They actually came here?

In the 'view' of Lin and the bus nerves, in addition to the jellyfish that had blown off the head, there was a large mass of meat.

These things are alien soldiers, and they suddenly appear here a lot after the explosion. They are all the most basic kind of soldiers, and there are at least a thousand.

Obviously, they are transmitted to this location, because they have to go through many biological territories, and their troops still have no way to come directly.

"According to the Void Law." A different soldier said: "You need to break down the threatening thing now, or give it to us to break down."

That heterogeneity refers to the bus nerves that the mechanical spiders are holding. They are also here to say the void method. This is really interesting.

But their mental state apparently gave a deeper variation. They were still in a state of not knowing the bus nerves, and now regard it as a threat.

"There is no such void law." Lynn said to them: "You must prove that this is a threat."

"This is a new void law." The alien said: "The weak things must obey the instructions of the powerful things without any conditions, otherwise they will be destroyed, and now begin to count down.??"

‘咕’ is almost equal to half a second, which means that they will attack after half a second.

‘嗡’ But before the end of half a second, Lynn felt a special signal, spread out on the bus nerve.

"We were attacked! Hurry up defense! Defense!" At the moment that was affected by this signal, the surrounding heterogeneous group suddenly became crazy, and they began to shoot around.

Although there was nothing there, they were shooting there, and countless lights illuminate the dark area.

"Come on, just now." The bus nerve once again passed on its message of weakness to Lin. Lin then looked at the front, and there was a lot of inside from the head of the blown jellyfish. The gushing viscera is floating, and many of them are rotten. But one of them remains intact, and that is the durian-like internal organs.

The bus nerve seems to be unable to move now, and Lin estimates that it was previously moved by controlling the gravitational organs, but this control is not stable.

then. Lin took it to the organ quickly, and the light emitted by the different kinds of lights shone around, but fortunately, there was no attack in this direction.

A few seconds later, the robot spider took the bus nerve to the organ and the spider immediately released the bus nerve. Look at it and plan to dig this organ.

'boom! ‘But under a shock, Lin felt that the mechanical spider had flew out and stabilized the body after a few turns in the void.

It was the reason that a different kind of collision came over. It suddenly rushed over and threw the mechanical spider out.

"Kill them! Kill them!" The alien is still in an abnormal state, and it is shooting wildly without aim.

The remaining mechanical spiders immediately rushed over. They ignored the alien, but they were almost pushed away by the durian-like organs they shot. Other mechanical spiders took the bus to fly away.

Lin can't attack these aliens now, or they will be targeted. They can only avoid them and let the bus nerves complete the final fusion.

Heterogeneous state

That is mainly because of their conflict in the brain.

Lin knows the current situation of heterogeneity, because the devices that detect the brain are still in some different kinds of brains, although those heterogeneous are now located in the base, not mixed in the aliens sent here, but the heterogeneous because of the rapid exchange of thinking, so It is also possible to judge their condition from the heterogeneity in the base.

When the aliens first appeared here, Lin had a new task in their brains.

This task is obviously not the one that the stellar bus once set for them, but the new one. The main content is to let the strangers come here.

And grab this bus nerve. Split it off.

If you can't do it, destroy it, no matter which one you just complete, so they will come here. It's just that this task is not so coercive in their minds, that is, it will not force them to complete immediately, but will give more space to their own thinking space, so they will be free to mention the void method.

But just after the bus nerve suddenly released a signal, this signal also gave a new task to the heterogeneous

The task is to let them think that there are countless enemy forces hidden in the void, and they must be solved immediately. At the same time, these two tasks lead to heterogeneous thinking conflicts, so the situation is now happening, they are madly attacking everywhere.

Lin's mechanical spider flew into the remaining body of the jellyfish with the bus nerve.

You won't be affected by the mad shooting of the aliens here, and you can quickly get the bus nerves together.

"I have already given you the location of that information, find it, then take it away."

Before the final nerve touched, the bus nerve said to Lin.

"I will destroy everything with everything here."

"Wait." Lynn said to it: "You want to destroy it with this place, actually to avoid the waterball get the creatures in your body after reshaping?"

"They may have a lot of them who can survive even after the destruction, and then leave here," Lin said.

The destruction of the bus nerves should be similar to the collapse phenomenon, so it is true that some creatures can escape.

"They don't matter." Bus nerves said: "Pollution is not 'contagious'. After leaving its sphere of influence, they can also live as ordinary creatures, but the variability caused by pollution will always accompany them. ”

After that, the nerves of the bus merged together.

However, it takes a while for the integration. During this time, Lin observed a little bit of the situation outside. The group of aliens has almost ended this state of madness, because the conflict of tasks does not always continue in their minds. The temporary task that the nerves sent to the aliens quickly disappeared.

But even if they return to normal, it doesn't matter, because their previous mad attack has been noticed by the creature 'stag beetle' here, the locust's troops came here and attacked the aliens.

This makes them indifferent to this, the fusion of bus nerves is slowly approaching the completion stage (to be continued.)

Go to the cloud. Come to the pavilion to get the view.]

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