4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 989: Nerve news

"A strange creature that brings us together."

"It can understand our information. Is this strange that this kind of thing will be born? It may be"

This bus nerve, which has been able to communicate, is currently in a state of 'self-talking'.

It is constantly asking questions, mainly because it is confused about the current situation, and it is very strange for the arrival of Lynn's mechanical spider, so it raises these questions by itself, but it answers it by itself.

It feels quite interesting like this.

"So" said after a while, the bus nerves seem to have not continued to ask themselves, this information should be a question for Lin: "Where are you from? Why come here? Why help me?"

"Before that, you should answer my question first." Lin's mechanical spider said to him: "Why should you destroy those organs?"

The "organ organs" bus reaction was a bit slow, and after thinking for a while there, he said: "They are all polluted."

“Pollution?” Lin questioned: “How was it polluted?”

"Pollution is, they are polluted." Bus nerve said: "So you can't stay here, you have to destroy them all, hurry, you have to do this, I have to do it." ”

After that, Lin felt that it was sending signals to attract creatures around, but after stopping for two seconds, she stopped and said to Lin: "You can take me to destroy them, right?"

Lynn felt it seemed to be trying to attract other creatures to help it, but it suddenly remembered that there was Lin's mechanical spider, so it dispelled the previous thoughts.

All in all, although this nerve can communicate, it is still very slow and its thinking ability is not complete.

It seems that I have to find another nerve to combine it, but Lynn feels that she can ask more questions, and asking questions is also necessary. Because after combining it to think for itself, it is impossible to directly detect its memory information.

"I asked you some questions before." When Lin thought about it, the bus nerve suddenly said: "Where did you come from? Why should we help us, I am very eager to know this question, can you answer?"

"" Lin thought a little afterwards. It tells the bus mechanic that the spider is from the capture ship and tells it that the mechanical spider is a group of travel-loving creatures.

"I know" the bus nerves said: "Your information is not completely true, is it? I can feel it, but it is normal and the situation is quite normal."

“Feeling?” Lin is very curious about how it feels.

"Yes, I know that you control these shells in the distance. These shells are not yours." Bus nerve said: "However, this has nothing to do with no obstacles at all, as long as it can be active."

"So, you also have a lot of questions. I will answer some of your questions, and I will say the real situation because there is nothing to hide, not at all."

Lin thought about it a little bit, and then continued to ask a lot of questions about it, such as things about pollution, what are these pollutions, and some things about alienation.

"The pollution comes from a distant area. Did you see that place before you came here? It was from that place." When the bus was talking. At the same time, I sent a picture to Lin.

This picture is a water polo.

"It has been infecting everything around you. Everything you see is probably polluted by it. It has been spreading and must end."

It spoke, as if it had entered a state of ‘恍惚’ and was there.

"What's wrong with you?" Lin sent some information to the nerves. It suddenly reacted and said: "It must end, yes, end all pollution."

“How did it pollute here?” Lin continued.

“The pollution data is missing.” Bus nerve said: “But I know. It has always been that we have to find the missing information, just as you have been looking for.”

"Then go." Lin said, she took the bus nerve. Although it has the ability to think, it does not move by itself. So mechanical spiders must always carry it.

On the way to move, Lin also continued to ask him some strange questions. For heterogeneous, it is so answering.

"They have been doing what they are doing all the time. It has been going on for a long time. I know all of them. They have never had an error, but it seems to have stopped here." The bus nerve showed something like 'sadness'. Emotion: "At the last moment they made a mistake."

"They always wanted to get rid of the bondage, they always wanted freedom, they could have done it quickly, but now they are bound to something bigger, and they may not be able to get rid of it." Bus nerves: "It will all end"

"Are they also polluted by water polo?" Lin asked.

"Probably their state has become somewhat abnormal." Bus nerves: "Now everything is not very clear, but after getting the missing information is that."

Lin and the bus nerve seem to be 'looking' to the target. In front, there are countless floating wrecks, and a large number of internal organs are floating.

This is the same as before, the body of the huge jellyfish has disappeared, leaving only a lot of internal organs still floating here.

"What caused this situation?" Flying into the floating visceral group, Lin looked for the durian-like organ and asked the bus nerve.

"A locust." Bus nerves: "They smashed the shell, leaving the viscera, hurry."

Lin saw the durian-like organ. As usual, Lin quickly digs up the organ, then puts the bus nerves and the nerves inside, watching them slowly merge.

‘嘭’ At this time, Lin saw a shining light coming from a distance. It seemed to be an explosion. The flash disappeared in a flash, but a large number of dense objects appeared in the direction of the flash.

They are moving high toward this side, and Lin sees that they should escape, so they bring the nerves that are being merged and quickly fly in one direction.

However, these objects are immediately chased up, and they fly faster than mechanical spiders. After a few seconds, the mechanical spiders are surrounded by this large group of creatures.

Lynn noticed that each of these creatures is about one meter long and looks like a creature called a 'hornbill', and they look like metal structures, and if they are illuminated, they will reflect the flash.

For the first time, Lynn was noticed by the creatures in the case of carrying the bus nerves, but they did not attack, but looked around.

Lin also knows this group of creatures. In fact, they are also one of the higher intellectual species here. Because Lin has also seen the maps of the species described by the lighter, so I know most of the biological conditions here, but I still don’t know them. The character details and so on.

Lynn decided not to act rashly and see what they would do.

"It was surrounded by locusts." At this time, the fusion of the bus nerves was already good. It also noticed the surrounding situation and made this message.

“They are the 'locusts'?” The message from the bus nerves is mainly a small, and will continue to drill creatures that destroy large things, so Lin translates into 'locusts'.

"That's the two things they killed before." Bus nerves: "But they usually don't do this kind of thing. Generally, all they do is drill holes in the shell, find some neural structures, use some Things pollute the nerve structure and control the whole creature"

"But their control actions have not been successful because the creature has been controlled." Bus nerves: "So, they destroy the whole creature."

So, in a nutshell, this locust originally had some way to control the jellyfish, but because the jellyfish had been controlled by the bus, they couldn’t control it, and then the locust killed the whole jellyfish. There will be a scene where there is only a bunch of internal organs left.

However, their behavior is quite strange. Why can't they control it?

"Leave here," the bus nerve sent a signal to the surrounding locust swarm. Interestingly, it has two signals at the same time, one for the locust swarm, this special signal Lin's mechanical spider can not be resolved, But the nerve also sent a signal that the spider could understand to let the mechanical spider know what it was saying.

"There is no thing you are looking for here, leave here, do other things."

Under the signal of the bus nerve, the surrounding locusts seemed to understand, and they began to disperse, and no one stayed here.

"Can you direct these creatures?" Lin asked the bus nerve.

"Just suggest, give them some advice." Bus nerves: "This is not a command. If it can really be commanded, it will not be polluted. We will end the pollution."

"You should have gotten a lot of information now." Lin asked: "Can you continue to talk about the previous question?"

"Of course it is ok." Bus nerves: "I suggest that we communicate while moving forward, so no!" (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks to Wang Ahua God for praying for the monthly pass

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