"Now play an important message..."

Here is the virtual city of the imaginary people. Here, the imaginary people still live a life without any feelings and without any change.

Until ... change to find them.

“The environment has changed dramatically recently. The balance of gravity that has been maintained here will disappear. All floating debris will collide, so we must leave this area and all residents must be prepared.”

At the moment the news came out, Atlan was silent here.

This silence lasted about ten seconds, and then they began to act collectively.

They all act in the same direction, that is... where the leader is, they quickly pass through the passages in the city and reach the office of the leader.

Before gathering at the door of the office, Atlan, who stood at the front, said to the door of the office: "The information you just transmitted is inaccurate, there is no description of the occurrence of time, and evidence of the occurrence, but the content of the speech is It will make the people feel confused and uneasy. We have the right to ask you to explain the matter completely. If there is no explanation, then your behavior will be considered as intentional spreading of panic. We must compensate us... and, you It will also not be able to continue to serve as the leader."

Although this Atlan said a lot, but there was no sound in the door of the leader, and there was no reaction.

Because the news just... was not issued by the leader. At this time, in the office, there is another 'biological' besides the leader.

"According to the Void Law, you have now committed a felony. Not only attack and kidnap me. It also publishes panic news. Why do you want to do this, what do you want to get? We can trade peacefully without needing to provoke war... ”

In one corner of the office, the leader who was glued to the ground kept talking, and it spoke to a mechanical octopus in the center of the office.

The mechanical octopus is using the broadcast device in the office to send information to the entire Netherland City of Atlan, the effect is like Lin thinks, these Atlan certainly will not take action to escape immediately.

But after all, it was published from the leader, so they will be very concerned. And all of them ran here to ask, there must be a lot of Atlan will pay attention to the outside situation, when they notice that the floating objects here are no longer stable, when they start to collide, then there will be thoughts of wanting to run.

Lin is not just for the Atlanes, but also for other creatures here. On the capture ship's battleship, Lynn makes a relatively large 'broadcasting device' and broadcasts to the ruins of the creature.

From the bus nerve, Lin learned about the communication methods used by most of the creatures here. Using this kind of broadcast will allow most creatures to receive information.

The purpose of Lynn’s doing this is of course to let them escape from here because the creatures here are rich and interesting. They make up a very special environment, so whenever possible, find ways to make them alive.

Although Lynn feels that the number of people who can survive will not be much, but in any case, let them tell them what will happen here.

Now, inside the gravitational ball...

The troops sent by the heterogeneous are still fighting here and the surrounding creatures, and the number of them is increasing. The heterogeneous is continuously sending a large number of troops here.

They seem to want to occupy this area, but no different kind of flying to attack mechanical spiders or fusion nerves...

Lin's mechanical spider, in the body of the jellyfish, looks at the ganglion of the stellar bus to complete the final fusion.

Maybe because it is the last relationship, it is much slower than before, but it is not very slow...

It is now approaching the stage of completion, and unlike before, it can communicate when it is not finished.

"Our population... would thank you for everything you did." The bus's nerves said to Lin: "When you find my kind... maybe they will reward."

"But I am not sure... what will they do, and my mission has been completed, and I will now destroy it with my remodeled body..."

At the end of its discourse, the nerves are completely integrated.

At this point, Lynn can also detect that it will send a signal to the surroundings... It seems that it is finally starting.

"This..." However, the bus nerves suddenly stopped and the signal disappeared.

"They are obstructing me..." Bus nerves: "They block the process I control! They..."

"Blocked?" Lynn let a mechanical spider fly to the head of the jellyfish to be blasted and look out, only to see a lot of ... special alien troops.

These heterogeneous troops look like a big piece of meat. They are more than ten meters in diameter and are numerous in number, as if they were completely wrapped in the whole jellyfish.

They seem to use this type of arms, blocking the signal transmission of the bus nerves, so to solve them, they must be solved, but ... may not be easy to complete.

