4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 997: End and continue

"Escaped here, it should be safe. Look at it?"

Here is in the void, ethereal, vast, Atlan's Void City, now floating in this place.

There is no wreckage around it, because there is a long distance from the ruins of countless wreckage.

Its body is covered with a lot of scars, and there are many pits that have been hit. These are the evidence that it fled from the ruined place.

Although it has suffered a lot of damage, it is still intact, so it can fly so far.

And those creatures in the Nether City

They may not be as good as the Void City.

Lin's mechanical octopus is now in the Nether City, where Lynn can see the sights that have been seen in the Capturer's battleships floating around with all sorts of things, as well as Atlan's body.

The reason for this is very simple. When flying out of the ruins of the balance collapse, the Nether City suffered a serious impact. Although it did not destroy important parts such as the engine, several impacts caused internal air leakage. The gravitational device here, as well as the temperature maintenance system, were damaged.

This caused such a sight, but because the engine did not have a bad relationship, the Void City kept flying and flew away from the ruins. After flying far enough, it stopped in the void.

Not all of Atlan is dead, because the various areas of the Nether City are separated, so some areas remain intact, even in some areas that have been hit, as long as the reaction is fast enough to survive, For example, it.

"They are all dead." Next to the mechanical octopus, Atlan, named Rosali, looked at the object floating in front of her eyes and said, "As I did before, why do I always encounter this kind of thing."

Rosali was in the trap of the battleship, but before the crash, Lin brought it to it, and actually it asked for it.

"Because of the void, everything has no fixed rules of operation." There is another Atlan beside Rosali. This Atlan looked at countless corpses of the same kind and said with no expression: "This place has been destroyed, but we are still alive and still have unlimited possibilities."

These unfeeling Atlan is very disgusted by Rosali in peacetime. But now it is inspired by its words: "Yeah, you are right."

"Yes, we think we should collect enough food first. After we leave the ruins, the food should be very scarce, so we must save the use of these foods very much. At the same time, we have to collect these corpses when they are still fresh. We must collect all possible corpses to make canned food, which should allow us to support for a long time."

"You" Rosali glanced at the same kind of body that floated around, and the expression suddenly became weird. Lin felt that there should be mixed feelings like nausea and sadness.

"You actually want to eat them? Actually want it." It seems that it has not been able to continue.

"I feel incredible about your reaction." The Atlane said with a blank expression: "There are so many meats that are not used to preserve food. It is an extremely stupid idea. Obviously, among us, I am more intelligent. So I think you should obey my management and follow my orders."

“With enough food, we can make future generations, and the quantity must be precisely controlled, not too much, but not too little. We must keep food consumption within the scope of permission. We will rebuild our "The population." Atlan said: "If you have any objections, you can continue to raise them, but I don't recommend consuming energy here, we must act."

"" Rosary did not say anything. Instead, I looked at the mechanical octopus.

"This alien creature, if you want to participate in our actions, I am not against it, but you should also obey my orders." Atlan told the mechanical octopus.

"No." Mechanical octopus should say: "Do not join you."

"I only observe here."

"Then you shouldn't have any unusual moves." After Atlan said it. Then he said to Rosali: "Come on, take action and go to the place where you can store food."

"Roussari did not speak, but it also followed Atlan to the distance.

Whether they can be displayed, it is also very interesting, in fact, not only are they two alive. There are also some Atlan in this space, they are also thinking about various methods and exhibitions, of course, they also have the idea of ​​making the same kind of corpse into canned meat.

This can indeed get a lot of food, but there will be some problems. In short, they can survive. The biggest trouble is how to live in the future.

Now, Lin is not only concerned about Atlan's Void City, there are many, many places like ruins.

The collapse of the ruins continued, and many of Linde’s mechanical units had reached the edge of the ruins and observed at some safer locations.

It can be seen that the various floating objects in the ruins are still moving and colliding continuously. The whole ruins are like a continuous storm. The wreckage is getting smaller and smaller because of the constant collision. Finally, they don’t know that they will change. What it looks like

The gravitational ball in the center of the ruins is still halfway.

It looks so wonderful that the surface of the original gravitational ball collapses one by one, and the pieces that have escaped are mixed into the wreckage around them, colliding with them.

Under the continuation of this situation, the surface of the gravitational ball slowly broke down and turned into countless pieces.

But I don't know why, the side of the gravitational ball is much faster than the other side, so the scene is now, half of the sphere disappears, leaving only the other half slowly cracking.

It’s like watching a half hollow tumbling person in the wreck of a remnant storm, it feels quite wonderful.

Now, from the section, you can see the hollow interior. In addition to the scattered debris, there are many things like airplanes moving outward.

It seems that because half of the gravitational ball has disappeared, the internal creatures have the opportunity to escape. Most of them are creatures with higher intelligence and fighting with different species.

But from there, they have a long distance from here, I don’t know if they can escape successfully.

However, there are indeed a lot of creatures that have escaped from the entire ruins, mainly because they have previously broadcast messages to them. Even if they did not immediately decide to flee when they played, they will have some psychological preparations. When the events are born, they also Can react quickly.

As for the aliens, they don't seem to want to escape, they have been left in the rubble and continue their battle.

‘Hang’lin can still see the light of the explosion that illuminates in the ruins. This is not caused by the wreckage, but the aliens are attacking those creatures.

They are now attacking the escaped bio-vehicles, and although their conditions have become quite dangerous, they continue to do so.

Lin felt that they would eventually be destroyed with this ruin.

This ruin is almost over, but there are still many problems that have not been solved, such as the previous bus that gave Lin some things.

Bus nerves have been collecting a lot of information here. The data includes things about water polo, as well as the history of gravitational balls. It can be said that it is the only thing that has survived for so long. The most important thing is thing.

And this thing is not in the gravitation ball or the ruins.

The bus nerve has told Lin its position, and this position is in the distant space, according to its description, it needs to fly in one direction to arrive.

Why is it so far away, it is not clearly stated.

But this does not need to transmit anything, just need to fly all the time, so a team of Lin is flying in this direction.

This unit consists of a square with a length, width and height of more than 30 meters and a hundred and one meter long mechanical spider.

This box is the 'factory' responsible for making spiders, and the other spiders are the ones that Lynn used to use.

They have already flown a long distance, and now they are moving under a void, but I don’t know how long it will take, because the bus is only sending directions, there is no accurate position, so

That thing is

A thousand kilometers away, Lin suddenly saw something. This thing suddenly appeared. It was not there before. It felt like it was being transmitted.

This thing, Lin is very familiar with

It is the cub of the Void Bus.

The cub on the catcher's battleship, but the cub flew out of the battleship because of the cracking of the wall, then flew into the ruins, and never saw it again.

Why does it suddenly appear so far away?

However, this cub did not have the ability to fly in the void, so it was only able to constantly move and struggle. Lin accelerated and flew over. The distance of a thousand kilometers was not very far. Soon, Lin approached the cub and then Let the mechanical spider surround it.

'Snapped! The cub disappeared instantly, and it instantly appeared in a place 100 meters away from the encirclement.

It seems to be transmitted. Lin remembers that it does not transmit organs. Is it the ability to 'learn' the transmission in the ruins?

But it seems that it is not far away. Lin once again let the mechanical spiders get up. The youngsters disappeared again, but only appeared 60 meters away.

Getting closer and closer (to be continued.)

Ps: Thank you ooo 1994 for 1oooo!

Thanks to the mouse for the reward of the cat bed.

Thank you o ticket for 1994go2go

Go to the cloud. Come to the pavilion to get the view.]

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