4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 992: Pollution

The nerves of Lin and the stellar bus are chatting...

Although it is still a complete integration, it means that the remaining piece of integration is just to restore control of the organ.

As for its memory, and the ability to describe it, it has completely recovered, so it tells Lin that there is something about it.

It is indeed one of the groups where the Star Bus collapsed. During the chat, Lin also told it that he knew some Star buses and also learned about the collapse.

Therefore, it also tells Lin... everything that it experienced at the beginning.

For example, it originally wanted the idea of ​​'resurrection'. The idea was not complicated. It was to reshape its body near the source of infection.

This body is specially constructed using objects that are close to the source of the infection, mainly because it believes that there are a lot of information about the source of the infection, and in the process of reconstruction, it is constantly Analyze and understand.

However, the process of analysis is a bit long, this nerve structure... will wake up once in a long time, usually separated by a hundred years.

And the time to wake up is very short, maybe thousands of seconds.

Stellar Bus said it already knew the reason for the disappearance of this consciousness, mainly because the 'information source' in their bodies was contaminated.

Stellar buses also have a source of information that acts like a cell nucleus, but their sources of information are quite complex...complex.

It is not made up of ordinary substances, and it seems that it only has a conduction effect. There is no information in it... This bus nerve says so. In fact, it did not explain this information source in detail to Lin. After all, this may be the biggest secret of the stellar bus.

The disease infected their source of information. So let them enter the unconscious state and then let their bodies collapse.

At first they couldn't reverse the process at all, but in this long period of time, this small piece of nerve was slowly trying to repair its own information source, making it wake up longer.

It turns out that it works effectively, and it slowly lengthens the time to wake up. This way it has more time to learn about the source of the infection.

Every time you wake up, it will also detect the surrounding environment, know what kind of creatures are there in this ruin, what kind of... ecology.

Although these creatures are diverse, they still maintain a very good balance, mainly because it also participates in control.

When it wakes up, it will give new instructions to the transport organs and gravitational organs to maintain their stability and balance.

Until the gravitational ball is completely constructed.

The stellar bus uses these wreckage from nearby sources to form a new body. It is not afraid that these things will cause its organs and nerves to be infected, because the infection is not transmitted through these substances.

By studying a large amount of data, it is also becoming more and more aware of the source of infection. In the description of the bus nerve, Lin found it... It is not certain that the source of the infection is water polo. But it believes that the source of infection has a lot to do with water polo.

However, the initial collapse...not caused by the water polo, it confirms this, and the source of the infection is there before the water polo appears.

The bus nerve said that it believed that the source of the infection was a ... channel, which led to somewhere.

There are many different statements about where it leads, such as another void...

Micromachines call that place ... ‘unpredictable land.’

Speaking of this, Lin found that the bus bus nerves are indeed very similar to the micro-machines. Micro-mechanical claims that water polo attracts fear energy from the 'unforeseen place'.

Then, as it stands now, the position of the water polo is the passage to the unforeseen land, but it is not made by the water polo. The passage may be there very early, but the water polo later ran to that position and used this passage. Only.

They seem to do a lot of things with the ‘characteristics’ of this channel, they bring in the energy of fear, which seems to be “convergence consciousness”.

If the water polo is really the gathering place of the creators, then this is indeed in line with their ideas.

“They use the source of infection... to spread their pollution.”

The bus nerve said that it also thinks so.

The collapse itself is a disease that can affect multiple star buses at great distances. In addition to the effect of the disease itself, its transmission seems to be quite powerful.

Because it can travel very far, and it seems that you don't need anything to spread as a medium...

I don't know how water polo is done, but they use this function, or learn this technique. There are many kinds of sayings, and there is only one effect, that is, affecting living things from a distance.

The water polo does not target the star bus, but targets other creatures.

Under their influence, nearby creatures have anomalies, as happened on the capture ship, those creatures are mutating, and the water polo can manipulate the mutations at will to mutate them into the form they want.

Bus nerves call this ‘pollution’.

And this pollution has spread to this place where it used to be a safe area.

Because the bus originally found that the source of infection transmitted by ... direction, it will not affect the safe area next to it, but now this has changed, perhaps the infection of the water polo is not affected by this direction, or what The reason for this is that the creatures here are beginning to change.

The initial impact was small and it began to increase slowly. The bus nerve thought that the creatures in the gravitational sphere had been affected, even those whose organs... it had no way to do anything.

It thinks it should destroy everything here, and nothing can stay.

Except for one thing, that is...

"If possible, please take it with me... bring me the same kind."

The bus nerve is going to give this thing to Lynn. This ‘thing’ is all the information it has collected here.

Regarding the source of the infection, there is also a question about water polo, although it has no way to do anything with this information, but if there are other stars, there will be a way.

"Have you ever contacted the same kind before?"

Therefore, Lin issued a question. (To be continued.)

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