At the moment Lin thought so, suddenly ‘see’ to some... information.

These data come from the heterogeneous detectors with Lin's detectors in the brain... Lin found that they suddenly “entered” a large amount of information into the detector.

These materials are the data of the current meat-like arms. They are specially produced for the isolation of signals. But these arms have a weakness, that is, they have an organ that has a brain-like function and Positions close to the skin, as long as they hit them, the arms will have neurological problems.

"Solve... they."

At the end of the document, Lynn also saw some ‘speaks’, which can also be said to be similar to requests.

It turns out that...Lin now understands why they will keep the spiders in their brains all the time... the aliens are doing this deliberately.

Heterogeneous species should have long noticed their own anomalies, knowing that they have been polluted by water polo, their characters have mutated, and their tasks have also mutated.

However, they still retain some of their own ideas. They may think or know that Lynn's mechanical spiders are new species and they are not polluted themselves, so they may have this idea... just want mechanical spiders to stop them. Abnormal behavior.

Therefore, it is only after the mechanical spiders can receive their memories, but the heterogeneous has no way to control their behavior on the surface. It may be that the mechanical spiders continue to receive the memories of some of them.

Later they may also know that the mechanical spider has contact with the nerves of the bus.

In fact, this group of aliens has always been ... loyal to the stellar bus, and also want to help the stellar bus to complete things.

Their consciousness may not be completely 'pollution', and they may end up using some of the original thoughts left over to transmit the information of this unit to the mechanical spider.

Thinking, Lin asked the mechanical spider to lift the weapon and aim at the arms that were floating outside, and then... oh! ’

The first piece of meat was hit, and it looked nothing at the moment it was hit, but after a second it began to wriggle like crazy and then flew away from its original position.

Lin believes that in fact, these units do not need to be surrounded, only need to have a sufficient number around and release some information, which can block the signal.

But after being hit, they stop blocking because of nerve damage.

Next, Lin continued to shoot the surrounding units, and the units that were hit were scattered, and the encirclement formed by them also showed loopholes.

However, the number of them is still a lot, and the bus nerve still can't send out the information.

Several alien soldiers flew from the hole and they fired the mechanical spider the moment they flew in.

Under a shining light, the body of the mechanical spider was shot through, but the mechanical spider continued to shoot at the unit.

Because they were not hit, the mechanical spiders continued to maintain their movements. Under the shooting, the loopholes became larger and larger, but the mechanical spider failed to continue shooting for too long.

More soldiers flew in, their rays completely destroyed the mechanical spiders, and they continued to fly to the jellyfish, seemingly trying to kill the remaining mechanical spiders.

In the body of jellyfish, Lynn's seven mechanical spiders are all here, and Lynn feels that... some methods are needed to make them work.

The seven mechanical spiders left one next to the bus nerves, and the other six left the bus nerves and flew outward.

Thirty different soldiers, also flew outside at this time.

The first mechanical spider rushed straight up, and it was instantly hit by the light of the soldiers, turning into a violent...explosive light.

At the time of the brilliance of the explosion, the remaining five mechanical spiders continued to move forward, flying past the explosion point and flying over the alien soldiers...

At the same time, two mechanical spiders were hit, but at the moment they were hit, they also turned into dazzling brilliance.

Under the cover of the explosion, three mechanical spiders came outside the body of the self-contained jellyfish and fired at the arms that blocked the model.

Each of them shot only one target, and the three units that were hit swayed away from their original position, and the loopholes became larger, but Lynn also saw... more soldiers flew over.

They obviously want to solve these mechanical spiders.

But it doesn't matter anymore...

The signal of the bus nerve was once again felt by Lin, and it seems that the loopholes created by the last three were enough for the bus nerve to spread the signal. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks to ~o, 1994~5888!

Thank you ~o day 1994~ past style, ~ listen to the snow ah ~ monthly ticket ~

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