4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 996: When the crash occurs

'boom! ’

The roar is constantly echoing.

The floating debris is no longer stable, they are moving, from the initial slow speed, slowly increasing to very high speed, and colliding with the surrounding debris, giving a huge noise to Lin.

There may be no sounds for other creatures, but this scene also makes them full of fear. Countless creatures escape from the various wrecks that have been hidden in the past and quickly fly to places where they feel safe.

However, there are collisions everywhere, where can they hide?

Lin’s mechanical force is watching this... the end of the ... in the ruins of the void.

The mechanical forces on the capture ship can see the general situation of the entire ruin, and the situation outside the gravitational ball has always been very stable.

However, it is completely different now.

The wrecks that have remained motionless have begun to move and have collided with the recent wreckage.

Under their impact, it can be seen that many small things escaped from the inside and floated toward the edge of the ruins, but many creatures were caught in the middle of the wreckage before they fled...

The same is true of the Nether City including Atlan.

It floated in countless wrecks, and now it has been hit by large and small wrecks around. The shape of these things makes the Nether City not really hurt, but the number of them makes the whole city tremble.

If it continues for a while, it may be knocked out of the crack and the entire outer shell will also break.

The Atlans who understood this had already opened the propulsion unit of the Void City and all the weapons, and they flew to the edge while breaking the threatened wreckage.

While watching them. Lin also felt that the 'ground' under the mechanical forces was shaking. The warship of this catcher is about to be involved in this collision...

Lin did not let the troops leave. Instead, let them stay here and continue to observe.

At the same time... the other side.

On the surface of the gravitational ball, Lynn can see a different scene from the outside.

Some of the mechanical spiders of Lin came to the surface of the gravitational ball. Here, the ground of the gravitational ball was seen as a huge crack like a broken piece. The numerous wreckage in the sky fell like a meteorite, and it hit heavily. Gravitational ball surface.

Every impact can inspire countless dust that does not fall back to the ground. Instead, it floats around.

Countless creatures living here are also running away from the heights.

Among them are the 'submarine' and 'light-by-lighter' that Linde knows. The creatures who originally wanted to move on the ground, now have to fly and then flee to the distance.

I don't know if they can survive...

At the same time... the other side.

Within the gravitational sphere, the last mechanical spider is on the bus with the nerves of the bus, and together they 'watch' the inner space of the dark gravitational sphere.

Every second, Lin can detect countless impacts here, and countless wrecks are colliding with each other. The huge wreckage became smaller because of the collision, and the small wreckage collided again into a broken piece... Lin stopped the sound of simulating them. It is just here to observe the impact of the environment quietly.

The aliens and various creatures that had been fighting here were also gone, and a few huge wrecks floating around dispelled them, but Lin could still see many different kinds of soldiers evading and smashing between the wreckage of the impact. The enemy forces around.

There are many creatures like 'hornbills', but they are called locusts. They are one of the creatures that fight the aliens, but these creatures have no idea of ​​wanting to continue fighting. Every individual is trying to escape from this company. The place where the wreckage is going crazy.

Looking at the scenery here, Lin asked the nerves of the bus: "No one hits here, is this what you did?"

"This is temporary..." Bus nerves: "Because... I still have something to say to you."

"Before, you mentioned that you arrived at that place, are you?" Bus nerves: "That... where we collapsed."

In the process of chatting before, Lin and the bus nerve said something about the floating rock, and also said the gel creatures there.

"I didn't care about the creatures there, but I know that place..." The bus nerve said... while sending out some 'images'.

In these images, some creatures appear, and Lynn can see them. They are heterogeneous and gel creatures.

Although they look alike, there are still many different places, such as... the color of the skin.

"They are also my products, but their fate is a little different..." Bus nerves: "In our...the land of collapse, the creatures living in it are free, not like here." Heterogeneous 'same as a large number of tasks.'

"They lived freely, but they never left that place, the place that consists of our ... bodies." Bus nerves: "They...have been protecting us, even if they die."

"Is that place as it is here?" Lin asked.

"No, it's totally different from here. It's a 'wish' before we die..." Bus nerve said: "Because we know that the action to stop the collapse is likely to... failure, so that all of us Creatures will also be destroyed along with us."

"We don't want this to happen...so we think, if it fails, at least after the collapse...the bodies we left behind...can be a part of the creature's habitat."

"That is the area that you call the 'floating rock land', the main reason for the formation." Bus nerve said: "It formed, indicating that we did not completely fail ... we are not completely unable to stop the collapse."

"We still blocked part of the 'collapse', so we can make that place. Many of our former creatures still live there..." Bus nerve said: "This is a very happy thing for me... ""

"But, it is now in danger." Bus nerves: "You mentioned before... a thing called a micromachine, and something called ... fear energy."

"I still know a little about them." Bus nerve said: "'Fear energy' is something that the original waterball wants to use... to help them spread pollution, but this action is not successful, so the fear energy is also left in the void. ""

"But it... wants to return to the original place." (To be continued.)

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