4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 991: Past plan

"This is what they have been doing..."

"They try to change everything with their own will..."

"Before...reinventing myself, I found out...the kind of disease is what they cause, and they always want to transform everything."


There is such an ancient creature that has appeared in this void for a long time.

They are called ... stellar buses because they rotate around the stars and carry countless creatures.

Although there are such names, they are not necessarily all around the stars. Sometimes they will surround other larger tumblings, such as gas tumbling.

There are even some special types that live inside the gas tumbling, and some very extreme types that live in the void and are dangerous to the usual creatures.

But no matter what kind of species, they all have quite long life processes. This kind of creature can always witness countless creatures in themselves, as well as the prosperity and weakness of civilization... They are born to be 'creator', and they are very ... gentle creator.

They rarely interfere with what the creatures in the body do, whether they are fratricidal to the extinction of the population, or develop to leave the bus.

The stellar bus only cares about the invaders. Although their creatures don't have any opinions about each other's wars, they are quite concerned about the intruders. They will not allow the intruders to launch war on them.

They will think of ways to deal with the invaders until the goal is completely solved... for the younger star buses. There are quite a few problems that are difficult for them to solve.

And after the adult or ... is old. They have almost never encountered a problem that cannot be solved. It has always been like this...

Until some time, a 'disease' appeared in the body of the stellar bus.

As a huge world, they rarely ... get sick, even if they appear, they can quickly find the cause, but they have not found the cause.

and. These sick star buses can only look at their body abnormalities, which will slowly deprive them of their consciousness and then let them go to death.

That is, collapse, in which case their bodies will burst into a pile of pieces.

They... certainly don't want to accept this ending, but they can't do anything. The most they can do is to keep their bodies from falling apart, and they can turn themselves into ordinary tumbling. Those creatures in their own lives can continue to live.

This method is more complicated to operate and does not necessarily succeed, but they still have to do some experimentation.

However, one of these sick star buses does not agree with this approach.

To be precise, it is not just about reaching this level. It is also trying to track the source of getting them sick. Therefore, in the remaining life, it is constantly studying and telling some of its own ideas to the companions.

Later, it discovered a place that could be the source of disease transmission.

It was a very distant place, but the source had somehow delivered this 'collapsed disease' to their location.

The Star Bus suspects that this source of pollution is related to another creature, that is... the creator.

If the stellar bus is a natural creator, then the creator is the creator of ‘the day after tomorrow’. They also have a lot of hobbies for making vast environments and creatures, but they may not be as good for their creations... well.

Moreover, they also have considerable threats to young star buses.

The Stellar Bus has some doubts about its own ideas, because it has never seen a creator with such a horrible ability.

Being able to get an old stellar bus to death is something that the creator can't do, but the source of the infection it detects, it feels the same...signal as the creator.

This makes it very suspicious, but because of this relationship, it has no way to investigate it more closely, so it continues to study.

Finally, it found some way.

A way to keep some important organs, that is... combine some new organs.

The newly combined organs are not affected by the disease, but in a special way, the soft creature is used.

In order to prevent their own collapse, the Star Bus has created a soft creature that is responsible for breaking down various original organs and stabilizing the terrain.

At the same time, they also have other uses, which are combined into a new cub and leave this place to develop elsewhere.

Since they can be combined into young, it means they can be combined into some important organs...

According to this method, it thinks of some...possibility, the possibility of being able to make itself 'rebirth', just recreate a body.

But now the organs are 'pollution' by the collapsed diseases, they can't keep it, but if they are newly made, they should not be polluted.

If these organs can survive... then they will be born again.

Thus, the Star Bus thought of a way to create some organs that could survive the collapse.

After discussing it with his companions, its companions also agreed with its idea, so they joined forces to begin this step.

They gave some soft creatures...some tasks, and they started to combine into new organs after they had completed the decomposition task.

This organ is made up of soft creatures on multiple star buses, mainly transmitting organs... and gravitational organs, which can be said to be a living thing.

They have the ability to live on their own lives without having to rely on other organs to live.

When the soft creatures complete the decomposition task, they are sent to a distant place to complete the combination of these new organs.

This distant location is called the 'safety point'. After the study of the stellar bus, it believes that... this 'safety point' is not infected by the source of the disease.

At the same time, it also found that collapse infections are a very long process, not immediately happening, and may have been infected with this 'collapse disease' when they were younger.

Therefore, soft creatures can be placed there, they have enough time to grow up, and when they are combined into new organs, another soft creature will be transported.

This group of soft creatures has no combined task. Their task is to look after these combined new organs and solve various problems. The other task is to let them investigate the source of infection.

The source of infection is actually closer to the 'safety point' and can be reached with a single transfer, so they can quickly go to observation and then return quickly.

Of course, this soft creature also has a creature that collects materials, collects all the materials, and lets the organs assemble them.

The action to observe the source of infection is safe, and the stellar bus believes that the ‘disease’ of the collapse of the infection will not have any effect on other creatures, but only for the stellar bus.

So this group of soft creatures can continuously collect data and resources for it.

Plan everything, set up countless tasks in advance, and ensure that after the control of the heterogeneous and overall situation, the stellar bus will finally be able to... the final step.

The final step is to keep a small section of your nerves.

Although there are so many plans, this section is the most important nerve, and the nerves have been contaminated by diseases. The stellar bus will collapse before the collapse...the ‘consciousness’ in their nerves will disappear first.

The stellar bus did not find it, or did not have time to find out why this consciousness disappeared, but it was not completely undetected.

It also noticed the reason for the disappearance of some consciousness, and it also sent this nerve to a safe point.

And put it together with those organs...

In this way, the soft creature has been observing the data collected by the source of infection, which is known by this nerve.

Although it is unaware, that is, without thinking ability, it is still alive, and it will automatically run certain functions, such as receiving the acquired data, and will also analyze the various sources of the infection.

And the consciousness that this nerve disappears will slowly recover.

There are some special things on this nerve that make it slowly 'wake up', but the process is slow, and many times it only temporarily wakes up and then enters the unconscious state.

And only this small part of the nerve can be preserved, and other nerves cannot be saved.

Therefore, the stellar bus can only use this section of the nerve to receive various information in this place. In the long waiting process, soft creatures...that is, heterogeneous, have been observing the source of infection, although the aliens themselves do not know what to observe. Nothing, they don't know that the information they observe will be sent to the nerves.

The nerve will occasionally wake up. During the short period of recovery, it will quickly analyze the various data obtained and learn more about the various sources of infection.

Not only the information brought back after the heterogeneous observation, but also the various kinds of debris brought back by the heterogeneous can give it a lot of information.

Finally, it uses a variety of materials found near the source of infection to create a new body.

Because through a long understanding, it has mastered all the information about the source of infection, and this body will no longer be afraid of ... infection.

This is the original idea. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks to the son of Lifan~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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