelly lake turned into a dark space with a lot of debris floating.

This should have been transmitted. This should be done by the transport organ at the bottom of the lake. Why is it doing this? Is it because of the relationship touched by the nerve?

Lin felt that there was a possibility that it might be slightly controlled by the nerves, and the nerves controlled the organs to send Lin and it to this place.

This place is almost close to the center of the interior of the gravitational ball, and is quite close to another jellyfish. It is just one kilometer away.

Lin immediately flew over there. After flying for a while, she saw the jellyfish in a pile of floating metal.

It seems that this is the worst. It has no body, and there is a pile of internal organs floating around, as if it has been blown up by something.

Fortunately, the durian-like thing was not blown up, it floated here with these internal organs, and Lin flew past, and quickly took out the nerves inside, and then continued to integrate.

This will integrate most of the time, but it also means to continue to collect, then the next

"I am very grateful for your actions."

When Lynn was ready to act, she suddenly received a signal.

It seems that this bus nerve finally has the ability to communicate. (To be continued.)

Let’s get the view.

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